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Just thought I would share this for folks whom might find it interest. Going through RAF operations reports at the moment, and was getting the somewhat opaque RAF grid system. Remembered I had seen a webpage some time ago that translated them, and low and behold, it actually works!


Take for example, 21 squadron report for a Mosquito doing intruder operations on June 6th 1944. Bombed R.0677, NW Evreaux. So convert that to vr0677, et voila, gives a grid location halfway between Evreaux and Liseaux.  Not exactly on the road, but Im not sure quite how fine the RAF grid was, and it gives you some likely ideas from the viscinity what the coordinates are.

Hope its of use to you.



Yeah, I thought so. It even drops you onto a satellite map to plot it, though its easy enough to import it into Google Earth and drop a marker.

I dont know if this is just RAF or the other services as well, but it seems to have alternative grids for different theatres, including 3 for france.

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Stuart Galbraith said:

  Not exactly on the road, but Im not sure quite how fine the RAF grid was, and it gives you some likely ideas from the viscinity what the coordinates are.

The 4 figure  grid number is a 1km square.  For precise location you need a 6 figure number  - 012345

Edited by mkenny

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