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Don't know where else to put this, since it is related to previous post.


At the same time when they have offered AML armored car (1964-65), French also offered modernized M24 Chaffee tanks to Yugoslavia. Tanks were supposed to be acquired by French, and Yugoslavia would pay for their overhaul and modernization.

Modernization included:

- replacement of 75mm gun with 90mm D-921 low pressure gun (same as on AML-90 armored car) which would have enabled M24 to effectively combat any tank in service at that moment. Replacement of gun required minimum changes to a tank.

- removal of the bow MG with assistant-driver/bow MG gunner position in order to get more storage space for 90mm ammo (40-45 rounds)

-replacement of original engines with French 250hp or US 295hp engine

- replacement of radios

- drivers IR periscopes and gunners IR sight, enabling ~400m engagement range during moonless night

- complete overhaul of the tank and "return to zero" of all wear and tear. 

Weight increase compared to original tank was only 450kg.

Expected price of modernization was ~25-30% price of the new tank (did not specify which one, but probably T-55 which Yugoslavia was acquiring at that moment) and that such modernized tanks could finally enable to spare enough tanks to fil l all infantry brigades. Low weight was especially considered bonus, due the ability of tank to traverse bad roads and small bridges of the heavy hill/mountain terrain in the central Yugoslavia. It was noted that thanks to good transmission despite relatively low hp/t ratio for light tank it is very mobile both on road and off road.

As a disadvantage it was noted that both 250 and 295hp engines proposed for modernization are still petrol ones, after which French offered US 238hp diesel engine.

There is no official reason for not acquiring those tanks in the documents, but it appears that was connected with acquisition of large number of T-34-85 in USSR for the same purpose (filling infantry brigades with tanks).

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Very interesting, extra weight of T-34-85 (>70%) was not considered an issue?

Posted (edited)

I have no documents about T-34-85 evaluation for that role unfortunately.

Edited by bojan
  • 8 months later...

Regimental, brigade and divisional artillery


Infantry regiments:

1947 (Bn based):

Mixed Artillery Bn

- 75/76mm light gun battery (4)

- 120mm mortar battery (4)

- AT gun battery (4) - usually 5cm PaK or 6pdr (for A readiness) or 45mm M42 (B readiness) or whatever was available (R readiness)

Total - 4 x 75/76mm light gun (Soviet 76mm Obr.27 or Obr.43, or German 7.5cm leIG18 or US 75mm M1 most commonly)


1954 (Bn based)

Mixed Artillery Bn

- 76mm M48 gun battery (6)

- 120mm mortar battery (6)

- 57mm M1 AT gun battery (6)

Total - 6 x 76mm M48 light gun, 6 x 120mm mortar, 6 x 57mm M1 AT gun


1958 (pentomic, Co based):

Mixed Artillery Bn

- 76mm M48 gun battery (4)

- 120mm mortar battery (4)

- SPATG Battery 76mm M-18 (4) or ATG Battery 76mm M42 (4)

Total - 4 x 76mm M48 light guns, 4 x 120mm mortar, 4 x 76mm M-18 SPAT gun (A readiness) or 4 x 76mm AT gun (B readiness) or 4 x 57mm M1 or 50mm M38 ATG (R readiness)


1964 (Bn based):

Mixed Artillery Bn

- 76mm M48 gun battery (9)

- 120mm mortar battery (6) x 2

- 76mm M-18 SPATG battery (6) or 76mm M42 ATG battery (6)

Total - 9 x 76mm M48 light guns, 12 x 120mm mortar, 6 x 76mm M-18 SPAT gun (A readiness) or 6 x 76mm AT Gun (B and R readiness)


1971 (Bn based):

Mixed Artillery Bn:

- 76mm M48 gun battery (9)

- 120mm mortar battery (6) x 2

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) or 76mm M42 ATG battery (6)

- 9K11 (AT-3) AT missile battery (6)

Total - 9 x 76mm M48 light guns, 12 x 120mm mortar, 6 x 90mm M-36 SPAT gun (A readiness) or 6 x 76mm AT Gun (B and R readiness), 6 x 9K11 (AT-3) ATGM launcher


1981 (Bn based):

Mixed Artillery Bn:

- 76mm M48 light gun battery (6)

- 120mm mortar battery (6) x 3

Mixed AT artillery Bn:

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) x 2

- 9K11 (AT-3) AT missile battery (6)

Total - 6 x 76mm M48 light guns, 18 x 120mm mortar, 12 x 90mm M-36 SPATG, 6 x 9K11 (AT-3) ATGM launcher


After 1987. infantry regiments were started to be either disbanded or reformed into infantry brigades.



Infantry Brigades



Mixed Artillery Bn

- 120mm mortar battery (6) x 2

- 105mm howitzer battery (6)

90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) or 75mm M40 ATG battery (6)

Total - 12 x 120mm mortar, 6 x 105mm howitzer, 6 x 90mm M-36 SPATG (A readiness) or 6 x 75mm M40 ATG (B and R readiness)



Mixed Artillery Bn

- 120mm mortar battery (6) x 2

- 105mm howitzer battery (6) x 2

Mixed AT Artillery Bn

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) or 75mm M40 ATG battery (6)

- 2P26 (AT-1/UAZ) SPAT missile battery (4) x 2 or 76mm M42 ATG battery (6) x 2

Total - 12 x 120mm mortar, 12 x 105mm howitzer, 6 x 90mm M-36 SPATG (A readiness) or 6 x 75mm M40 ATG (B and R readiness), 8 x 2P26 (AT-1/UAZ) SPATGM launcher (A readiness) or 12 x 76mm M42 ATG (B and R readiness)



Mixed Artillery Bn

- 120mm mortar battery (6) x 2

- 122mm howitzer battery (6) x 3 or 105mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

Mixed AT artillery battery

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) x 2 + 9P122 (BRDM-2/AT-3) SPATGM battery or 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) x 2 + 9K11 (AT-3) ATGM battery (9) or 76mm M42 ATG battery (6) x 3

Total - 12 x 120mm mortar, 18 x 122mm howitzer (A readiness only) or 18 x 105mm howitzer (A, B or R readiness), 12 x 90mm M-36 SPATG (A and B readiness) or 18 x 76mm M42 ATG (R readiness), 6 x 9P122 (BRDM-2/AT-3) SPATGM launcher (A readiness) or 9 x 9K11 (AT-3) ATGM launcher (B readiness)



Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 122mm howitzer battery (6) x 3 or 105mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

Mixed AT artillery Bn:

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) x 2 or 76mm M42 ATG battery (6) x 2

- 9K11 (AT-3) ATGM battery (6)

Total - 18 x 122mm howitzer (A and B readiness) or 18 x 105mm howitzer (R readiness), 12 x 90mm M-36 ATG (A and B readiness) or 12 x 76mm M42 ATG (R readiness), 6 x 9K11 ATGM launcher.

