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The term "conspiracy theory" gets bandied about by both the left and right to dismiss and attack each others interpretations of information for why recent and past events happened the way they did. However, both sides have no problem believing  their own.

First it's important to point out conspiracies exist. If no one conspired, especially conspire to commit illegal activity, the act of an conspiracy would not be codified into our laws.

It's ridiculous to suggest powerful people and those in power do not conspire or that somehow our "western democracies" and "rule of law" prevents them from conspiring for nefarious or illegal purposes.  

So lets talk about different conspiracy theories and what merit they do or do not have and why. 

Here's some of the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Note: just because I am listing them here does not indicate I endorse each one as being true.


  • Roosevelt let the attack on Pearl Harbor take place
  • The media conspired with the government to hide Roosevelt's heath condition
  • General Patton was murdered
  • The CIA ran MKUltra
  • The government experimented on black Americans infected with syphilis instead of treating them
  • The Pentagon came up with a plan to commit false flag terror attacks on US soil to use as a reason to invade Cuba
  • Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA, Mossad, or Mob
  • CIA ran drugs to fund their covert activities
  • CIA created crack cocaine to keep black Americans in poverty and cause destabilization
  • CIA created AIDs
  • Big Sugar bribed the FDA to say fat is unhealthy and to promote high carbohydrate diet
  • Big Food bribed FDA and and funded researchers to skew their research in the favor of the highly processed food they manufacture
  • Big Oil suppressed data suggesting climate change is man made
  • Big Government suppressed data suggesting climate change is not man made
  • The CIA ran Operation Mockingbird to bribe and blackmail journalists into publishing and promoting their narratives.
  • The Government is using mass data collection and surveillance to spy on Americans without warrents
  • Global warming narrative is being used to de-industrialize the West and reduce the populations living standards so they are easier to control.
  • The education system is being made ineffective and useless on purpose to further dumb down the population for easier control
  • Fluoride is put into water to make population easier to control
  • Dozens of people tied to and with knowledge of Bill and Hillary Clinton's illegal activities were murdered
  • The feds set fire intentionally at Waco
  • Oklahoma city was a false flag
  • Police officer Terrance Yeakey was murdered to silence him
  • The reporter Gary Web was murdered and did not suicide by shooting himself multiple times in the head
  • The reporter Michael Hastings was a victim of cyber attack on his car
  • Seth Rich was murdered for leaking Dem documents to Wikileaks
  • Julian Assange was framed with a sex crime in order to discredit him and give an excuse for his arrest
  • CIA invented crypto currency
  • Iran Contra Affair
  • Bush Jr conspired to steal 2000 election
  • Bush / CIA committed 9/11
  • Bush / CIA knew ahead of time of the 9/11 attack and let them happen
  • Israel was involved in 9/11 attacks
  • The government carried out the anthrax mail plot after 9/11
  • Bush, Intelligence agencies, and members of congress conspired to push a false narrative about WMD's to invade Iraq
  • They did so at the behest of Israel
  • Bush blew up the levy in New Orleans to kill black Americans
  • Bush / Congress /Intel agencies used 9/11 to roll out Patriot Act
  • Obama  / CIA funded, armed, and trained Islamic terrorists to start wars of regime change in Syria and Libya
  • Obama / CIA funded, armed, and trained ISIS to create urgency for American intervention in Syria
  • They did so at the behest of Israel
  • The democrats conspired to steal the nomination away from Bernie Sanders
  • Trump was blackmailed by Russia with pee pee tapes
  • Trump conspired with Russia to steal 2016 election
  • Covid was released intentionally
  • The timing of the release of covid was also intentional
  • Biden conspired to steal the 2020 election
  • Trump conspired to overthrow the US government on Jan 6th
  • Jan 6th was a fed orchestrated false flag
  • The media conspired with the government to hide Biden's mental decline
  • Biden ordered the destruction of Nordstream pipeline
  • A 20 year old registered Republican conspired to kill Trump
  • The 20 year old registered Republican was a pasty in a conspiracy to kill Trump
  • Trump and the Republicans conspired to fake his own assassination

That pretty much brings us to the present. I am sure I missed a lot but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.


