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About Stargrunt6

  • Birthday 07/04/1915

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  • Location
    Sea of Cowards
  • Interests
    Wheeled deathtraps

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  1. Speaking of DJT https://www.foxnews.com/us/trump-launches-gofundme-help-hurricane-helene-victims-raises-more-1m https://www.reuters.com/world/us/wake-hurricane-trump-seeks-boost-his-presidential-bid-2024-10-01/
  2. Shocked, shocked. He really gives off that mafia vibe.
  3. Just like Obama and the Kentucky blizzard.
  4. It might get then arrested. Now Hezbollah has to takenypntine and resources for internal housekeeping. Well, after the Israelis attack.
  5. Wow, an attack that outs collaborators. Betcha shiny dinar that a bunch of NGO and charity workers got hit too.
  6. I just watched an episode of Atlanta that was essentially a remake of the 2018 Hart family murder-suicide. That's John Mius' daughter. She's a trip.
  7. Oh hell that takes me back to my college years.
  8. Everybody knows it was Billy Rubin who was the mastermind. Friggin marks...
  9. I really believe that no matter how tastless or tacky a work of art is, someone is writing an academic paper on it. https://hoppingintopuddles.wordpress.com/2008/03/14/a-geographical-mapping-of-rapper-ludacris-hoes/
  10. Of all people indeed. In his own words. "I got hoes in different area codes."
  11. If our governments stopped encouraging mothers from monetizing childbirth and raising children without a father, many of society's problems would disappear. For anyone who disagrees, fight me. I worked in correctional facilities for 2 years. I had a clinic where I examined disability applicants for the SSA for another two years. I'll be in the parking lot with my shirt and glasses off.
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