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What is the theme?? The 1st I&I used the M60A2 in honor of Wade Bartells and Dwight Pruitt. The 2nd I&I used the Sherman in honor of Dr Hellmund. The 3rd I&I used a Mark VIII because we were going to Aberdeen. Any suggestions for this one??


It ain't a tank but it is on tracks. He's got a SCUD launcher that he bought out of the UK. Caused quite the commotion when it got to the dock in SF. Not saying it's his fav. but it IS significent.


His Prize Possession is a Stug 3....Looks like it just rolled off the Factory Floor...Hes also very partial to his Conqueror...When you meet him in October ask him.......


Well, the scud isn't really a tank so that's out, will we look like a bunch of neo-nazis if we use a Stug for a symbol?


Hey, let's get some more east coast people into the mix! Colorado seems to be the big winner right now. Bombchick are you coming? Bring your better half and have some fun.

Originally posted by Jeff:

Well, the scud isn't really a tank so that's out, will we look like a bunch of neo-nazis if we use a Stug for a symbol?


Not if it's on fire.

Originally posted by Old Tanker:

I signed up on Sunday but I take it the list isn't updated ?


Sorry ROn, it is now... been too busy pissing on the fires in the FFZ... frown.gif


Tentatively now, 16 of us, plus two old guys Jim might be dragging along... smile.gif

Guest Master Blaster
Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball:

Tentatively now, 16 of us, plus two old guys Jim might be dragging along... smile.gif



So you're comming with Jim now???? tongue.gif

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball:

...Tentatively now, 16 of us, plus two old guys Jim might be dragging along... smile.gif



Mat's not that old.

Originally posted by Master Blaster:

So you're coming with Jim now????


SMARTASS!!! You wait... just you wait... by the end of it, you'll be begging for mercy!


Damn, but this is gonna be one hell of a FINE party... biggrin.gif

Isn't he the guy who lays around by the front door?


That would be a certain freshly commissioned Lt. whose name I won't mention but whose first intial is Buck.

Guest Master Blaster
Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball:

SMARTASS!!! You wait... just you wait... by the end of it, you'll be begging for mercy!


Damn, but this is gonna be one hell of a FINE party...  biggrin.gif


And The first rounds on you....... biggrin.gif


<font size=1>[Edited by Master Blaster (19 May 2001).]


[Edited by Master Blaster (21 May 2001).]

Guest Master Blaster


That's 2 rounds. How much do you think Ye Olde Fossilized One can Take???? biggrin.gif


The way you guys are talking....I better start training now....Lets see, I figure with a disciplined regimen. I should be able to down a case of beer by October....Sounds like I will need it.... biggrin.gif

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball:

hehehe... I can't remember who, but someone has mentioned immortalizing the 'Super Colvin'... food for thought! biggrin.gif


The Colvin Covenanter??

Originally posted by Master Blaster:


That's 2 rounds. How much do you think Ye Olde Fossilized One can Take????  biggrin.gif


MB, not nice to talk about Richard like that... BAD MB!


At least Geoff is a cheap date. One or two rounds and you can have your way with him. Unless you're Tom and you're too busy heaving your guts out biggrin.gif

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