Note: This may seem like a reduction from 1971. org, but now all infantry Bns (usually 3 or 4 in brigade) had 120mm mortars, so Brigade had either 12 or 16 x 120mm mortars in Bns. Same happened with ATGMs, now each Bn had 6 instead of 4, so Bde had 18/24 (in infantry bns) + 6 (at Bde level) for a total of 24 or 30, compared to 1971. org 21/25 total.


1987 - only A readiness Infantry Bdes got this org, rest stayed with 1983. Same org was used for motorized Bdes.

Mixed artillery Bn

- 122mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

- 128/32 M63 MRL battery (4)

Mixed AT artillery Bn

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) x 2

- M-83 SPATGM battery (6)

Total - 18 x 122mm howitzer, 4 x 128/32 M63 MRL, 12 x 90mm M-36 SPATG, 6 x M-83 SPATGM launcher

Note - in 1987. org amount of 120mm mortars in each infantry Bn increased to 6. So A readiness infantry Bde would have 18 x 120mm mortar (A readiness Infantry Bdes had 3 x Infantry Bn + 1 x Tank Bn). Number of ATGM varied depending if Bns used 1987. or 1990. org for infantry Bn AT Co, 1987 had total of 18 x 9K11 (AT-3) ATGM launcher + 6 x M-83 SPATGM launcher, while 1990. org had additional 12 x 9K111 (AT-4) launchers.



Hill and Mountain Brigades


Mixed Artillery Bn

- 76mm M48 light gun battery (4)

- 105mm M3 light howitzer battery (6)

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) or 76mm M42 ATG battery (6)

Total - 4 x 76mm M48 light gun, 6 x 105mm M3 light howitzer, 6 x 90mm M-36 SPATG (mountain brigade) or 6 x 76mm M42 ATG (hill brigades)

Note - Single Mountain Bde covered quite varied terrain in Slovenia with it's 5 mountain Bns, ranging from fully impassable for vehicles to single tank-passable direction. Hence some Bns had heavier AT armament, while others had bare minimum and Bde had 90mm SPATG  battery as a reinforcement for a most important direction of defense.



Mixed Artillery Bn

- 76mm M48 light gun battery (6)

- 105mm M3 light howitzer battery (6)

- 120mm mortar battery (6)

Total - 6 x 76mm M48 light gun, 6 x 105mm M3 light howitzer, 6 x 120mm mortar.

Note - Both mountain and hill Bdes lost some Bde level AT capabilities due the increase of Bn level AT capabilities.



Mixed Artillery Bn

- 76mm M48 light gun battery (9)

- 120mm mortar battery (6) x 2

Total - 9 x 76mm M48 light gun, 12 x 120mm mortar



Mixed Artillery Bn

- 76mm M48 light gun battery (6)

- 120mm mortar battery (6) x 3

Total - 6 x 76mm M48 light gun, 18 x 120mm mortar

Note - in the mountain Bde 3 Bns had each 120mm mortar battery attached to them, single Bn had 76mm light gun battery and single Bn had no additional artillery support (other than integral 60mm and 82mm mortars).


1987 - single hill Bde only

Howitzer artillery Bn

- 105mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

120mm mortar Battery (6) x 2

Total - 18 x 105mm howitzer, 12 x 120mm mortar

Note - 120mm mortar batteries were direcly attached to Bde Hq and would be in field attached to two Hill Bns.



What was the difference between a Mountain unit and a Hill unit - doctrine, role, etc.?

Posted (edited)

Hills - terrain considered heavy going, but not impassable to armored and motorized units. There was 10 hill brigades formed in early '50s (formally those were all series of 1954. formations, but first ones started appearing as early as 1951.), when regular infantry lost all pack animals in the process of motorization and was considered no longer suitable for use on the difficult terrain with few/bad roads. They did not have real alpine training nor equipment for crossing impassable mountain terrain, other than Bde level recce Co that was alpine trained and equipped.

IOW, less motorized infantry, with major transport of weapons on pack animals (logistics were mostly motorized). Their firepower was less than regular infantry, through not by much in the most  Co/Bn level organizations (biggest difference is probably that they did not get Bn level 120mm mortars in 1983).

Those brigades were located in mid-southern Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and southern part of Croatia. Due the poor mobility (due the animal transport) they were more-less territorial and not supposed to be used far from place of their their HQ. During '70/80 there was tendency to reduce numbers of hill Bdes and by 1991. there were 7 remaining, with further tendency for their number to be reduced to 4-5 in line with other reorganization going on from 1987. During their existence they were mostly B or R readiness units (B - 10 the 30% of unit active, mostly for training new recruits, rest filled by reserves during wartime, R - only admin part of unit active, filled fully by reserves during wartime).

Compared to that there was only single mountain brigade, (345th) located in Slovenia, that covered very difficult terrain of Julian Alps. They had mountain/alpine warfare training and specific equipment for that. Unit picked active mountaineers during conscription, and in general had high physical fitness standards (so got some of the most physically fit recruits during conscription), and was considered one of the "elite" units.

Co and (most of) Bn level formations for both were posted previously.