Probably can sort conspiracies into two or perhaps three groups.


1. Originated and propagated via government and/or its main MSM.

- Iraq WMD, Trump 2016 Russia Collusion


2. Originated in the civilian population and spread on its own on the civilian medium.

- Moon landing fake, Bush / CIA committed 9/11, FDR specifically  knew and let PH attack happen.


3. Originated by government agents, inserted into civilian population and the civilian did most of the spreading on its own.

- probably impossible to know for sure in most cases.



Found a safe category: "counter-conspiracy theories", defined as stupid concepts used to discredit other, more difficult to debunk conspiracies. Among those:

  • Flat Earth
  • Hollow Earth
  • Chemtrails
  • Fake Moon landing
  • UFOs
  • Nazis on the Moon
  • Jesuits as a secret society
8 hours ago, Mr King said:

The term "conspiracy theory" gets bandied about by both the left and right to dismiss and attack each others interpretations of information for why recent and past events happened the way they did. However, both sides have no problem believing  their own.

First it's important to point out conspiracies exist. If no one conspired, especially conspire to commit illegal activity, the act of an conspiracy would not be codified into our laws.

It's ridiculous to suggest powerful people and those in power do not conspire or that somehow our "western democracies" and "rule of law" prevents them from conspiring for nefarious or illegal purposes.  

So lets talk about different conspiracy theories and what merit they do or do not have and why. 

Here's some of the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Note: just because I am listing them here does not indicate I endorse each one as being true.


Im only replying to the ones I know anything about.

