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Name: Chris Costello


Age: 35


Country, USA, SE Pa.


Service: Joined as 19E (M60A3 crewman), 2 years active duty in Wildflecken, Germany.


Joined USAR as 19E, went to MG course in 1991 for M60A3. USAR unit deactivated transferred to MP's, never MOS q'd.


Went back to college and joined ROTC. Received direct commission into 28th ID, PAARNG. Was in 103rd Armor, I am now a Cavalry Officer in B/1-104th Cav out of Philadelphia. Slated to take command of C Troop next year.


Previous rank - SFC, current rank 1LT.


Interest: Military, leadership, tanks, football, family. (Not necessarily in that order.)


Tanknet: Since Heavy Metal.


Comments: Spending less time on TankNet. Visit about once a month. Losing/Lost interest.

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Name: Terry douglas

Age: 33

Country: New Zealand

Service: None. Turned down by NZ Army due to eyesight. Accepted in RNZAF as avionics technician but turned down offer to play with computers.

Interest: World War one, History, sports, beer.

Tanknet: found old site about 97 and here on and off ever since.

Comments: Wide range of people, jobs and political leanings.


Name: mk

Age: 24

Country: Finland

Service: Conscript service (coastal artillery) in 97-98

Interest: computers, music, armor warfare among others

Tanknet: Stumbled upon Heavy Metal in 1996, been lurking around ever since

Comments: IIRC my only discussion on the fora was one with LIC. Is there any way to lure him back??


Name : Ron Seeley

age: 59 , yes an Old Tanker

Country: Arizona USA

Service: US Army armor crewman 131.0[0ld MOS code]1961-4

Interests: I'm retired , so I guess staying alive, having a beer or two. Politics, history , Vegas , I&I plus my family.

Comments: Have been with this group since the old forum days and have been to the last two I&Is.

It's for the most part intelligent , strong opinionated and informative.




[Edited by Old Tanker (21 Mar 2004).]




Country:New Zealand

Service:Territorial Force 5 years, Infantary, and Mounted Recon

Tanknet:Found the old heavy metal sight while looking for pics of AFVs liked it and stayed.

Comments:Lurk lurk lurk


Name: Mike

Age: 36

Country: USA

Service: Army... 19 years this April. Reserves, National Guard, and Active Duty. Infantryman first, then Chemical sergeant. Staff Sergeant when I went to OCS. Armor branch Captain now, working on Major, assigned inside the Beltway now, but my parole came up and I'm now on my way to USA Armor School at Fort Knox as staff.

Interest: See my profile.

Tanknet: Friend sent me the link, I liked what I saw.

Comments: Good stuff... keep up the good work. I particularly like your policing of violations of policy.



[Edited by Thunderbolt-6 (05 Jan 2002).]


Name: Andres Eduardo Vera Valladares

Age: 15

Country: Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Service: None/ Althought i serve with the national guard in my school in the 99 floding, pretty nice even the american UH/60 were there ,) but i really would serve in the USMC without thinking it twice (right mr.Davies)

Interest:girls, modern history and ancient hystori.

Tanknet: my cousing juancho told me abaut this

Comments: good site


Name: Jim Bonham Jr.

Age: 38 in Jan.

Country: USA

Service: 3mile run? HELP!

Interest: Almost everything.

Tanknet: Started at Tanker.net mid Jan. 2000

Comments: As stated previously the finest military forum on

the internet. It is almost like a cross between a

private club and military academy. The attitude and

expertise is that great.

Originally posted by Geoff Winnington-Ball:

It was brought up on another thread that we here at Tanknet have a truly international readership. WE know it, but it's time for all to to speak up...


Name: Josh

Age: 25

Country: US

Service: none

Interest: miltary, all things techincal

Tanknet: Ran into it around early 2001 looking for info about

Lav III for the medium brigades.

Comments: a liberal yes, but not to the point of disarmament.

I enjoy tanknet because it is the most heavil moderated forum I have come across (and the only one I revist) and it is full of intelligent people knowledgable in many disiplinces besides military science.


