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About R011

  • Birthday 11/28/1956

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    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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  1. Most major stars compensation is based not just on past performance - the fee up front, but also with a percentage of the film's earnings.
  2. I wouldn't go that far. There are private sector people who've conned their way or nepotismed their way into substantial salaries And executive compensation in many industries doesn't track well with the value they bring. In entertainment and sports, though, it works pretty much like its supposed to. Note that once a star stops bringing in boxoffice, they stop getting the big paychecks.
  3. I disagree. They're paid what they earn.
  4. You would. Almost all the other billions of movie goers don't. They aren't being paid obscene amounts of money because studios are generous and kind-hearted.
  5. You could look for one. DOGE hasn't been shy about releasing information. If this was genuine, more than just one outlet would have had it and the original source would be clear. If just one deleted source is making a sensational claim, it's certain to be false.
  6. So the video isn't on E!News website. Rather lends credence to it not being an E!News production. Not what I asked, though. You can save your argument by providing an original source to the story.
  7. Possible, but we don't yet have a credible source as we do for, say, USAID money going to a BBC charity. It's a clear denial that he was personally paid $4 million for the photo op.
  8. So you say. Prove them wrong. You could find the original source.
  9. Readers comments on Twitter note the E!News video making the claim was fake and the original source was a Russian propaganda site. There seems to be enough scandal in the USAID issue that we don't need to make stuff up or defame innocent people.
  10. I should think Stiller himself is a credible source on Stiller, unless you have reason to believe the tweet was fake or he's lying.
  11. Few, if any, of those other equally important people matter to the box office. The star does. That's why they get paid big bucks. Why anyone should value their opinions over anyone else is another matter. In Stiller's case, it seems he put his money where his mouth was, though.
  12. Elections to local councils that are going top be reorganized out of existence next year? Sure, why not. It's only money.
  13. Except for the part about evading an arrest warrant for multiple felonies, including kidnapping and sexual assault.
  14. But letting them rot isn't what Trump is proposing.
  15. The comparative seizures are hard data. Over five hundred times more seized on the southern border than on the northern one.
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