Edited by bojan

Armored Brigade


105mm M-7 SPH battery (6)

Total - 6 x 105mm M-7 SPH



Self-propelled artillery Bn or Howitzer artillery Bn

- 105mm M-7 SPH battery (6) x 3 or 122mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

Total - 18 x 105mm M-7 SPH (A readiness) or 18 x 122mm howitzer (B readiness)



Self-propelled artillery Bn

- 122mm 2S1 SPH battery (6) x 3 or 105mm M-7 SPH battery (6) x 3

Total - 18 x 122mm 2S1 SPH (A and B readiness) or 18 x 105mm M-7 SPH (R readiness), 12 x 9K11 ATGM launcher (each  SPH battery had 4)



Mixed artillery Bn

- 122mm 2S1 SPH battery (6) x 3

- 128/32 M63 MRL battery (6)

Total - 18 x 122mm 2S1 SPH, 6 x 128/32 M63 MRL, 12 x 9K11 ATGM launcher (each  SPH battery had 4)




Mechanized Brigades


Howitzer artillery Bn

- 122mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

Mixed AT artillery Bn

- 100mm T-12 ATG battery (6) x 2

- 2P26 SPATGM battery (6)

- 9K11 ATGM battery (6) x 3

Total - 18 x 122mm howitzer, 12 x 100mm ATG, 6 x 2P26 SPATGM launcher, 18 x 9K11 ATGM launcher



Self-propelled howitzer artillery Bn or Howitzer artillery Bn

- 105mm M-7 SPH battery (6) x 3 or 122mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) x 2 or 100mm M-44 (SU-100) SPATG battery (6) x 2

- 9P122 SPATGM battery (4) x 2 or 2P27 SPATGM battery (6) x 2

Total - 18 x 105mm M-7 SPH (A readiness) or 18 x 122mm howitzer (B readiness), 12 x 90mm M-36 SPATG (A readiness) or 12 x 100mm M-44 SPATG (B readiness), 8 x 9P122 SPATGM (A readiness) or 12 x 2P27 SPATGM (B readiness) 

Note - number of portable ATGMs was reduced on Bn level due the incorporation of of those to mechanized Bns.



Self propelled howitzer artillery Bn

- 122mm 2S1 SPH battery (6) x 3 or 105mm M-7 SPH battery (6) x 3

Mixed AT artillery Bn

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) x 2 or 100mm M-44  ATG battery (6) x 2

- 9P133 SPATGM battery (6) or 9P122 SPATGM battery (6)

Total - 18 x 122mm 2S1 SPH (A readiness) or 18 x 105mm M-7 SPH (B and R readiness), 12 x 90mm M-36 SPATG (A and B readiness) or 12 x 100mm M-44 SPATG (R readiness), 6 x 9P133 SPATGM (A readiness) or 6 x 9P122 SPATGM (B or R readiness), 12 x 9K11 ATGM launcher (each  SPH battery had 4)



Mixed  artillery Bn

- 122mm 2S1 SPH battery (6) x 3

- 128/32 M63 MRL battery (6)

Mixed AT artillery Bn

- 90mm M-36 SPATG battery (6) x 2 or 100mm M-44  ATG battery (6) x 2

- M-83 SPATGM battery (6)

Total - 18 x 122mm 2S1 SPH, 12 x 90mm M-36 SPATG (A or B readiness), 12 x 100mm M-44 SPATG (R readiness), 6 x  M-83 SPATGM (A readiness) or 6 x 9P133 SPATGM (B or R readiness) 12 x 9K11 ATGM launcher (each  SPH battery had 4)


Infantry Divisions


1954, A or B readiness:

Howitzer Artillery Regiment

105mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2 or 3

- 105mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 155mm howitzer battery (4) x 3

AT Artillery Bn

- 75mm M40 ATG Battery (6) x 2 + 76mm M42 ATG Battery (6) x 3 or 76mm M42 (ATG) Battery x 5

Total - 36 (B readiness) or 54 (A readiness) x 105mm howitzer, 12 x 155mm howitzer, 12 x 75mm M40 ATG (A readiness), 18 (A readiness) or 30 (B readiness) x 76mm M42 ATG


1954, R readiness:

Mixed Artillery Regiment:

105mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2

- 105mm howitzer battery (4) x 3

150mm or 152mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 150mm or 152mm howitzer battery (4) x 3

AT Artillery Bn

- 57mm ATG battery (8) x 3

Total - 24 x 105mm M18 howitzer, 12 x 150mm M18 or 152mm M43 howitzer, 24 x 57mm M43 ATG



Howitzer Artillery Regiment
105mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2 or 3

- 105mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 155mm howitzer battery (4) x 3

Mixed AT artillery Bn or AT Artillery Bn

- 90mm M-36 SPATH battery (6) x 3 + 2P26 SPATGM battery (4) x 2 or 76mm M42 ATG Battery (6) x 5

Total - 36 (B and R readiness) or 54 (A readiness) x 105mm howitzer, 12 x 155mm howitzer, 18 x 90mm M-36 SPATG (A readiness), 30 x 76mm M42 ATG (B and R readiness)


1969, A readiness:

Howitzer Artillery Regiment

105mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 3

- 105mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 155mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

Mixed AT Artillery Bn

- 100mm T-12 ATG battery (6) x 3

- 2P26 SPATGM battery (4) x 2

Total - 54 x 105mm howitzer, 18 x 155mm howitzer, 18 x 100mm ATG, 8 x 2P26 SPATGM


1971, A readiness:

Mixed Artillery Regiment

122mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2

- 122mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 155mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

128mm MRL Bn

- 128/32 M63 MRL battery (4) x 3

Mixed AT Artillery Regiment

- 100mm T-12 ATG battery (6) x 3

- 9K11 ATGM battery (6) x 2

Total - 36 x 122mm howitzer, 18 x 155mm howitzer, 12 x 128/32 M63 MRL, 18 x 100mm ATG, 12 x 9K11 ATGM launcher


1971, A readiness - variant with lower AT capabilities

Mixed Artillery Regiment

122mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2

- 122mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 155mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

128mm MRL Bn

- 128/32 M63 MRL battery (4) x 3

Mixed AT Artillery Regiment

- 100mm T-12 ATG battery (6) x 2

- 9P122 SPATGM battery (4)

Total - 36 x 122mm howitzer, 18 x 155mm howitzer, 12 x 128/32 M63 MRL, 12 x 100mm ATG, 4 x 9P122 SPATGM launcher


1971, B readiness:

Mixed Artillery Regiment

105mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2

- 105mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 155mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

Mixed AT Artillery Regiment

- 90mm M-36 SPATG Battery (6) x 4

- 9K11 ATGM battery (6) x 2

Total - 36 x 105mm howitzer, 18 x 155mm howitzer, 24 x 90mm M-36 SPATG, 12 x 9K11 ATGM launcher


1971, R readiness:

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 155mm howitzer battery (6) x 3

Mixed AT Artillery Bn

- 76mm M42 ATG battery (6) x 3

- 2P26 SPATGM battery (4) x 2

Total - 18 x 155mm howitzer, 18 x 76mm M42 ATG, 8 x 2P26 SPATGM launcher


1981, A readiness

Howitzer Artillery Regiment

122mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2

- 122m howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2

- 155m howitzer battery (4) x 2

Mixed AT Artillery Regiment

- 100mm T-12 ATG battery (6) x 3

- 9P133 SPATGM battery (6) x 2

Total - 36 x 122mm howitzer, 24 x 155mm howitzer, 18 x 100mm T-12 ATG, 12 x 9P133 SPATGM launcher


1981, B or R readiness - 1st variant

Howitzer Artillery Regiment

105mm or 122mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2

- 105mm or 122m howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 155m howitzer battery (4) x 2

Mixed AT Artillery Regiment

- 100mm T-12 ATG battery (6) x 3

- 9P122 SPATGM battery (6) x 2

Total - 36 x 105mm (R readiness) or 122mm (B readiness) howitzer, 12 x 155mm howitzer, 18 x 100mm T-12 ATG, 12 x 9P122 SPATGM launcher


1981, B readiness - 2nd variant

Howitzer Artillery Regiment

105mm or 122mm Howitzer Artillery Bn

- 105mm or 122m howitzer battery (6) x 3

155mm Howitzer Artillery Bn x 2

- 155m howitzer battery (4) x 2

Mixed AT Artillery Regiment

- 100mm T-12 ATG battery (6) x 3

- 9K11 ATGM battery (6) x 2

Total - 18 x 105mm howitzer, 24 x 155mm howitzer, 18 x 100mm T-12 ATG, 12 x 9K11 ATGM launcher


Divisional structure was abandoned in 1987. reorganization in favor of Brigade/Corps structure.


  • 2 weeks later...

1987. Saboteur Detachment:

Detachment HQ - 27/38 men - 26/37 x AR, 3 x AP, 1 x P

 Command Section - 8 men - 7 x AR, 3 x AP, 1 x P

 - Detachment commander - AR, AP

 - Detachment 2inC - AR

 - Assistant for moral-political education, AR, AP

 - Assistant for inteligence and security - AR, AP

 - Electonic warfare assistant - AR

 - Logistic assistant - AR

 - Medic - P

 - Driver - AR, 1.5t truck


Signal Section - 6 men - 6 x AR

 - Section leader - AR

 - Radioman x 4 - AR

 - Driver - AR, radio truck


0-1 x Radar-Recce Section - 11 men - 11 x AR, 3 x radar

 - Section leader - AR

 - radar operator x 3 - AR, radar

 - Scout x 6 - AR

 - Driver - AR, 1.5t truck


Logistics section - 8 men - 8 x AR, 1 x 5t truck

 - Section leader - AR

 - Gun armorer - AR

 - Vehicle mechanic - AR

 - Vehicle electrician - AR

 - Cook - AR

 - General assistants x 3 - AR


Demolition Section - 5 men - 5 x AR

 - Section leader - AR

 - Demolition specialist x 4 - AR


Saboteur Platoon x 2-5 - 31 men - 6 x SAW, 6 x SR, 18 x AR, 9 x AP/silencer, 1 x P, 1 x 5t truck

 - Plt Cmd - AR

 - Radioman - AR

 - Medic - P

 - Driver - AR, 5t truck


Saboteur Section - 9 men - 2 x SAW, 2 x SR, 5 x AR, 3 x AP/silencer

 - Section leader - AR, AP/silencer

 - SAW gunner x 2 - SAW

 - Sniper x 2 - SR, AP/silencer

 - Saboterur  x 4 - AR


Mixed Support Plt - 24/31 men - 0/2 x 20/1mm AAG, 2 x ATGM launcher, 2 x 82mm mortar or 4 x 60mm mortar, 1 x 128/1mm light rocket launcher, 3 x MANPADS, 20/27 or 22/29 x AR

 - Plt Cmd - AR

 - Radioman - AR

 - Driver - AR, 5t truck


Mortar Section - 9 men - 2 x 82mm mortar or 4 x 60mm mortar, 7/5 x AR, 2/4 x P

 - Section leader - AR

 - Gunner x 2/4 - AR, 82/60mm mortar

 - Assistants x 6/4 - AR, 1 x 3t truck - one of the assistants is also a driver


Light Rocket Section - 3 men - 1 x 128/1mm light rocket launcher, 3 x AR

 - Section leader - AR

 - Operators x 2 - AR, 1 x 128mm LRL


ATGM Section - 5 men - 5 x AR, 2 x ATGM launcher (model not specified)

 - Section leader - AR

 - ATGM operators x 4 - AR, 2 x ATGM launcher


MANPADS Section - 4 men - 4 x AR, 3 x MANPADS

 - Section leader - AR

 - MANPADS operator - AR, MANPADS


0-1 x Light AAG section - 7 men - 2 x 20/1mm AAG, 7 x AR, 1 x 1.5t truck

 - Section leader

 - Gun crew x 6 - AR, 2 x 20/1mm AAG


Total - 113-224 men (27/38 + 2-5 x 31 + 24/31) - 0-2 x 20/1mm AAG, 3 x MANPADS, 2 x ATGM launcher - 1 x 128/1mm LRL, 2x82mm or 4 x 60mm mortar, 12-30 x SAW, 12-30 x SR, 0-3 x radar, various number of AR and AP, 3-6 x P

Saboteur detachment forms Saboteru Groups, from 3-20 men strong. They are formed from Saboteur Sections from Saboteur Platoon as a base, with added appropriate support section, depending on their task, from Mixed Support Plt, and specialists (demolition, signal, radar-operator scout) from Detachment HQ.

Saboteur detachment can be reinforced with regular Infantry, Engineer, Territorial Defence etc Co.

Saboteur section can form 3 teams of various composition:

 - team 1 - Section leader, 2 x Sniper or Section Leader, 2 x Saboteur

 - team 2 and 3 - SAW gunner, Saboteur x 2 or - SAW gunner, Sniper, Saboteur

Alternatively, it can form 2 teams:

 - team 1 - Section leader, SAW gunner x 2, Sniper x 2 or Section leader, Saboteur x 4

 - team 2 - Saboteur x 4 or SAW gunner x 2, Sniper x 2

Each army area had single Saboteur Detachment of varied composition under direct control of army area HQ.





