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Because, America

Mr King

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Wow, my TN Signal to noise ratio went up to a useful ratio by putting just one person on ignore.

Use sparingly. Don't use it to silence those with whom you disagree - but do use it to silence those who are simply trolling. Never silence/ignore one who makes a principled argument with which you merely disagree.


I have a few on ignore too.

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One key question for me - which I have not been able to resolve to my satisfaction is - was there a significant presence from the right in Charlotsville that wasn't Nazi/white-supremacist? Was Trump right about that, or was he just blowing smoke?

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Well, as a conservative living in Virginia, the first I knew of *anything* happening in c-ville was after the fact. I have connections on the left and on the right, and caught nothing about it until it was done. I'm not saying there wasn't a conservative presence there, but I didn't hear of any from my circles.

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One key question for me - which I have not been able to resolve to my satisfaction is - was there a significant presence from the right in Charlotsville that wasn't Nazi/white-supremacist? Was Trump right about that, or was he just blowing smoke?

Arguably the Threepers are a mix of good and not so good folks.


Then there's the Oath Keepers who were there to try to keep the peace. I know several folks who work with the oath keepers. They're standup folks.


I don't doubt that there were people with genuine and non-anti-US sentiment on both sides. Their voices were just drowned out by the radicals and the violent radicals.


As much as I hate Antifa, there are elements (larger or smaller) who go to the same events that antifa and the black block go to whom are genuinely kind people. They just get painted with the guilt by association issue.


I'm waiting on this monument in Atlanta to be vandalized or worse removed. I have no sympathy with the KKK or Neo-Nazi's political stance. But the idea of this monument being removed for political reasons makes me quite angry.



When/if it happens, the proponents are going to have spent a lot of political capital best spent elsewhere. I'm going to be less inclined to favor their side and I will be less inclined to compromise with them on anything else politically. What's all the more infuriating is that at the end of the day, Atlanta will still have an awful school system, with a second rate police force, a high homicide rate and questionable government.


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History leaving...



Interesting body language.


Seems like it is spreading into society



My god, this poor kid. Totally helpless, with his AR-15 slung over his shoulder. Scarred for life. :(


Story behind the photo http://www.dailyprogress.com/news/local/n-c-man-in-confederate-uniform-with-rifle-in-emancipation/article_8fece36c-81c8-11e7-9a3c-bb3e2637cc8d.html

Girl is local, boy is from N Carolina

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NY Times Reporter Admits Antifa Protesters In Charlottesville Were 'Hate-Filled' And Violent Before Left Forces Her To Backtrack


"A few wrap-it-up thoughts from Charlottesville: 1. Striking how many of the white nationalists were young people, almost entirely men," she wrote in a series of tweets Sunday. "2. The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right. I saw club-wielding 'antifa' beating white nationalists being led out of the park


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Looks like the forum doesn't want me to post new threads about astronomical phenomena, so in here it goes.



So, who's seeing the eclipse next week?
Any place in the path of totality on the map will be inside the umbra and will have 100% occultation.
If you have any chance to travel there on monday, get going.
I witnessed the 1999 central Europe eclipse and the 2015 partial, and it's totally worth it. One of the most amazing natural phenomena we're able to witness, and probably a once or maybe twice in a lifetime experience. :)
Edited by Der Zeitgeist
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I saw the eclipse on 30 May, '84 in Montgomery AL. The day was clear so I got to see the whole thing. I had access to a welder's mask so was able to see the eclipse itself. The secondary effects of darkness with stars becoming visible and cooling was what impressed me the most.


Part of me would like an overcast Monday, to see a different perspective, but that would cheat the people who weren't around in '84.

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Wouldn't blaming a certain group for the violence that led to death and the accused as a member of that group prejudice any potential jury? If the President was going to say that the individual was guilty be such tampering.

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Wouldn't blaming a certain group for the violence that led to death and the accused as a member of that group prejudice any potential jury? If the President was going to say that the individual was guilty be such tampering.


Never stopped Obama.....

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Which is why the left is frothing at the mouth. Wait for the fucking facts before you open your pie hole and commit to a hard conclusion.

Edited by rmgill
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I saw the eclipse on 30 May, '84 in Montgomery AL. The day was clear so I got to see the whole thing. I had access to a welder's mask so was able to see the eclipse itself. The secondary effects of darkness with stars becoming visible and cooling was what impressed me the most.


Part of me would like an overcast Monday, to see a different perspective, but that would cheat the people who weren't around in '84.


The 1984 eclipse was an annular eclipse, so you will definitely see the difference on monday, when it gets almost totally dark. During the last few seconds, it's really chilling, as if the sun just goes out, like the dimmer on a light switch.


When it's overcast, you will see the shadow rolling in on the horizon, and then it looks like some kind of simultaneous dusk and dawn, it's really weird and hard to describe. :)




These two videos show the effects quite well, although the automatic exposure compensation on the cameras makes it very hard to film.



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Is it true that one can hear the moon creaking past?


Huh, are you serious? :)


No, you can't hear anything. Maybe the wind picking up a little, and, as Shep described, you can notice it's getting chilly with the lack of sunlight. I didn't notice the birds falling silent, but there were always a lot of people oooohing and aaaaahing around, so that would have been hard to hear.