  • Roosevelt let the attack on Pearl Harbor take place  
  • Im not convinced.
  • The media conspired with the government to hide Roosevelt's heath condition 
  • Yep. But thats not a conspiracy, thats on record.
  • General Patton was murdered   
  • No he wasnt. His driver ran into a truck and he didnt have a seat belt and broke his neck. Although yes, I do like John Cassavetes, and Brass Target was a fun film.
  • The CIA ran MKUltra   
  • Yes, which still has some unanswered questions, its perfectly true. Not least the guy that went skydiving.
  • The government experimented on black Americans infected with syphilis instead of treating them 
  • I dont know if they actually infected them, but they certainly did nothing to treat them, perfectly true.
  • The Pentagon came up with a plan to commit false flag terror attacks on US soil to use as a reason to invade Cuba 
  • Im not sure about that. They certainly did have false flag attacks directed at Cuba, such as painting A26 in Cuban Airforce Colours, and planning to bomb Castro at a football stadium with them.
  • Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA, Mossad, or Mob 
  •    Im fairly convinced the kill shot, through the neck, was from Oswald. There is a good question about whether there was a second gunman, but its somewhat irrelevant. Kennedy was fatally wounded by the neck shot. The coup de grace was a kindness, in that he didnt drown in his own blood. My favourite conspiracy theory is the USSS go team accidentally shot Kennedy in the back of the head with an AR15. Which after what happened to Trump, yes, certainly sounds a lot more believable.
  • CIA ran drugs to fund their covert activities     
  • Certainly did in Laos. Even Air America pilots admitted they probably  flew them.
  • CIA created crack cocaine to keep black Americans in poverty and cause destabilization   
  • Not sure thats true, but if there is  a source Id like to read it.
  • CIA created AIDs           
  •   Yeah, pretty sure that Soviet agitprop.
  • Big Sugar bribed the FDA to say fat is unhealthy and to promote high carbohydrate diet
  • Big Food bribed FDA and and funded researchers to skew their research in the favor of the highly processed food they manufacture
  • Big Oil suppressed data suggesting climate change is man made
  • Big Government suppressed data suggesting climate change is not man made
  • The CIA ran Operation Mockingbird to bribe and blackmail journalists into publishing and promoting their narratives.  
  • Not heard that. Thats interesting, have to look into it.
  • The Government is using mass data collection and surveillance to spy on Americans without warrents      
  • Not entirely accurate. They are using GCHQ in England to spy on Americans, so the NSA can maintain clean hands. But yes, the gist of what you say is true.
  • Global warming narrative is being used to de-industrialize the West and reduce the populations living standards so they are easier to control.
  • Nope. Id argue global warming is the best case to reindustrialize in climiate mitigation processes, like small modular nuclear reactors. Lots of industrial capacity needed for that.
  • The education system is being made ineffective and useless on purpose to further dumb down the population for easier control
  • Fluoride is put into water to make population easier to control      
  • Stick to the Rainwater and Grain Alcohol!
  • Dozens of people tied to and with knowledge of Bill and Hillary Clinton's illegal activities were murdered.
  • Im not sure thats true. Died, often in suspicious circumstances? That would be fair.
  • The feds set fire intentionally at Waco    
  •   Never blame on conspiracy what you can blame on fuckup.
  • Oklahoma city was a false flag                 
  • I never bought that one. OTOH, I did listen to a podcast the other day by a cop whom was there (and later suicided) that claimed the blast waves came from a different direction, and there was a second man in McVeigh's truck. I think broadly its true. it would not surprise me if it was an arab participation in it they hushed up.
  • Police officer Terrance Yeakey was murdered to silence him  
  • Which was in fact the very guy. Very strange story, I dont know what to make of it. Probably suicide, but doesnt mean he didnt have a story they were not trying to suppress.
  • The reporter Gary Web was murdered and did not suicide by shooting himself multiple times in the head
  • The reporter Michael Hastings was a victim of cyber attack on his car
  • Seth Rich was murdered for leaking Dem documents to Wikileaks
  • Julian Assange was framed with a sex crime in order to discredit him and give an excuse for his arrest  
  • No. I was listening to an interview iwth his girlfriend, whom made the fairly confincing case she heard him tear the condom. Why? Her only explanation was he was trying to get her pregnant.  What can I say, the man is a freak.
  • CIA invented crypto currency
  • Iran Contra Affair          
  • Ah! One of my favourites. And linked to my beloved Air America.
  • Bush Jr conspired to steal 2000 election        
  • I dont think he was clever enough.
  • Bush / CIA committed 9/11                                 
  • I still dont think he was clever enough.
  • Bush / CIA knew ahead of time of the 9/11 attack and let them happen             
  • Did I say he wasnt clever enough?
  • Israel was involved in 9/11 attacks                     
  •   Israel isnt stupid enough.
  • The government carried out the anthrax mail plot after 9/11         
  •   Willing to believe that was a screwup that they covered up, which amounts to the same thing.
  • Bush, Intelligence agencies, and members of congress conspired to push a false narrative about WMD's to invade Iraq  
  • My mind is still open on that. I come back to what deep throat said about the White House. It was a bunch of not very smart guys, and things got out of hand.
  • They did so at the behest of Israel         
  •   I mean, im sure Israel didnt argue about it.
  • Bush blew up the levy in New Orleans to kill black Americans             
  •   I know you dont believe that, and I dont either. I think they heard the concrete explosively giving way. Though that isnt to say there wasnt criminal neglect of flood defences in general.
  • Bush / Congress /Intel agencies used 9/11 to roll out Patriot Act
  • Obama  / CIA funded, armed, and trained Islamic terrorists to start wars of regime change in Syria and Libya  
  • Erm... depending on whom you talk to.
  • Obama / CIA funded, armed, and trained ISIS to create urgency for American intervention in Syria                    
  • Again...
  • They did so at the behest of Israel       
  • I think Israel doesnt have to do very much, usually all they have to do is sit on their hands whilst American officials go postal.
  • The democrats conspired to steal the nomination away from Bernie Sanders
  • Trump was blackmailed by Russia with pee pee tapes                                        
  • They have something on him. I doubt its that, but they certainly have something.
  • Trump conspired with Russia to steal 2016 election                                           
  • Well, technically he did, in that he asked for the stolen emails. That was conspiring. OTOH, It clearly didnt win him the election.
  • Covid was released intentionally                          
  • Inclined to think it was a fuckup.
  • The timing of the release of covid was also intentional            
  • Again.
  • Biden conspired to steal the 2020 election                               
  • Well, if a conspiracy means running for office against the Orange messiah, thats certainly true....
  • Trump conspired to overthrow the US government on Jan 6th          
  • I dont think he knew what he was doing, other than trying to screw up the process. Which was illegal enough.
  • Jan 6th was a fed orchestrated false flag                                            
  • Pretty sure not.
  • The media conspired with the government to hide Biden's mental decline        
  • You can take that to the bank.
  • Biden ordered the destruction of Nordstream pipeline                                      
  • Biden is risk adverse. it doesnt fit.
  • A 20 year old registered Republican conspired to kill Trump                           
  • Unlikelier things have happened.
  • The 20 year old registered Republican was a pasty in a conspiracy to kill Trump         
  • If you called him a pasty Id be more inclined to agree.
  • Trump and the Republicans conspired to fake his own assassination                            
  • He's dumb, but he isnt crazy.

