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About NickM

  • Birthday 08/13/1961

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  • Location
    Concord, California, USA
  • Interests
    Military history, computer sims, my daughter

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  1. Successful means not collapsing into anarchic kleptocracies. And anyway, "frau Assad" was still of Syrian nationality
  2. Re Assad's missus, see above. There was some ribald commentary back during the cold War, with Arab officers after being trained in the USSR, came back with Russian wives-- much speculation about whether these wives were Intel types or not
  3. Well Fook Me! I thought Bashar's wifey was French. But anyways, she was also Syrian Arab, not a "honky/gringa"
  4. Reminds me of an encounter I had while visiting the home of one of my overseas commie relatives: There was a 'local language' copy of Cosmopolitan and both my relative and her husband declared their intense dislike for the mag: as far as they were concerned, it existed only to create discord between husbands and wives and within the household==Given they were both communist party members, they already considered each other as co equals in status.
  5. Gang, I've noticed that two of the most successful and Pro Western 3rd World leaders in the former British Commonwealth (?) have something in common: King Hussein of Jordan AND Sir Seretse Khama both married British Wymmyn. So I was wondering IF maybe the Foreign Service groomed these gals 'take one for the team' in order to exercise a degree of 'influence' in their respective countries after independence? What do y'all say?
  6. Are the fires even out yet?
  7. I'd go with 'boot-a-judge', which is something that I'm sure is a sentiment we can all agree with.
  8. The sniveling git who wrote the story also works for the New Yorker and the Atlantic? The fact that he's part of 'that' club as well as his questionable adherence to 'facts' over narrative, tells me all I need to know.
  9. I'm sure the hideous harpy face across from him ain't helping
  10. Meanwhile in other news the Arab World still stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean and all parts in between
  11. Howabout guarding penguins at McMurdo station? Or is that too cushy?
  12. Dat guy on the bottom left looks like his ears are in pain.
  13. Not mention Lerner still got to keep her pension and her mansion instead of being stripped of it
  14. She had lotsa friends "in the Mission", the neighborhood we both grew up in. Funny, I never had a taste for alcohol
  15. My late wife used to say a chilled Corona with a slice of lime tasted great on a hot day
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