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Der Zeitgeist, where I was, the eclipse was pretty much total. It seemed to be full dark, with stars visible. Thinking about it, I really wish my flight status was current; the shadow effects should be really interesting from the air.

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The ACLU helped these neo-nazi types exercise their right to demonstrate in Charlottesville and get blamed by Governor of Virginia for the violence:





ACLU of Virginia Response to Governor’s Allegations that ACLU is Responsible for Violence in Charlottesville
August 14, 2017

RICHMOND, Va. – On National Public Radio’s Morning Edition today, Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe blamed the ACLU for the violence that took place on Saturday in Charlottesville.

“The City of Charlottesville asked for that to be moved out of Downtown Charlottesville to a park about a mile and a half away to a park with a lot of open fields. That was the place where it should have been,” McAuliffe said. “We were unfortunately sued by the ACLU. The judge ruled against us. That rally should not have been in the middle of Downtown.”


The ACLU of Virginia’s Executive Director Claire G. Gastanaga had the following response:

“We are horrified by the violence that took place in Charlottesville on Saturday and the tragic loss of life that resulted from it. The ACLU of Virginia does not support violence. We do not support Nazis. We support the Constitution and laws of the United States. We would be eager to work with the governor and the attorney general on efforts to ensure that public officials understand their rights and obligations under the law.

“But let’s be clear: our lawsuit challenging the city to act constitutionally did not cause violence nor did it in any way address the question whether demonstrators could carry sticks or other weapons at the events.

“We asked the city to adhere to the U.S. Constitution and ensure people’s safety at the protest. It failed to do so. In our system, the city makes the rules and the courts enforce them. Our role is to ensure that the system works the same for everyone.

“In the weeks after the July 8 protests, the city (working with the governor and others) had ample opportunity to put together a case and present it in court on its own motion justifying the revocation of the permit and the imposition of a prior restraint on speech. If the judge in our case had been presented with any credible evidence or testimony by the city of an imminent threat of harm (other than a list of internet entries) or evidence that the change in permit would, in fact, result in no demonstration in downtown Charlottesville, I have confidence that he would have denied the injunction, and the city would have been faced with enforcing the change of venue and protecting demonstrators and counter-demonstrators in two locations.

“Instead, the city’s pleadings said that its decision to revoke the permit was based primarily on the unmanageable numbers of people who would show up. An affidavit from the police chief said that they expected twice as many counter-protesters (2,000) as protesters (1,000). Yet, the city did not revoke the permits for the counter-protesters, too. In light of those facts, the judge couldn’t get beyond the fact that the city hadn’t revoked all permits for demonstrations downtown on Saturday.

“It is the responsibility of law enforcement to ensure safety of both protesters and counter-protesters. The policing on Saturday was not effective in preventing violence. I was there and brought concerns directly to the secretary of public safety and the head of the Virginia State Police about the way that the barricades in the park limiting access by the arriving demonstrators and the lack of any physical separation of the protesters and counter-protesters on the street were contributing to the potential of violence. They did not respond. In fact, law enforcement was standing passively by, seeming to be waiting for violence to take place, so that they would have grounds to declare an emergency, declare an ‘unlawful assembly’ and clear the area.

“Rather than seeking to scapegoat the ACLU of Virginia and the Rutherford Institute for the devastating events on Saturday, it is my firm hope and desire that the governor and other state and local officials will learn from this past weekend how constitutionally to prevent events like the horror we saw in Charlottesville from ever happening again.”



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There is a rally in Boston on Saturday 19 August with a few of the same speakers that were at Charlottesville. The BPD plans on very different tactics, using community policing, and separation to prevent violence.


Curious to see how it pans out.

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There is a rally in Boston on Saturday 19 August with a few of the same speakers that were at Charlottesville. The BPD plans on very different tactics, using community policing, and separation to prevent violence.


Curious to see how it pans out.

I'm betting on a Antifa KO by the BPD in the third round. Unless the free speech protestors come wearing Montreal Canadian jerseys.


For all the crying and wailing by the media Trump was telling the truth which even though unpopular most people See it. It will probably die down in a couple of days as it is not having the desired effect the media wants amongst the general population.

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Well I have decided to do something about the situation. Accordingly I will collect all 1$ 5$ 10$ and $20 bills collected in all TN wallets for Disposal. I feel certain that TN would not want these bills (and the waycist Presidents they represent ) cluttering up their wallets. Your support is appreciated. ^_^

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“All over the United States, we recognize him as a great leader of men, as a great general. But, also, all over the United States I believe that we recognize him as something much more important than that. We recognize Robert E. Lee as one of our greatest American Christians and one of our greatest American gentlemen.”

- Franklin Delano Roosevelt -(Liberal Hero at the dedication of his statue in Dallas TX 1936)

Edited by Mike Steele
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Well I have decided to do something about the situation. Accordingly I will collect all 1$ 5$ 10$ and $20 bills collected in all TN wallets for Disposal. I feel certain that TN would not want these bills (and the waycist Presidents they represent ) cluttering up their wallets. Your support is appreciated. ^_^

As much as I would help your Nobel cause all my $1 bills depcting that slave owner are donated to single unwed mothers.

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