You’re asserting something not true. Its a falsehood that the anti productivity/luddite folks who oppose pipelines also assert.
Thats your source?
What is the throughput of line 9 per day?
Ahh. So Schrodinger's interdependency. Canada is both dependent upon the US and not.
How many refineries does Canada have? You’re more in danger of Trudeau and your provincial governors cutting off your fuel than the US is.
Are you sure about that? Whats the throughput of a pipeline vs a rail route ?
Logistically, every tank car needs to be filled and emptied. Logistically that takes time and for increased throughput, you need more pads for filling and draining at yards. That takes a dude wrestling a hose at every location for every car.
If avoiding WW3 was such a high British priority, you'd think they'd be fitted WITH a military instead of for one.
But, more to the point....maybe shifting Gazan's to Swindon or the Cotswolds would be a good idea. What's another 1.3 Million diverse people to help you with your economy?
At least you're honest here for once.
No, you're just lecturing Americans on what THEY should be doing and how we should be doing it. See also the whinging morons on the BBC.