[Edited by jua (06 Jan 2002).]


Name: Robert

Age: 18

Country: US

Service: None, JROTC only

Interest: Military, Military history, Girls, Weapons, Anime, Martial arts, Girls, Tanks... (not in any particular order)

Tanknet: Been around for a year and a half probably, maybe 2

Comments: I'm sure this will be used against me somehow in future posts >.<


Name: <----


Age: 25


Country: Finland


Service: 11-month conscript service 96-97, Marksman AA-tank driver


Interest: Military history, weapon systems, computer games, movies, books, rock music, gym, beer, etc.


Tanknet: Been around from -97 IIRC, arguing against LIC's opinion that only 4-foot midgets could drive T-series tanks.


Comments: Best military forum of the whole net. And a great group of people as well.


Name: Pat Callahan

Age: 31

Country: Washington, DC USA

Service: None, Army ROTC Award rejected for eyes (twice)

Interest: Military History, Politics

Tanknet: Since August '98 on the old heavy-metal site.

Comments: My first post (on Hellfires, I believe) was viciously attacked by LIC. I read almost every day, post rarely, and get whipped at TankNet football. I find this site absolutely invaluable.

Posted (edited)

Name: Peter Eriksson

Age: born in 1980

Country: Sweden

Service: Took on the uniform 2000, hasn´t taken it off since :) Currently 2nd Lieutenant (1st Lieutenant in June 05), Armour Technician. Specialise in CV9040A/B, CV90FOV, CV90C2 & CV90ARV, PBV401 (MTLB) and to some extent Strv 122.

Interest: Motorcycles (own a KTM & a minimoto), AFVs, R/C vehicles, Metal working, Internet, Computer games, Sports

Tanknet: From 2000 as a lurker... 2001 as a poster

Comments: Got a homepage: www.mainbattletanks.net, not updated often but lots of pics on Swedish AFVs.

Edited by Steelspear

Name: Dirk Diggler

Age: 39

Country: USA

Service: Not yet

Interest: Mountain biking, tanks (duh) and grotesquely large firearms.

Tanknet: Since the old forum. I don't post much, it just seems like it.

Comments: Yeah, like anyone would name a kid Brasidas!!!!!!


Name:William Riedel



Service:U.S. Army 19K3A8 SSG 1982-2003

Interest:Tanks, tanks, and sometimes tanks. Not always in that particular order.

Tanknet:Always reading, rarely posting since Heavy Metal (around 1998)

Comments:Tanknet is the best thing combining tanks and computers since the CEU.



[Edited by realtanker (24 Feb 2003).]


What the hell, why not...


Name: J. Hyland

Age: 21

Country: Canada

Service: None

Interests: Military history, particularly WW1 and WW2, and armor in general. Sports, movies, and war games if you want to get away from the more serious interests.

Tanknet: Mostly lurking for the last 7 months, registered about 4 months ago.

Comments: Another one of those rare beasts known as a TankNet liberal... Here to learn for the most part, and where better than a place where people actually know what they're talking about. A great collection of academic knowledge and practical experience.


Name: Elliot Howard (Married)

Age: 24

Country: Texas

Service: 3 yrs Active duty 19K in Germany, been in the TXNG since 99'.

Interest: Hockey, boxing, guns, import beers, some PC games, hunting......that's about it.

Tanknet: Used to be a very annoying member of Tankers.net.

Comments: Nothing else follows.


Name: Steve J. Tyliszczak

Age: 16

Country: US, Connecticut to be more specific

Service: none

Interest: Armor Modeling, the Abrams tank and its derivatives, soccer, baseball, target shooting, basketball, and of course teenage girls

Tanknet: transfered from the old Heavy Metal site which i found the first day I got the internet which was in late 98 I believe. Lurked for about a year then started posting but not too frequently, the old board was just too hard to follow.

Comment:This place is great for getting all sorts of information, and the occasional flame war adds the entertainment value. My favorite though I must say is the Joke threads, those are hilarious.


Name: Jason


Age: 29


Country: USA, the great liberal haven of Massachusetts (and no, I'm not a liberal).


