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Am I the only one who is disconcerted by lack of women conscription in the UKR Army?

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5 hours ago, Stefan Kotsch said:

Here is the graph of population of Russia, 1950-2025. If you show the graph of population of Ukraine at the same scale, it looks the same.


Seems to me "a bunch of dozy pillocks" invasion happened in 1994?

@source: https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/rus/russia/population

Congratulations, you have just discovered the fact Russian Federation is as much colony of the West as Ukraine is. Yes bigger, more well-run and less corrupt, but still colony controlled by pro-Western comprador colonial elite.

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19 hours ago, LeeWalls said:

You remind me of the Earl of Sandwich.    Can't quite put my finger on it....

I feel you.


Earl of Sandwich:
Douchebag, how are you? I haven't seen you at the House of Lords in ages! Don't tell me for the first time in memory we are going to have a House of Parliament without a Douchebag?

Lord Douchebag:
My dear Sandwich, Parliament has always had its share of Douchebags, and it always will.

Lord Salisbury:
Spoken like a true Douchebag.

17 hours ago, glenn239 said:

Sounds like the ending of The Unforgiven where the idiot saloon owner didn't expect a shotgun colonoscopy for decorating his premises with the body of Clint Eastwood's friend.  If the Ukrainians didn't anticipate that the inevitable result of their NATO policies and attempts to crush the rebels in Donbas would be absolute and total ruin in a war with Russia, then they are stupider than even I could have imagined.  

There is a problem with your narrative. All along its been there was no need for these former Soviet Satellite states to join NATO, because there wasnt a threat presented by Russia. You are however are entirely happy to suggest that any nation that wanted to join NATO  was inviting the retaliation they feared. Which to my mind strongly indicates their fears were rational, and Russia was just utilizing NATO membership as an excuse for doing what they wanted to do all along.

This strikes me as akin to blaming women for being raped, that wearing a short skirt was pretty much asking for it. If such an attitude is wholly unacceptable on such a low level, then why do you insist on trying to proport it to be completely rational when its a nation state of 40 million? You keep banging on about Russia's 'sphere of influence'. Well right back at you sport, what about Ukrainian sovereighty that Russia promised 4 times?

Here is the other problem you miss. There was no Donbas rebels worth a damn, till Russia bussed them in. And if you dont accept that narrative, one might well ask how Igor Strelkov, a man born in Moscow and is ex GRU, ended up a local Donbas commander, an area he had no prior connection with? Dont tell me, he was on holiday, and just happened to walk into a warzone.

Well this happens to Russian's all the time of course.



2 hours ago, X-Files said:

I feel you.


Earl of Sandwich:
Douchebag, how are you? I haven't seen you at the House of Lords in ages! Don't tell me for the first time in memory we are going to have a House of Parliament without a Douchebag?

Lord Douchebag:
My dear Sandwich, Parliament has always had its share of Douchebags, and it always will.

Lord Salisbury:
Spoken like a true Douchebag.

I see you found your "time and inclination." :D

10 hours ago, Roman Alymov said:

the fact Russian Federation is ...  colony of the West ... . ... bigger, more well-run and less corrupt, but still colony controlled by pro-Western comprador colonial elite.

I see that at least you haven't lost your sense of humor. 😊

2 hours ago, Stuart Galbraith said:

Well right back at you sport, what about Ukrainian sovereighty that Russia promised 4 times?

Not Russia but pro-Western colonial administration of Russian Federation.

2 hours ago, Stuart Galbraith said:

Here is the other problem you miss. There was no Donbas rebels worth a damn, till Russia bussed them in. 

Oh really? What about Alexey Mozgovoy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksey_Mozgovoy ) who was not only local man, but former UkrArmy officer (7 years of service in total, including two initial yeas as conscript and two years as the head of local UkrArmy recruitment office)? How About Andrey "Givi" Tolstykh (Mikhail Tolstykh | Military Wiki | Fandom), local man and UkrArmy tank commander?  How about Pavel "Batya" Dryomov, local man and former UkrArmy Sergant, who founded republic Republic of Stakhanov - Wikipedia?  How about Alexander Khodakovsky, foemrt SBU SOF officer? And note i am only listing here well known people with Internet pages, while thousands of others are not known for you  - like Sergey Sitolenko, late father of Strelkov's wife, local coal miner from Dzerjinsk aka Toretsk, from coal mining dynasty.


1 hour ago, Roman Alymov said:

What about Alexey Mozgovoy ...

This is also just a pro-Western colonial administrator.

