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Posted (edited)

if you want to see what the source of modern woke schemas really are, the case is there for feminism as the source. many will say it is marxism- which nowhere in there really makes the case for race and gender based politics, it tends to be an economic theory underpinning revolution and changes according to class structures, not race and gender politics


when you figure out the female of the species, you basically figure out everyone. because you basically see the strong motivating factor is behind everyone's behaviors.


men are biologically wired to want to protect and provide for women, offer services to women, transfer money and resources to women, and the wimmins have figured out the hack; much like the way pavlov's dog has been conditioned to salivate at the ringing of a bell, the females manipulate the males to do their bidding. 'vote for kamala or you don't get laid' -- is the new thing going on now


often times i hear the usual trope: "well who can figure out women. it cannot be done" it can be done, as long as you discard certain hangups that you might have from the movies or the love songs or in religion painting them as infallible beings, and of course now it has been weaponized as a blatant female supremacy movement using various humanisms as a trojan horse in order to disguise what it is- which is what feminism is, which is why it is called FEMINism and does not even bother with gender neutral term like the kind it claims to be on about


and so where before males might try to solve the problem of attracting women with cars, money, status, dominant posturing and so on, another form of it occurs. this is what it looks like:

"you womyn are right. it's wrong to be a man. being a man is the worst thing in the world. oh believe me i know. i'm with her. he for she. hehehehehe. aren't i cool ladies. now can i get in your pants?" -- every male feminist


the thing is the females deep down know quite well what that is. they have seen just about every kind of strategy the males might use, much like the species of male cuttlefish attempt mating strategies where they mimic the female body language, signs and signals in order to trick them into allowing the males to get in close and attempt a backdoor mating opportunity


with the trump election you see all of this more or less in the open now. this is why it was so divided along gender lines now, as more men have become aware of what is going on and seeing what is obvious a blatant power grab by the females- if you do not vote for kamala harris, you are a racist / and or misogynist. and once you get tarred with that, good luck getting rid of that. you have barak obama raised raised in a feminized culture which praises women and does almost anything it can now to reduce men to clowns, disposable workhorses and so on, telling black men and men of color to vote for kamala or they are a bunch of misogynists. and it backfired a bit, especially among hispanic males, many of whom still voted for trump. still the pundits and media narratives have attempted to group them in with 'male white supremacists' going forward



Edited by Sinistar

If you do a web search for "feminism" and "Frankfurt School" you'll find plenty to read.

The following article hits some points;


IMHO, the ultimate goal of counter-traditionalists has always been totalitarianism, and the methods to get there are to use class, race/ethnicity, sex, and alphabetism as wedges. We can see this now in the conflict between female athletes and trans athletes. Equality has been achieved for women in the west, so now society must be split using the trans debate.

As for understanding women, there are two ground truths to take on board:

  • ignore what they say, and watch what they do;
  • actions are mostly driven by emotion, and emotions are mostly driven by millions of years of mammalian evolution.



Case in point, thoughts on the 4B movement


The Futility of the 4B Females
Just let the control freaks go without remorse

In the aftermath of the US presidential election and the imminent return of President Donald Trump to the White House, some US women are embracing what is known as the 4B Movement, which is a Korean women’s movement that is the modern embodiment of the female sex boycott from the Greek play Lysistrata.

Lysistrata is an ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC. It is a comic account of a woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War between Greek city states by denying all the men of the land any sex.

It would appear that three very significant things about the play escaped the founders of 4B. First, Lysistrata is a comedy, not an example of a strategic plan successfully implemented. Second, the war lasted 27 years and was not ended by a sex strike. Third, seven years after the original performance of the play, Athens was defeated by Sparta and subjected to rule by the Thirty Tyrants.

However, I doubt that any of the young women who have so publicly declared their embrace of 4B have ever heard of Lysistrata, the Peloponnesian War, or, quite possibly, Korea. Here is one such declaration:



I began with slowly cutting off all males that are friends, one by one I am dropping them from the docket.

I'm alarmed at how casual this all is to them and so while our futures are tanked, this is another day for these goons.

Also, I've cut to shit all the pick-me friends that I had held on to out if pure sentimentality. I won't allow the masters dog to bite me either. Good riddance.

I'm also saying bon voyage to politeness. Playing fair while everyone else stacks the deck has been a losing strategy since 2016.1 don't want to go high when they go low. If I ever go high again, it will be to a hill with a high wall from where I can aim at incels and clean their fuckin clocks.

We have to start being ugly. Full Volcel.


In the event that you are so unfortunate as to have some connection to one of these unhappy women, the best thing to do is simply let them go to descend into their madness. To paraphrase the old aphorism: If someone is insane, let them go. If they don’t return to sanity, they were never sane in the first place.


These women were always likely to end up as genetic dead-ends in the first place. Notice the way they loathe the “pick-me” girls that are more interested in male interest and approval.

The equation is simple. Pick-me > 4B.



4B has far less chance to work in the US than in Worst Korea. In the latter, the gender divide is far closer to the political divide, in the US it seems to be more balanced, close to 50:50 when it comes to women. That would mean just that the shitlibs will procreate even less, which might actually be a good thing.

31 minutes ago, urbanoid said:

4B has far less chance to work in the US than in Worst Korea. In the latter, the gender divide is far closer to the political divide, in the US it seems to be more balanced, close to 50:50 when it comes to women. That would mean just that the shitlibs will procreate even less, which might actually be a good thing.