Service: Four years active duty, US Army, 19K20 (Sgt/Tank gunner). Five years USAR and NG, MOS varies. Currently 11H20 - member of an anti-tank detachment (TOW missiles) attached to 1-181 Infantry, MAARNG. I've seen and taken part in the full spectrum of ground based combat arms now, armor, artillery and infantry. Maybe I can find myself a nice aviation unit to get into next.....


Interest: Tanks, military history, music, sports (except basketball), good beer, good food, wine, travel (when I can), mountain biking, running, playing roller and ice hockey, building military models.


Tanknet: Found Brunk’s forum by accident about six months before it went under. My first post was telling Gotz he didn’t know what the f*ck he was talking about on the “US Equipment sucks†thread. Been on Tanknet from the beginning, plank owner and active member of moderating staff.


Comments: This is first Internet forum (in it’s original form) I posted on, registered on, or visited. It is the only forum I visit on a regular basis (daily, several times a day). We have a great group of regulars here, and lots of knowledge. I think what I appreciate most, though, is the international input and viewpoints available here (even if I don’t agree with them all the time). The fact that we keep this place civil is one of the reasons it is the best forum online IMHO.


This is a very interresting thread but please, can I ask you US members not to use a code when describing your service.

Us non US members don't have a clue to what they mean.

If you was a gunner on an M-60, write that and not the US military code for that position.

Or maybe it's done with purpose to keep us euros in the dark


re: The Swede

I feel your pain .


There's a couple of ways to do this. You can go to this link and it tells you the MOS code:




It's kind of scary for paranoid folk (Markus need not apply -) because it asks you to accept a security certificate (again and again if you choose not to download it) and it can be fairly difficult to navigate.


That tells you what the FIRST part of the code is (Which we call an MOS--Military Occupational Specialty. For example, 19K is Abrams Armor Crewman. Then there's a number that goes afer this. For example, 19k10 is an Abrams Armor Crewman with a rank of e1 through e4 (Private through Specialist/Corporal), 20-Sergeant, e-5; 30-Staff Sergeant, e-6; 40-Sergeant First Class, e-7.


THEN, there's what's called an "SQI" (Skill Qualification Identifier) that replaces the "0" in the 10/20/30/40 numbers shown above. For example, 19k4H indicates an Abrams Armor Crewman Sergeant First Class with an Instructor rating.


FINALLY, there's an "ASI" (Additional Skill Identifier) which can adds additional qualifications that are usually related more specifically to the MOS (first three letters). For example, a 19k4HP5 indicates an Abrams Armor Crewman Sergeant First Class/Instructor Rating/Master Fitness Trainer. (My old MOS .)




OR...people could do what you ask...which is more than reasonable...and would be much more easily accomplished.


Name: Dave Ruples

Age: 34

Country: USA, Wisconsin

Service: None

Interest: Military History, The outdoors, Raising my daughter, dogs. American Football is a passion. GO GREEN BAY PACKERS!!


Found the old Tanknet awile back and liked what I was reading. Been hooked ever since.


Comments: I enjoy the diverse views and comments that are expressed on this site. Haven't found anything quite like this and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.


Name: Fareed Ameen

Age: 39

Country: Britain/Pakistan. I took the Oath of Allegiance to Her Majesty. Honest!


Service: Nope. It's safer to talk from an armchair... or keyboard.


Interest: Military History/affairs, Private Equity/Finance, Music, Chelsea (okay, Real Madrid too), travel and talk.


Tanknet: Came across quite by chance. What's that song... "simply the best".


Comments: Thanks for letting me post.


Name: Jeff Bromfield


Age: 26


Country: West Virginia, United States


Service: Ex-Navy, National Guard Artillery Forward Observer


Interest:Armored Warfare/history, being a geek , watching movies, hurrying to finish my engineering degree


Tanknet: Became addicted in 99, quit after the big TankNet web location/management move, came back a few months ago.


Comments:This is the only place I can communicate with intelligent/motivated people who share the same interests in military equipment,tactics, and general discussions.~Jeff

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