22 hours ago, urbanoid said:

There were no NATO policies (and no chance to have any realistic prospect of joining, as among others Germany was dead set against it, they also struck prospects of Ukrainian membership in 2008, before any territorial issues came up) nor any unusual concentration of Ukrainian forces in Donbas prior to Feb 24.

The policy of NATO expansion brought Ukraine into a head on collision with Russia, and arguments to the effect that NATO wasn't ready or willing to expand, these were red herrings - NATO was lying about everything except their constant statement that NATO reserved the right to expand anywhere it wanted.

4 hours ago, Stuart Galbraith said:

This strikes me as akin to blaming women for being raped, that wearing a short skirt was pretty much asking for it. 

Insofar as a woman is a NATO-backed army of a million heavily armed troops, sure. 


44 minutes ago, Stefan Kotsch said:

This is also just a pro-Western colonial administrator.

I would formulate it as "former low-ranking official of colonial administration". No doubt he was one, as well as Khodakovsky who was SBU Colonel as far as i remember. That is how civil wars work, in combination with anti-colonial struggle.

10 minutes ago, glenn239 said:

The policy of NATO expansion brought Ukraine into a head on collision with Russia, and arguments to the effect that NATO wasn't ready or willing to expand, these were red herrings - NATO was lying about everything except their constant statement that NATO reserved the right to expand anywhere it wanted.

As for that, of course, it still does, provided that the country is up to some democratic standards AND wants it AND all of current NATO member states agree, which wasn't the case with Ukraine.

Open door policy has been a thing since the 90s, but Ukrainian membership wasn't seen as practical or desired, it has even been shot down along with the Georgian one and wasn't on the table... at least until Russia invaded (in 2022, not in 2014), when it became a subject of debate again.


2 hours ago, Roman Alymov said:

Not Russia but pro-Western colonial administration of Russian Federation.

Oh really? What about Alexey Mozgovoy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksey_Mozgovoy ) who was not only local man, but former UkrArmy officer (7 years of service in total, including two initial yeas as conscript and two years as the head of local UkrArmy recruitment office)? How About Andrey "Givi" Tolstykh (Mikhail Tolstykh | Military Wiki | Fandom), local man and UkrArmy tank commander?  How about Pavel "Batya" Dryomov, local man and former UkrArmy Sergant, who founded republic Republic of Stakhanov - Wikipedia?  How about Alexander Khodakovsky, foemrt SBU SOF officer? And note i am only listing here well known people with Internet pages, while thousands of others are not known for you  - like Sergey Sitolenko, late father of Strelkov's wife, local coal miner from Dzerjinsk aka Toretsk, from coal mining dynasty.


Lies, all lies. Looks like one of the advisors from Command and Conqueror Red Alert. :D


7 minutes ago, Roman Alymov said:

I would formulate it as "former low-ranking official of colonial administration". No doubt he was one, as well as Khodakovsky who was SBU Colonel as far as i remember. That is how civil wars work, in combination with anti-colonial struggle.

Oh bullshit Roman. The only anticolonial struggle on offer here is from the Ukrainians. Russia is the Empire here, dead set on reviving a failed Empire, Ukrainians  are the ones standing in your way. For once stop talking in double dutch and just admit it, honestly. No, I wouldnt agree with you its viable, or even commendable, but you would get a lot more respect on this grate site telling the truth, than trying to make this nonsensical crap up.

Next you will say it was Russians Western paymasters that created the war, just for the satisfaction of seeing Russia invade and destroying itself. You are self evidently an intelligent man, so just stop being so damn silly and admit it, just for once. Its a colonial war your country started.


4 minutes ago, Stuart Galbraith said:

Oh bullshit Roman. The only anticolonial struggle on offer here is from the Ukrainians.

Let me remind you i am at least 1/4 "Ukrainian" (and another 1/4 "Cossack", another official "colonised nation" by Western claims). I am not "Ukrainian" now because back in 1970th, after graduatiing univercity, my father chose work in space industry near Moscow, not Uzhmash in Dnepropetrovsk as he was proposed to. My wife is 1/2 "Ukrainian". And it is the same for most of people here. At the same time, current UkrArmy commander is 100% "Russian" from rural Central Russia and only became "Ukrainian" because his father, Red Army officer, was redeployed to Soviet Ukraine. And so on. So who is struggling here?

17 hours ago, LeeWalls said:

I see you found your "time and inclination." :D


That was for you, Mein Kupkake. Not the other guy.