That pretty much brings us to the present. I am sure I missed a lot but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Princess Diana, murdered by the Royal Family

Roswell flying saucer is being hidden from us!

NATO caused Ukraine, to try and break the Russian Army (well the Russians certainly seem to believe that one)

Nixon was framed for Watergate (there are still podcasts out there arguing this case).

TWA Flight 800 was shot down by the US Navy.

Pizzagate/Qanon claims, Deepstate run by Paedophiles.

Bohemian Grove child sacrifice (perhaps ought to fit with the above one)

Louis Le Prince was murdered by film competitors (strange story, unsolved 127 years later)

Rudolf Diesel (inventor of the engine) was murdered. (another strange story).



Good podcast for anyone with time on their hands, or wants to listen to something whilst they work. The one on MK Ultra was particularly interesting IIRC.



1 hour ago, bfng3569 said:

i hear the rotor blades spinning up.......

There are more than a few conspiracy theories that could be considered as antisemitic.


The scary thing is I agree with half of those conspiracy theories; the other half are obviously only believed by raving lunatics!

I shall not reveal the ones I believe……………..


So where does the lab leak hypothesis fall? IS that a conspiracy theory still? 


Posted (edited)

A conspiracy theory can graduate by jumping from being called "a conspiracy" to being treated as widespread common knowledge.

Edited by futon

He'll just assert that he wasn't doing it directly. He had a minion doing it with his tacit approval. 

51 minutes ago, rmgill said:

He'll just assert that he wasn't doing it directly. He had a minion doing it with his tacit approval. 

Yeah, and I find it interesting that not being said here is all the censorship big tech did to squash discussion of the 2020 election being stolen. Those are the kind of things that happen in totally valid elections.





A US government report expected to stir debate concluded that fluoride in drinking water at twice the recommended limit is linked with lower IQ in children.

The report, based on an analysis of previously published research, marks the first time a federal agency has determined – “with moderate confidence” – that there is a link between higher levels of fluoride exposure and lower IQ in children. While the report was not designed to evaluate the health effects of fluoride in drinking water alone, it is a striking acknowledgment of a potential neurological risk from high levels of fluoride.


This may sound like the proverbial tempest in a teapot, but its not uncommon for municipal water systems in the US to be wildly off on things like chlorination content. It would not surprise me if some water systems had excessive flouridation.



Add to that the upkeep of such systems or worse, PLC network and physical security.....


If you are not following Michael Shellenberger on twitter, you should. He does in depth reporting on the effort of the deep state to censor and control online speech, and its efforts to spread actual disinformation and propaganda.


The link below is to a series of tweets explaining how the FBI manipulated big tech into suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story, how the FBI spread disinformation related to the story, and how the FBI violated the Wiretap Act when they were spying on Rudi Giuiliani’s communications.




I've been following it for a while. Maybe that's why Sky and I are so out of touch. He's still taking the media line that there was no censorship. Where as I listened to the various bits of testimony and the long form interviews discussing all of this. 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Todd Wetzelberger's cover story from May 3, 2021, is that he was talking to his wife on the satellite phone while hanging out with a retired FBI agent at the Capitol on January 6. Todd also says he's hired a CIA operative to dig up dirt on judges.



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