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11 minutes ago, Skywalkre said:

Not fraud.  Just a poorly designed, understaffed, and underfunded system from what it sounds like.  All these folks will be able to vote next Tue just fine.

Oh what if they cant make it Tuesday? Isn't that the point of early voting?

We cant expect people to show id's, but we can expect them to make multiple trips to the voting booth never knowing if they are going to get turned away early again.



45 minutes ago, Skywalkre said:

Not fraud.  Just a poorly designed, understaffed, and underfunded system from what it sounds like.  All these folks will be able to vote next Tue just fine.

My understanding is that cutting the lines early is illegal. Once in line before the close time, you get to vote. PERIOD. 

So, if that's the case it is election interference. You're turning voters away with out legal power. Same as if you barred voters based on race or other qualifications. 


36 minutes ago, Mr King said:

Oh what if they cant make it Tuesday? Isn't that the point of early voting?

Silly King. Early voting is for the Democrats. Not for conservatives in Quaker town outside of the Philly area. 


36 minutes ago, Mr King said:

We cant expect people to show id's, but we can expect them to make multiple trips to the voting booth never knowing if they are going to get turned away early again.

Of course! Nothing to see here. 





Voter anger is rising in Pennsylvania’s Erie County after the second mishap in this voting season led to some residents not getting ballots they requested.

Earlier this month, nearly 300 Erie County voters were sent their own mail-in ballot and another voter’s ballot, as well, according to Go Erie.

That led Joe Morris, political science department chair at Mercyhurst University, to say this was a bad place for a mistake to take place, according to Your Erie.

“To have a problem in Pennsylvania is bad. To have a problem in Pennsylvania’s swing-iest swing county is absolutely horrible,” he said.

Board of Elections chairman Andre Horton, a Democratic member of Erie County Council, downplayed the gaffe by saying, “There’s really nothing to see here,” Go Erie reported.





“We’re working collaboratively with the Department of State, the USPS, our mail vendor to try to get some answers, and unfortunately, I just can’t apologize enough, even though this is not our fault that this has happened, we feel terrible that the voters are in this situation, and we want to do everything we can to make that right,” Chillcott said.

Chillcott had also said the county was not responsible for the mix-up in sending voters two ballots when they wanted one.

The printer the county used had a software glitch that put ballots in incorrect envelopes, she said, according to Go Erie.







Worries about potential Election Day problems in Maricopa County are hardly unfounded. As previously indicated, the county’s own officials have publicly sounded the alarm about tabulator issues unfolding that could disenfranchise lawful voters.

According to the Associated Press, Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett reportedly “warned” last month that vote tabulators “could jam in Maricopa County because voters will have to insert two sheets of paper instead of one when casting their ballots.” The unusually long ballot will include a large number of races and ballot initiatives to be decided by Arizona voters this fall.





The Arizona GOP chair noted that paper jams previously popped up during Arizona’s 2024 primary elections earlier this year when there were only one-page ballots.

Mark Sonnenklar, a lawyer and Maricopa County precinct committeeman, detailed his experiences as a roving attorney in Maricopa during the July primary in the pages of The American Spectator last month. Among the issues he documented was “a tabulator paper-jam problem at multiple polling centers,” which he warned “could wreak havoc during the upcoming general election.”

Sonnenklar told The Federalist he “found a paper-jam issue at two of [his] 10 vote centers,” and that the “significant problem” resulted in tabulators being “shut down.”




In August, Maricopa County settled a lawsuit filed by Swoboda, which, as described by local media, “did not properly conduct tests of vote tabulation equipment as required by state law.” The Republican Party of Arizona also claimed that under the last two secretaries of state, only “backup” tabulator machines underwent logic and accuracy testing. The settlement reached between the Arizona Republicans and the county officials in August specified that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors “shall provide only its tabulators and accessible voting devices that [it] intends to deploy to early voting locations and election day vote centers” for logic and accuracy testing “before an election.”

No worries.







DENVER — The Colorado Secretary of State’s Office inadvertently posted a spreadsheet to its website with a hidden tab that included voting system passwords.

In a statement to 9NEWS, a spokesperson for the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office said that “the Department is working to remedy this situation where necessary.”

“The Department took immediate action as soon as it was aware of this and informed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which closely monitors and protects the county’s essential security infrastructure,” the spokesperson said.

On Tuesday morning, Colorado Republican Party Vice Chair Hope Scheppelman shared the hidden tab discovery in a mass email, along with an affidavit from someone who claims they had downloaded the Excel file from the Colorado Secretary of State’s website and discovered the hidden tab by simply clicking “unhide.” The name on the affidavit was blacked out in the Republican Party email.





The passwords that were in the hidden tab are known as BIOS passwords and are one part of the security process for Colorado’s voting machines.

They are passwords needed to configure system settings.

“There are two unique passwords for every election equipment component, which are kept in separate places and held by different parties. Passwords can only be used with physical in-person access to a voting system,” a spokesperson for the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office said.


