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Who am I and where am I calling from?

Geoff Winnington-Ball

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There is more where we come from. :ninja:


A little primer on the boards:


The I&I 2013 planning thread


The World of Tanks forum


The World of Warplanes thread


The World of Warships thread


The Kerbal Space Program thread


Fritz' CGI model thread


Our little roleplaying thread on what would have happened if Russia never sold Alaska to the US. Read what has happened so far here.


The Broken Computers forum


Avoid the Free Fire Zone in the absence of compelling reasons. It's full of Eurocommies and right-wing Rethuglicans. ^_^

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Name: Frank

Age: 35 and counting

Country: Germany

Occupation: Wunderwaffe :) - i.e. building internet stuff for paying & grateful customers

Service: I got drafted into the Bundeswehr and served with the Panzergrenadiere


Comments: Some of you know may know me even before I was member of Tanknet by means of my oldest Brother, @BansheeOne. I got sucked into an I&I in Berlin, and now it seems there was now reasonable way to avoid being on the forum. :)


Welcome, Frank!

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  • 1 month later...

Name: AtikGuide1

Age: 44

Country: United States, northern Midwest

Service: None, though I respect the folks that serve and have served.

Interests: transportation and military history.

TankNet: I've been a long time lurker (since 2000 or so), and I decided it was time to quit lurking and reading and join the board. I once posted as CG96-something-or-other, but that was over a year ago.

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Name: Blackscorpy, and various variations of it
Age: 24
Country: Finland, SW-ish bits
Service: 362 days of conscript service in FAF, F-18 mechanic. Spent the previous week riding BMP-2s and MT-LBv and doing delays battles, go figure.
Interest: Military stuff, history, shooting sports, photography. I've recently taken an interest in marksmanship/sniper/long range shooting stuff, looking at maybe getting that added as a military qualification.
Tanknet: Quite a few Google results on armour related things led here, so eventually decided to join. Thanks for T19 for his patience, the registration process was a bit painful. :D

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  • 1 year later...

Was browsing this thread and the thing that struck me was we're all getting old.... (some of you guys placed age at time of posting in this thread at early 30s, and now you guys are in the 40s :P ).


Don't get me started! When I joined Tanknet, I thought guys like Michael Eastes were waaay older than me, and guys like you were waaaaay younger. Now those age differences are pretty much roundoff error, and the yutes are young enough to be my illegitimate progeny.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know how you all feel. Why, I feel so old, I can almost remember when this forum was carved on a cave wall. :D


Noted it was started by Geoff. Still miss him posting up. :(


And here I thought that it was started on the crew compartment bulkhead in a Mk.IV Female.


I miss Geoff, and King, and Mr. Littlefield...unfortunately that list will keep getting longer.

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  • 1 month later...

Name: Eric


Age: 46


Country: U.S.


Service: U.S. Army 1986 - 1990 19K, M1 Abrams Armor Crewman


Interests: My family, baseball, some computers, some military history. Enjoy reading and spending time with my wife. Finding friends from my time in the service.


Tank-net: Who knows, maybe an old fart like might be able to contribute something.

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Name: Dimitry or Dmitry - depend on translation

Age : 24

Country: Ukraine

Service: none, and I don't want for obvious reasons

Occupation: nope, just visiting :D , LAN administrator and tech support

Interests: military, IT technologies, history, technology of various kinds (general knowlege).

Tank-net: pretty much the first day I found this forum I decided to join. There are a lot of interesting topics here where I can gan something new and perhaps contribute something. I was a bit surprised with registration method, but stuff happens, who am I to judge?

Edited by Anduriel
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  • 10 months later...

10 years after registration and 500-some posts, I thought, better late than way too late :P


Name: Dmitry

Country: Russia; since 1995, Dschörmänie!

City: Moscow/Bremen, respectively

Age: 31

Service: Deutschland ist eine Service-Wüste (Germany is a desert when it comes to service) :D No, no service due to health.

Occupation: Well, I kinda hung around :P Student; security (what counts as security here O__o)

Interests: Nifty, non-standard solutions in small arms, AFVs and engine tech, mostly. Ancient German literature (what I study). Sci-fi and post-apoc books, movies, games. Anime. Death metal, doom-death metal. Used to do harsh vocals ("growl" singing) in a band, but have little time for that as of now. Dark beer.

Edited by Blunt Eversmoke
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  • 2 months later...

Joined in 2007.


Country of birth: Singapore

Also lived in: Hong Kong (1997 - 2002) • Shanghai (2002 to 2014) • Macau (2014 - present)


Age: 50 (2016)


Service: Conscript 1983 to 1985. (Brigade HQ S2 Br)

Reservist 1987 to 1997 (801 SIR Bn S2 Br, 173SIR Platoon Runner) Highest Rank; Corporal


Family Service history: Father (RIP) WW2 IJA (forced conscription)

Older Brother (RIP) M113 Vehicle Commander (conscript Cpl)

Edited by chino
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  • 4 years later...

Back again here, now under my real first name (Lesley). Formerly registered at tanknet as ''11E'' from the Netherlands. Not banned or something like that but other e-mail, forgotten passwords, unable to re-register due to browser/Chapka problems.

My humble request to the moderators, is it possible to remove the 11E account.

Anyway, I'am still in the army, now as OR-9, or adjusaur (adjutant - dinosaur),  as the cpl's call me when I tell them about the glorious past when we still had tanks, artillery and lots of infantry.



Lesley (formerly known as 11E)

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26 minutes ago, sunday said:

Welcome back!

If you are interested, there are tank net groups both in Facebook and MeWe.


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On 12/29/2020 at 10:54 AM, Lesley said:

Back again here, now under my real first name (Lesley). Formerly registered at tanknet as ''11E'' from the Netherlands. Not banned or something like that but other e-mail, forgotten passwords, unable to re-register due to browser/Chapka problems.

My humble request to the moderators, is it possible to remove the 11E account.

Anyway, I'am still in the army, now as OR-9, or adjusaur (adjutant - dinosaur),  as the cpl's call me when I tell them about the glorious past when we still had tanks, artillery and lots of infantry.



Lesley (formerly known as 11E)

Welcome aboard. Again. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi i'm Rob from Liverpool, England.

Long time lurker, now registered at Tank Net forums. Main interests are military history, computers and films. Ive been at the ACIG.info site for a number of years so some people may know me from there. i've never been in the army or air force. i'm just simply into post WW2 military history.

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  • 6 months later...

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