1993. Reconnaissance-Saboteur Detachment:

Detachment HQ - 6 men - 6 x AR, 2 x AP
- Detachment Cmd - AR, AP
- Inteligence assistant - AR, AP
- Moral assistant - AR, AP
- General Assistant - AR
- Explosives specialist - AR
- Driver - AR, 1.5t truck

Signal section - 6 men - 6 x AR, 1 x radio truck
- Section leader - AR
- Radioman x 4 - AR
- Driver - AR, radio truck

Recce Platoon - 25 men - 3 x SR, 21 x AR, 6 x AP, 1 x P, 1 x 5t truck
- Plt Cmd - AR, AP
- Radioman - AR
- Medic - P
- Driver - AR, 5t truck

Recce Section x 3 - 7 men - 1 x SR, 6 x AR, 2 x AP
- Section leader - AR, AP
- Scout x 4 - AR
- Sniper - SR, AP
- Radioman - AR

Saboteur Platoon - 31 men - 6 x SR, 24 x AR, 9 x AP, 1 x P, 1 x 5t truck
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Radioman - AR
- Medic - P
- Driver - AR, 5t truck

Saboteur Section x 3 - 9 men - 2 x SR, 7 x AR, 3 x AP
- Section leader - AR, AP
- Saboteur x 6 - AR
- Sniper x 2 - SR, AP

Anti-Terrorist Platoon - 28 men - 3 x LMG, 3 x SAW, 3 x SR, 18 x AR, 1 x P
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Radioman - AR
- Medic - P
- Driver - AR, 5t truck

Anti-Terrorist Section x 3 - 8 men -1 x LMG, 1 x SAW, 1 x SR, 5 x AR - weapons can be varied according to the mission,  only general allocation is given
- Section leader - AR
- Anti-terrorist specialist x 7 - 1 x LMG, 4 x AR, 1 x SR, 1 x SAW

Mixed Support Platoon - 31 men - 2 x82mm or 4 x 60mm mortar, 2 x 20/1mm AAG, 1 x 128/1mm LRL, 2 x ATGM launcher, 3 x MANPADS, 31 x AR, 1 x 5t truck, 2 x 1.5t truck
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Radioman - AR
- Driver - AR, 5t truck

Mortar Section - 9 men, 2 x 82mm mortar or 4 x 60mm mortar, 9 x AR, 1 x 3t truck
- Section leader - AR
- Mortar crew x 8 - 2 x 82mm or 4 x 60mm mortar, 9 x AR

AAG section - 7 men - 2 x 20/1mm AAG, 7 x AR
- Section leader - AR
- AAG crew x 6 - 2 x 20/1mm AAG, 6 x AR, 2 x 1.5t truck - two of the crew are drivers

Light Rocket Section - 3 men - 1 x 128/1mm Light rocket launcher, 3 x AR
- Section leader - AR
- LRL crew x 2 - AR, 1 x 128/1mm LRL

ATGM Section - 5 men - 2 x ATGM launcher, 5 x AR
- Section leader - AR
- ATGM operator x 4 - AR, 2 x ATGM launcher

MANPADS Section - 4 men - 3 x MANPADS, 4 x AR
- Section leader - AR
- MANPADS operator x 3 - MANPADS, AR

Total - 127 ( 6 + 25 + 31 +28 + 31 )men - 2 x 82mm or 4 x 60mm mortar, 2 x 20/1mm AAG, 1 x 128/1mm LRL, 2 x ATGM launcher, 3 x MANPADS, 3 x LMG, 3 x SAW, 12 x SR, 100 x AR, 17 x AP, 3 x 1.5t truck, 1 x radio truck, 4 x 5t truck


1987. Reconnaissance Company /Corps - pretty similar to Motorized Bde Recce Co, but w/o radar section in Recce Plt. Interesting note is that almost all equipment that was available to recce co is given, not just weapons.

Co HQ - 12 men - 1 x AP, 11 x AR, 1 x 6-seat vehicle, 1 x 1.5t radio truck. 1 x 5t truck, 1 x motorcycle
- Co Cmd - AR
- Political officer - AR
- Co Jr. Officer - AR
- Radio-telegraph operator x 2 - AR
- Radioman x 2 - AR
- Medic - AP
- Runner - AR, motorcycle
- Driver x 3 - AR, 1 x 6-seat vehicle, 1 x 1.5t radio truck, 1 x 5t truck

Armored Reconnaissance Car Platoon - 18 men - 3 x AP, 15 x AR, 3 x BRDM-2 ARC, 3 x motorcycle
- Plt Cmd - AR - also Cmd of 1st ARC
1st Section - 3 men - 1 x AP, 2 x AR, 1 x BRDM-2
- Scout x 2 - - AR
- Driver  AP, BRDM-2

2nd and 3rd Section - 4 men - 1 x AP, 3 x AR, 1 x BRDM-2
- Vehicle Cmd - AR
- Scout x 2 - AR
- Driver  - AP, BRDM-2

4th Section (motorcycle) - 6 men - 6 x AR, 2 x LAW, 3 x motorcycle
- Section leader - AR
- Scout x 2 AR
- Driver x 3 - AR, motorcycle

Reconnaissance Platoon x 2  - 36 men - 6 x AP, 3 x SR, 33 x AR, 4 x 1.5t truck, 1 x motorcycle
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Runner - AR, motorcycle
- Driver - AR, 1.5t truck

Recce Section x 3 - 11 men - 2 x AP, 1 x SR, 10 x AR,
- Section leader - AR, AP
- Sniper - SR, AP
- Scout x 6 - AR
- Radioman x 2 - AR
- Driver - AR, 1.5t truck