Shitlibs procreate by grooming and indoctrinating other peoples children


When one does a compare/contrast on women who have been labeled pick-mes, it is usually because they aren't parroting PC/misandrist narratives.


4 minutes ago, Ivanhoe said:

When one does a compare/contrast on women who have been labeled pick-mes, it is usually because they aren't parroting PC/misandrist narratives.

One of the most glaring examples


Posted (edited)
On 11/17/2024 at 1:06 PM, urbanoid said:

4B has far less chance to work in the US than in Worst Korea. In the latter, the gender divide is far closer to the political divide, in the US it seems to be more balanced, close to 50:50 when it comes to women. That would mean just that the shitlibs will procreate even less, which might actually be a good thing.


it is much more than 4B - i regard that as merely a symptom rather than a means initself


it is the way the wimmins rig the game generally. when the impact studies started coming out exploring all the new affirmative action results in the universities in the late 1990s and early 2000s, a peculiar trend was revealed- it was not the historically disadvantaged black kid from the inner cities who was suddenly awarded a place in harvard, which he he had no chance to get into anyway, it was middle class and affluent womyn, in other words what it really came down to if you have to choose between a male and a female who are roughly within the same ballpark in aptitude scores and grade point averages, the award should go to the female


and you see the results- even as the females eclipse males in higher education representation, even as males are over-represented in the high school drop out rate, the females still double down on their oppression and they still need more privileges. what they had done was effectively insinuated themselves as a 'minority class' regardless of their socio-economic background. so often the discourse is "such and such policy disproportions people of color and women into this and that negative result' two years ago i listened to a radio broadcast from some local group which learned to use that kind of boilerplate language. it was literally this: "changes need to be made to local beach access because access has historically barred people of color and women from their use" -- no joke. literally


and they could not be more blatant about it, revealing the game they have been playing all along. while males for example represent most of the homeless, most of the occupational workplace accidents and fatalities, most of the high school drop outs, the women do not relinquish one iota, lest they give up one single advantage. that is how they do it


'witholding sex' is just one more tool from the toolset in the way that the females operate. and every woke model can sort of follow that as a template. give me what i want or else you are branded a "fill in the blank". and once the entitlements are granted, good luck rescinding them once more once that happens. it is one thing if the entitlements were never there in the first place, it is another to take them away again. and so you see a general life strategy the womyn follow in order to fix the game. and they do this without regard for the welfare of men and instead claim that 'patriarchy hurts men too so therefore men should be feminists'

so it really is making the female imperatives and priorities your imperatives and priorities under some conceit called 'equality' which is far more dangerous than females pretending to be frigid

Edited by Sinistar
Posted (edited)
On 11/17/2024 at 6:12 AM, Ivanhoe said:

As for understanding women, there are two ground truths to take on board:

  • ignore what they say, and watch what they do;
  • actions are mostly driven by emotion, and emotions are mostly driven by millions of years of mammalian evolution.


i will add laugh at them, tease them for being the entitled children they are and for being so ridiculous. if they insist on it show them the door and tell them they are free to leave, and mean it. stick to your principles


when i was in high school something quite strange made apparent, and i make it a point to reveal this whenever i encounter men who think women are so 'mysterious'


we had a health unit in one academic semester explaining the birds and the bees and all this kind of thing sure. i had transferred from a low rent public school system to the affluent suburbs at this point, i had already seen a high rate of teenage female pregnancies and i thought these suburban kids were kind of naive


at any rate my class was presented some kind of module where all the males and all the females would rate on a scale the most attractive traits of the opposite sex, then at the end the surveys were revealed for discussion


the males rated the most desirable trait in their estimation of females as number one their physical appearance, in other words a youthful feminine appearance


when the females revealed their hand it was some ambiguous and wishy-washy reply such as "i am attracted to people who are attracted to me"

and so a lot of the males were left puzzled at this kind of response, because it makes no sense. if that were true the females would respond to any homeless man on the street cat calling or whatever. that is not how it works


what the females are doing here is playing games. the males readily show their cards, the females hide their cards instead of explain what they are really about. and this makes a lot of males regard females as somehow 'mysterious' when they aren't that at all. it is that usually at a younger age when most males are playing with construction sets, army toys, games which are based on target objectives and so on, the female interests already are already learning about the ins and outs of dating, social relationships, they show interest in games not necessarily involved in attaining concrete objectives but in roleplay, play-acting, using dolls to practice and parley social status. and so they are usually more sophisticated at a younger age than most males, who many of which never really quite gain enough experience with females in order to figure them out


often times if a male has lots of sisters or something they will have more insight, or if they are homosexual and tend to spend more time as a friend and ally of women, they will tend to have the female insight because they are around it in the inner circle. other than that being a womanizer is about the only other means to really see how they behave and then recognizing patterns

Edited by Sinistar
Posted (edited)

Lately I am being aware of the fact that single men should not give relationship advice.

Edited by sunday
On 11/17/2024 at 10:06 PM, urbanoid said:

4B has far less chance to work in the US than in Worst Korea. In the latter, the gender divide is far closer to the political divide, in the US it seems to be more balanced, close to 50:50 when it comes to women. That would mean just that the shitlibs will procreate even less, which might actually be a good thing.

4B in Korea is also not comparable to 4B in the US. 4B in Korea is rooted in some real problems that women are still facing there, 4B in the US is made by crazy leftist that just think that not dating or having sex would be a punishment for anybody and that this would influence society, while they are actually saving society.

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