17 hours ago, Roman Alymov said:

Let me remind you i am at least 1/4 "Ukrainian" (and another 1/4 "Cossack", another official "colonised nation" by Western claims). I am not "Ukrainian" now because back in 1970th, after graduatiing univercity, my father chose work in space industry near Moscow, not Uzhmash in Dnepropetrovsk as he was proposed to. My wife is 1/2 "Ukrainian". And it is the same for most of people here. At the same time, current UkrArmy commander is 100% "Russian" from rural Central Russia and only became "Ukrainian" because his father, Red Army officer, was redeployed to Soviet Ukraine. And so on. So who is struggling here?

Yes, and who colonized Cossack Lands Roman? The Russian Empire did, so you are hardly in a position to point the finger at Ukraine and start painting them as Imperialists.


20 hours ago, Roman Alymov said:

Let me remind you i am at least 1/4 "Ukrainian" (and another 1/4 "Cossack", another official "colonised nation" by Western claims). I am not "Ukrainian" now because back in 1970th, after graduatiing univercity, my father chose work in space industry near Moscow, not Uzhmash in Dnepropetrovsk as he was proposed to. My wife is 1/2 "Ukrainian". And it is the same for most of people here. At the same time, current UkrArmy commander is 100% "Russian" from rural Central Russia and only became "Ukrainian" because his father, Red Army officer, was redeployed to Soviet Ukraine. And so on. So who is struggling here?

I'm sorry I'm coming to this late Mr. A, but is there considered to be any "ethnic" difference between a "Ukrainian' and a "Russian"?   I mean does it really just come down to where you happen to reside (for long enough)?   If you put a Uke and a Russian in a room with no indicia of identity, could you tell which was which?    I am pretty sure the answer is "no" but am not certain.

8 hours ago, X-Files said:


That was for you, Mein Kupkake. Not the other guy.

I'm sorry I'm not getting it.


Now go make me a sandwich!

44 minutes ago, LeeWalls said:

is there considered to be any "ethnic" difference between a "Ukrainian' and a "Russian"?

Is there one between Austrians and Germans? No.

As so often, the difference is cultural. The more aggressive Russia denies the differences, the more it provokes Ukraine to emphasize them. The churches have split. There are different languages. There is a tradition of Ukrainians seeking independence. They consider adopting the latin alphabet and the Gregorian calendar now.

If nothing else, Putin's three-day war has ensured a cultural rift between the two nations, and every ham-fisted approach to deny these differences will make it worse.


Roman, of course, will insist that there are no differences whatsoever. Saying otherwise is illegal in Russia now, so don't expect a different answer.

2 minutes ago, Ssnake said:

Is there one between Austrians and Germans? No.

As so often, the difference is cultural. The more aggressive Russia denies the differences, the more it provokes Ukraine to emphasize them. The churches have split. There are different languages. There is a tradition of Ukrainians seeking independence. They consider adopting the latin alphabet and the Gregorian calendar now.

If nothing else, Putin's three-day war has ensured a cultural rift between the two nations, and every ham-fisted approach to deny these differences will make it worse.


Roman, of course, will insist that there are no differences whatsoever. Saying otherwise is illegal in Russia now, so don't expect a different answer.

I see.   Thanks for that.

1 hour ago, Ssnake said:

...They consider adopting the latin alphabet...


2 minutes ago, bojan said:


Such ideas are floated from time to time.

They wouldn't be the first, Turkey abandoned Arabic script in favor of Latin alphabet a century ago or so.

6 minutes ago, urbanoid said:

They wouldn't be the first, Turkey abandoned Arabic script in favor of Latin alphabet a century ago or so.

When literacy rate for Turkey was maybe 30% max. Romanians switched from Cyrillic to Latin in 19th century, again, when literacy was low (under 15%). Only ones switching those days are various 'stans, mostly because... reasons.


1 minute ago, bojan said:

When their literacy rate for Turkey was maybe 30% max. Romanians switched from Cyrillic to Latin in 19th century, again, when literacy was low. Only ones switching those days are various 'stans, mostly because... reasons.


Sure, that would mean that the two would have to coexist for quite some time.

Btw. there were earlier attempts to latinize Ukrainian, as early as 1850s, also a rejected proposal during Soviet times.



That is one that Austro-Hungary pushed on local Rusyn* community, resulting in those in Slovakia using Latin and rest using Cyrillic alphabet.

*Those in northern Serbia have fantastic food festivals, and I regularly visit those. One thing that has been noted since 2014. is very aggressive Ukrainian embassy campaign about them being Ukrainians and not distinct nationality and their pushback against that narrative. Reminds you of something? :)


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