Total - 102 ( 12 + 18 + 2 x 36 ) men - 16 x AP, 6 x SR, 92 x AR, 19 x binocular (small), 28 x compass, 1 x opisometer, 1 x signal pistol, 82 x ski equipment, 6 x ski tools , 1 x ski maintenance equipment, 1 x 6-seat vehicle, 8 x 1.5t truck, 1 x 5t truck, 3 x BRDM-2 ARC, 1 x 1.5t radio truck, 6 x motorcycle (w/o sidecar), 1 x radar detector, 10 x NS 4x80 night binoculars, 5 x  HV 5x80AT weapon night sight, 24 x rifle silencer, 12 x automatic pistol silencer, 18 x knife (special), 6 x sniper rifle silencer, 35 x 7x40 binocular, 30 x passive rifle night sight, 3 x 7x200 passive night observation devices, 17 passive night driving sights, 1 x electric trap indicator, 3 x mining and demining equipment, 3 x portable mine seeker, 300 anti-personal mines, 20 x anti-personal trip mines, 100 x AT mines, 300 x No.8 detonator, 20 x claymore mine, 9 x RU-1 radio, 1 x RS-30i radio, 6 x RU-20 radio, 3 x RTIU-1 (FM 66/13) radio , 1 x KLK-2 phone switchboard, 1 x general purpose radiological detector, 1 x special purpose radiological detector, 4 x chemical detector, 3 x vehicle radiological detector, 102 x personal dosimeter, 4 x command dosimeter,  102 x personal decontamination equipment, 17 x group decontamination equipment.




1990. Reconnaissance Company /Corps - identical to 1987. version excet that HQ has two more radio-telegraph operators, two more radioman and one more driver with 1.5t radio truck.

Co HQ - 17 men - 1 x AP, 16 x AR, 1 x 6-seat vehicle, 2 x 1.5t radio truck. 1 x 5t truck, 1 x motorcycle
- Co Cmd - AR
- Political officer - AR
- Co Jr. Officer - AR
- Radio-telegraph operator x 4 - AR
- Radioman x 4 - AR
- Medic - AP
- Runner - AR, motorcycle
- Driver x 4 - AR, 1 x 6-seat vehicle, 2 x 1.5t radio truck, 1 x 5t truck


1987. Radio Reconnaissance Platoon / Corps
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Cryptologist - AR
- radio-technician - AR
- electromechanic (electricity generators) - AR
- Radio-telegraphist x2  - AR, 
- Driver x 2 - AR, 1 x 5t truck, 1 x 0.5t vehicle, 1 x 0.5t trailer

1st Section (data processing) - 7 men - 7 x AR, 1 x KGU-3 radio van
- Section leader (also code specialist) - AR
- radio listener x 5 - AR
- driver - AR, 1 x KGU-3 radio van

2nd Section (radio listener) - 9 men - 9 x AR, 1 x RPK-3 radio van
- Section leader - AR
- Radio listeners x 7 - AR
- Driver - AR, vozac - AP, RPK-3 radio van

3rd, 4th and 5th Section (radio finding) - 7 men - 7 x AR, 1 x RGK-3 radio van
- Section leader (code specialist) - AR
- Radio listeners x 2 - AR
- Radio finders x 3 - AR
- Driver - AR, RGK-3 radio van

Total - 45 men - 45 x AR, 1 x 5t truck, 1 x 0.5t  vehicle, 1 x RPK-3 radio van, 1 x KGU-3 radio van, 3 x RGK-3 radio van, 1 x 0.5t trailer, 1 x RU-2 radio, 1 x RS-100 radio system, 4 x RU-25 radio


1981. Divisional Reconnaissance Company - just a basic structure, but it is basically similar 1987. Corps Reconnaissance Company with 1987. Corps Radio Reconnaissance Platoon attached to it instead of independent.

Co HQ - 16 men -  1 x P, 3 x AR, 12 x SAR, 1 x 1/4t light vehicle/trailer, 1 x 5t radio truck. 1 x 5t truck, 1 x motorcycle
Armored Scout Car Plt  - 18 men - 3 x P, 15 x AR, 3 x BRDM-2, 3 x motorcycle
Recce Plt x 3 - 36 men -  3 x SAW, 33 x AR, 4 x 1.5t truck, 1 x motorcycle
Radio Recce Plt - 45 men - 4 x AR, 41 x SAR, 1 x 5t truck, 1 x 1/4t light vehicle/trailer, 5 x specialized radio van

  • 2 weeks later...

Illustration how organizations were implemented and problems in doing so, on example of Hill Bn support elements evolution 1971-1991:

In 1971 Hill Bn according to F-69 org had Support Co with following elements:

- AAMG platoon - 6 x 12.7mm AAMG

- AT platoon - 2 x 82mm RCL, 6 x ATW (1 section of RCLs, two sections of ATWs)

- Mortar platoon - 6 x 82mm mortar

Same year new (F-71) organization was introduced, biggest change was that Support Co was abolished and instead it's platoons were now under direct Bn HQ command. MANPADS section (4) was also formally introduced.

In practice changes were reasonably quickly implemented, but first MANPADS started arriving in 1974-75 (other formations had more priority). It took until 1978-79. to equip all Hill Bns with manpads. When a Bn got MANPADS section, it's AAMG platoon was reduced to 4 x AAMG.


In F-77 org AT platoon was reinforced to 4 x RCL + 6 x ATW. This was also quickly implemented.

In early 1980 mortar platoon was reinforced to 8 x 82mm mortar. This was also quickly implemented, and by mid-1981. all hill Bns got additional mortars.

So in 1981 Hill Bn had following support elements:

- MANPADS section - 3 x MANPADS

- AAMG platoon - 4 x AAMG

- AT platoon - 4 x RCL, 6 x ATW (2 sections of RCLs, 2 sections of ATWs). In practice this was separated to RCL Plt and ATW section, for ease of training.

- Mortar platoon - 8 x 82mm mortar.

Same year F-81 organization was introduced. It removed AAMGs and grouped MANPADS with 4 x 20/1mm AAG to form Light AD Plt. It has also reinforced AT Plt, and it now had 4 x RCL + 3 x ATGM launcher. But due the low priority for re-equipment of existing 7 hill brigades process went slowly so in 1985 there was 3 different version of Bn support:

- some active Bns got "full package" - 3 x MANPADS, 4 x 20/1mm AAG, 3 x ATGM launcher, 4 x RCL, 8 x 82mm mortar

- some active and reserve Bns did not get AAGs and instead still used AAMGs - 3 x MANPADS, 4 x 12.7mm AAMG, 3 x ATGM launcher, 4 x RCL, 8 x 82mm mortar

- most reserve units did not receive either AAGs or ATGM launchers, so they had - 3 x MANPADS, 4 x 12.7mm AAMG, 4 x ATW, 4 x RCL, 8 x 82mm mortar

Situation with ATGMs was only rectified in the 1986-87 so by the mid 1987 Hill Bn had following support weapons:

- 3 x MANPADS, 4 x 20/1mm AAG or 4 x 12.7mm AAMG, 3 x ATGM launcher, 4 x 82mm RCL, 8 x 82mm mortar


In F-90 org Hill Bn AT platoon was further reinforced and it had 4 x ATGM launcher + 4 x RCL.

