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About CT96

  • Birthday September 5

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    Northern Virginia
  • Interests
    Miltary History, Geopolitics, Computers

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  2. Dehumanization of the Other is a necessary precondition for the civil war too many on the extreme (and growing to be moderate) on both sides seem to want. When one is the object of dehumanization efforts for long enough, one starts to use the same language, same methods in response. I can't tell you what the ultimate results of this trend will be, but we have some hints from history. Nobody will come out winners. All will lose. And most will regret not taking whatever opportunity they missed to avoid it.
  3. Oh, it is very clear when he gets Amygdala Hijacked. I only have to see the post after post after post after post after post after post (probably at about the posting rate limit) to see that he's REEEEeeeeeing. Others do it too, but not nearly as bad. You can hold a position well to the "Left" of the Grate Site "Center"* without being a raging asshole on an amygdala hijack trip (Stuart Galbraith does this well, to name one. I may not agree with him, but I respect that he is arguing honestly). *The "Center" here is quite a bit to the "Right" by most normal metrics, so take the labels as relative not absolute.
  4. I'm seriously not convinced you are not a GRU agent here to sew anti-American discord. Because it is more disturbing if you are not. Has anyone here actually met Paul? I had Murph added when I was on FB. I may not have met him the other day upon the stairs in a place that neither of us were.
  5. honestly, that is the most idiotic critique of "the wall" it boils down to It can't work 100% of the time, so we shouldn't do it at all. Do you apply this in literally *any* other area of life? Does anyone? Seatbelts won't save all lives in every car accident, so we shouldn't have them in cars. Vaccines don't prevent all possible diseases, so we shouldn't get any. No. Nobody does that. You may be against the wall. Fine. Lots of people are. But this argument against it? 100% stupid. Stop making it. Make a _real_ argument. Propose a solution that addresses the real issue, that doesn't involve yelling "Shut Up You Racist"
  6. That degree and a few bucks can buy you a cup of coffee. I don't care about your degree (or lack their of). I care about your ability to THINK. (not pointed at you Sunday, I *know* that you can think)
  7. Solid Answers: 1) Until the world actually stops spinning, we will continue on the assumption that it will continue. To do otherwise is to invite despair. We strive to make the world a better place for our children and our grandchildren. 2) Rather than apply some arbitrary cap to wealth or income or property or intelligence, let us instead find ways to incentiveize those who are "better off" to "give back" to their community, their country, and their planet. You CAN save the world AND get rich doing it. That's the American Way. 3) Any living person who lived under Slavery in States or Territories of the United States are owed due compensation. Those responsible and enabling it should face maximum penalties under the law. Further, we should strive harder to work to stamp out the international sex slave trade. It is one of the greatest tragedies of our age that this illegal and immoral activity takes place in the world today.
  8. I don't think he blinked. I think he is calling the Democrats' bluff.
  9. He's pretending to work. I'm sure he's just Furloughed along with the rest of the non-essential govvies. Meanwhile, I'm working OT. It's good to be a contractor.
  10. I found a patch which fixes 95% of the issues with Windows 10: https://linuxmint.com/ No, I'm not joking. Unless forced to use it for work, I won't run Windows anymore. Windows 10 is a raging dumpster fire and best be abandoned by all users with haste.
  11. Most contractors I know in the DC area are still working and getting paid. I actually don't know any contractors who are having any issues from this shutdown (I'm certain they exist). Most of those impacted are the Govvies in the shutdown/furloughed agencies. Some are funded, so they are working and getting paid. It will take a much longer shutdown to really cause much actual pain in the DC Metro area.
  12. My google-fu says this is a Mozilla/Firefox issue, and likely related to a bad plugin: "Google Search Fixer" - disable that extension/addon and it may fix it. Or that's simply where the mob brain trust has mostly encountered the issue before, and it is in fact unrelated. I've never heard of that error before.
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