In early 1991 some Hill Bns (probably 1/Bde) were supposed to get full AT Co instead of AT Plt (this was in preparation to transition to "F-92" formations). It was supposed to have 6 x ATGM launcher + 6 x 82mm RCL. Due the war this was not implemented until F-93 org.

It is unknown if all hill Bns ever got 20/1mm AAGs or some reserve stayed with 12.7mm AAMGs.

So in practice there were probably 3 orgs of Hill Bn support elements in 1991:

- some active Bns had - AT Plt (4 x ATGM launcher + 4 x RCL), Light AD Plt (3 x MANPADS + 4 x 20/1mm AAG), Mortar Plt (8 x 82mm mortar)

- some active Bns and most reserve Bns had - AT Plt (3 x ATGM launcher + 4 x RCL), Light AD Plt (3 x MANPADS + 4 x 20/1mm AAG), Mortar Plt (8 x 82mm mortar)

- some reserve plts potentially had- AT Plt (3 x ATGM launcher + 4 x RCL), MANPADS section (3 x MANPADS), AAMG Plt (4 x 12.7mm AAMG), Mortar Plt (8 x 82mm mortar)




1983. Mountain Bn Support Elements:

Continuing from here:

After F-81 reorganization 3 mountain Bns had RCl Plt (6 x RCL) and two kept older AT Plt (2 x RCL + 6 x ATW). In 1983. org this was reinforced, and now one Bn got AT Plt (3 x ATGM launcher + 4 x RCL), two kept RCL Platoon and and two kept AT Plt, but those were somewhat reinforced with 2 additonal ATWs (for a total of 2 x RCL and 8 x ATW).

1983. Mountain Bn AT Platoon (with ATGMs) - 39 men - 4 x 82mm RCL, 3 x ATGM Launcher, 6 x AR,29 x SAR, 4 x P, 10 x Pack horse, 4 x Ammo horse, 1 x 1.5t truck, 1 x 5t truck
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Radioman - SAR
- Driver - SAR, 1 x 5t truck

RCL Section x 2 - 12 men - 2 x 82mm RCL, 1 x АR, 9 x SAR, 2 x P, 2 x Pack horse, 2 x Ammo horse
- Section leader - AR
- Horse handler - SAR
- RCL gunner x 2 - 82mm RCL, P
- Assistant x 2 - SAR
- Loader x 2 - SAR
- Ammo handler x 2 - SAR, Pack horse
- Ammo bearer x 2 - SAR, 2 Ammo horse

ATGM Section x 3 - 4 men - 1 x ATGM launcher, 1 x AR, 3 x SAR, 1 x Pack horse, 1 x 1.5t truck*
- Section leader - AR
- ATGM operator - ATGM, SAR
- Assistant x 2 - SAR, 1 x Pack horse, 1 x 1.5t truck*
* in the 1st section only Assistant 1 is also 1.5t truck driver


1983. Mountain Bn AT Plt (w/o ATGMs) - 34 men - 2 x 82mm RCL, 8 x ATW, 4 x AR, 20 x SAR, 10 x P, 4 x Pack horse, 2 x Ammo horse
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Radioman - SAR

RCL Section - 12 men - 2 x 82mm RCL, 1 x AR, 9 x SAR, 2 x P, 2 x Pack horse, 2 x Ammo horse
- Section leader - AR
- Horse handler - SAR
- RCL gunner x 2 - 82mm RCL, P
- Assistant x 2 - SAR
- Loader x 2 - SAR
- Ammo handler x 2 - SAR, Pack horse
- Ammo bearer x 2 - SAR, 2 Ammo horse

AT Section x 2 - 10 men - 4 x ATW, 1 x AR, 5 x SAR, 4 x P, 1 x Pack horse
- Section leader - AR
- AT gunner x 3 - ATW, P
- Assistant x 3 - SAR
- Horse handler - SAR, Pack horse


1983. Mountain Bn RCL Platoon - same as in 1981. org

1983. Mountain Bn Mortar Plt - same as in 1981. org

1983. Mountain Bn AAMG Plt - same as in 1981. org

1983. Mountain Bn MANPADS Section - same as in 1981. org


Total heavier weapons with F-81 Mountain Cos - 3/0/0 x 9K11 ATGM launcher, 4/6/2 x 82mm RCL, 14/14/22* x ATW, 18 x 60mm mortar, 6 x 82mm mortar, 3 x MANPADS, 4 x AAMG, 56 x SAW**, 27 x MG, 3 x SR

Total heavier weapons with F-85 Mountain Cos - 3/0/0 x 9K11 ATGM launcher, 10/12/2 x 82mm RCL, 11*/11*/22* x ATW, 0/12/12 x 60mm mortar, 12/6/6 x 82mm mortar, 3 x MANPADS, 4 x AAMG, 29 x SAW**, 27 x MG, 30 x SR***


* 2 were in the Logistics Co

** Also 2 in the Logistics Co

*** 3 in Alpine Recce Plt


1987. Mountain Bn Support Elements

In this one AT Plt (with ATGMs) was reformed to AT Co with 4 x ATGM launcher and 6 x 82mm RCL. AT Co was fully motorized with 5 x 5t truck as transport. Two Bns got AT Co, same two Bns also got Light Artillery-Missile AD Plt with 3 x MANPADS and 4 x 20/1mm AAG, replacing separate MANPADS section and AAMG Platoon.

Two Bns kept RCL Plt (6 x 82mm RCL) and single Bn kept AT Plt (2 x 82mm RCL + 8 x ATW)

1987. Mountain Bn Anti-Armor Company:

Co HQ - 6 men - 4 x AR, 1 x AP, 1 x P, 1 x 5t Truck
- Co Cmd - AP
- Co 2inC/PO - AR
- Co Jr. Officer - AR
- Radioman - AR
- Medic - P
- Driver - AR, 5t Truck

RCL Platoon - 37 men - 6 x 82mm RCL, 31 x AR, 6 x P
- Plt Cmd - AR

RCL Section x 3 - 12 men - 2 x 82mm RCL, 10 x AR, 2 x P, 1 x 5t Truck
- Section leader - AR
- Driver - AR, 5t Truck
- RCL gunner x 2 - RCL, P
- Assistants x 8 - AR

ATGM Platoon - 14 men - 4 x ATGM launcher, 14 x AR 1 x 5t Truck
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Driver - AR, 5t Truck

ATGM section x 4 - 3 men - 1 x ATGM launcher, 3 x AR
- ATGM operator - AR, ATGM launcher
- Assistants x 2 - AR

Total - 57 ( 6 + 37 + 14 ) men - 6 x 82mm RCL, 4 x ATGM launcher, 49 x AR, 1 x AP, 7 x P, 5 x 5t Truck.


1987. Mountain Bn RCL Plt - same as in previous orgs

1987. Mountain Bn AT Plt - same as in previous orgs

1987. Mountain Mortar Plt - same as in previous orgs

1987. Mountain Bn Light Artillery-Missile AD Plt - same as in other orgs - 27 men - 3 x MANPADS, 4 x 20/1mm AAG, 2 x SAW, 22 x AR, 3 x AP, 4 x 1.5t truck

1987. Mountain Bn AAMG Plt - same as in previous orgs

1987. Mountain Bn MANPADS Section - same as in previous orgs


Total heavier weapons for 1987. Mountain Bn with 1987. AT Co - 4 x 9K11 ATGM launcher, 12 x 82mm RCL, 11** x ATW, 0/12 x 60mm mortar, 12/6 x 82mm mortar, 3 x MANPADS, 4 x 20/1mm AAG, 31 x SAW**, 27 x MG, 30 x SR***

Total heavier weapons for 1987. Mountain Bn with RCL or AT Plt - 12/2 x RCL, 11**/22** x ATW, 12 x 60mm mortar, 6 x 82mm mortar, 3 x MANPADS, 4 x 12.7mm AAMG, 29 x SAW**, 27 x MG, 30 x SR***

* 2 in Logistics Co

* 2 in Logistics Co

* 3 in Alpine Recce Plt


1990. Mountain Bn Support Elements

In this org Single Bn got new AT Co with 6 x ATGM launcher and 6 x 82mm RCL. Another Bn. kept 1987. org AT Co with 4 x ATGM Launcher and 6 x 82mm RCL. Another two kept RCL Plt with 6 x 82mm RCL. All of those had LARAD Plt. Single Bn, on most difficult terrain kept AT Plt with 2 x 82mm RCL and 8 x ATW, AAMG Plt with 4 x 12.7mm AAMG and separate MANPADS section.

1990. Mountain Bn Anti-Armor Company:

Co HQ - 6 men - 5 x AR, 1 x P, 1 x 5t Truck
- Co Cmd - AR
- Co 2inC/PO - AR
- Co Jr. Officer - AR
- Radioman - AR
- Medic - P
- Driver - AR, 5t Truck

RCL Platoon - 37 men - 6 x 82mm RCL, 31 x AR, 6 x P
- Plt Cmd - AR

RCL Section x 3 - 12 men - 2 x 82mm RCL, 10 x AR, 2 x P, 1 x 5t Truck
- Section leader - AR
- Driver - AR, 5t Truck
- RCL gunner x 2 - RCL, P
- Assistants x 8 - AR

ATGM Platoon - 21 men - 6 x ATGM launcher, 21 x AR, 2 x 5t Truck
- Plt Cmd - AR
- Driver x 2 - AR, 5t Truck
ATGM section x 6 - 3 men - 1 x ATGM launcher, 3 x AR
- ATGM operator - AR, ATGM launcher
- Assistants x 2 - AR

Total - 64 ( 6 + 37 + 21 ) men - 6 x 82mm RCL, 6 x ATGM launcher, 57 x AR, 7 x P, 6 x 5t Truck.


Total heavier weapons for 1990. Mountain Bn with 1990/1987. AT Co - 6/4 x ATGM, 12 x RCL, 11* x ATW, 0/12 x 60mm mortar, 12/6 x 82mm mortar, 3 x MANPADS, 4 x 20/1mm AAG, 58 x SAW**, 27 x MG, 30 x SR***

Total heavier weapons for 1990. Mountain Bn with RCL/AT Plt - 12/2 x RCL, 11*/22* x ATW, 12 x 60mm mortar, 6 x 82mm mortar, 3 x MANPADS, 4/0 x 20/1mm AAG, 0/4 x 12.7mm AAMG, 58 x SAW**, 27 x MG, 30 x SR***

* 2 in Logistics Co

* 2 in Logistics Co

* 3 in Alpine Recce Plt

  • 1 month later...

Yes, it is about TO/TD, but has only highest level administrative organization, it does not get into ToE and OrBat.

On 6/26/2019 at 1:59 PM, bojan said:

1954. Heavy Anti-Armor Artillery Battery, 88mm M43 or M41/43, Anti-Armor Group, Artillery Regiment


*There was relatively few of those (probably about 30-40) and this was 'R' type formation, war reserve material. Guns were retired soon after 100mm T-12 ATGs were acquired in 1968.

Found a pic of 8.8cm PaK 43 in Yugoslav service:


It is from the pre-1950s parade, since they are towed by Soviet YaG-12 tractors, and not M5 HST that were used in the '50s.

As for organization, both PaK 43 and PaK 43/41 were part of the "Special Artillery Reserve of the High Command". There were 24 in service (no breakdown between 43 and 43/41 ) in 1958, with R1 status - reserves but there is 1st call reserves (20-35 y/o) trained on those.

Those 24 guns were organized in the four 6-gun batteries in the the single Heavy Anti-Armor Artillery Regiment, subordinated directly to High Command Reserve Artillery Brigade. Other than those 24 there were also some (not clear how many, but probably 9) non-operational  and training guns.

Guns were on  the books as operational (also R1 status) until second half of the '60s, but are not in the 1968. artillery inventory, due the acquisition of 100m T-12 ATGs in 1967. that have finally replaced those.

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