Its not clear what kind of BIOS password is being referenced. Its not uncommon for a "supervisor" password be required to change the BIOS settings (really I should say UEFI, one would hope all machines in question are new enough to have UEFI firmware and not BIOS), and a "user" password that is required to boot the OS.

What I am visualizing as a possible scenario is for an insider to plug a bootable thumb drive into a system, power it up, enter the supervisor password, and then do nefarious things, including:

- replacing the OS kernel with a kernel that has a backdoor account built in;

- adding another administrator account to the SAM enabling remote access;

- replacing the vote-counting software with a compromised version.

With  a shell script that would be run by a "live" Linux distro on the thumb drive, the malicious insider wouldn't need to site down and pound away on the keyboard. A Bash script could do the work while the malicious insider goes to get coffee. When its done, the malicious insider simply does an ACPI shutdown and pulls the thumb drive.

The first risk can be mitigated (supposedly) by using Secure Boot.

The latter two risks are easily mitigated by using BitLocker.

Unfortunately, those mitigations require quite a bit of work and knowledge, and those people appear to be idiots.

Now keep in mind that there may have been a need for a prior reconnaissance attack to determine UEFI config, kernel/SW versions, etc. That could have been performed by a malicious insider at Dominion.





Posting the passwords so hackers can make Harris win, scumbag, she needs PRISON for life.




AND THIS: Fraud, Fraud, Fraud on the part of Democrats.  Why can we not get these scumbags put in prison? Oh wait, they run DOJ and the FBI, so they are exempt from laws.




I think the quote is enough to present the attached link.

I should add that Mrs. Hoyt presents a series of mechanisms used to introduce spurious votes.


Yes, I am in fact QUITE aware that I sound like a loon when I say that fully 25% of total counted votes are fraud. And that those are mostly on the left side. Oh, 25% is my low estimate. It could be that a full 70% of votes for Biden were fraudulent and that instead of being a closely divided nation we are in fact an overwhelmingly anti-left nation held captive by a small minority that rules by fraud. Which would explain a lot of the things we see.


22 hours ago, Skywalkre said:

Not fraud.  Just a poorly designed, understaffed, and underfunded system from what it sounds like.  All these folks will be able to vote next Tue just fine.

Now that a judge has ruled that it was an illegal act, what do you say it was? The police arrested a woman who was attempting to assert her rights correctly. 

If I come to your house and throw cuffs on you when you tell ME I can't be there, what is that? False arrest? Kidnapping? False imprisonment? 

Perhaps we'll see you correctly applying this incident as an example of indefensible police action? Right?? 

4 hours ago, Murph said:

Scumbag Media already calling PA for Harris.  Cheat and the fix is in.  



It'll never happen, but there needs to be a federal law such "calling" a state less than 24 hours after the polls close is a felony with 5 years minimum.




Voters using a VAT this Election Day will have to either vote straight-ticket or manually split their ballot—unlike how Michigan voters usually have the option to select the straight party option and then override their party selection for certain races.




If a VAT user votes straight party and then splits their ticket, they will receive an error message—but will have the chance to fix it and still cast a ballot. While this does not change who or what a voter would cast their ballot for, it will make the process more inconvenient for VAT users who vote split-ticket.

The Department of State says the issue can not be fixed in time for Election Day next week—but will be corrected for future elections—and only affects VATS in certain counties.


As described, it seems pretty obvious that Dominion doesn't have the intellectual horsepower for multiple logic branches. So they should eliminate the straight party option and require everybody to manually vote for each office.


1 hour ago, Murph said:

Democrat Counties break law to allow the cheat in Georgia:  

  Took me some time to understand you mean Georgia-USa_state, not Georgia-former-USSR-republic (there were also elections there recently).

   From our side of Arctic Cup It seems like, whoever wins in this Presidential race, he(she)(it?) will be only President of about 50% of citizens.....

10 minutes ago, Roman Alymov said:

  Took me some time to understand you mean Georgia-USa_state, not Georgia-former-USSR-republic (there were also elections there recently).

   From our side of Arctic Cup It seems like, whoever wins in this Presidential race, he(she)(it?) will be only President of about 50% of citizens.....

It's been like that for literally decades, the last landslide victory was... Reagan 1984? Even that was achieved with less than 60% of the popular vote.

55 minutes ago, urbanoid said:

It's been like that for literally decades, the last landslide victory was... Reagan 1984? Even that was achieved with less than 60% of the popular vote.

   Not exactly, i still remember the time when US Presidential candidates (and their teams/supporters) were competing without openly labeling each other as new Hitler/Stalin/Mao/ChingisKhan, so for regular voter whose candidae have lost it was not like end of the world. Of course it may be wrong impression and it was always hate show, but imagine something like Watergate scandal to happen now - who cares, if Trump is new Hitler then who could blame Hitler's opponents for spying after him, or even shooting him? The same works other way, anything goes to save America from new Communists taking power again to flood it by migrants and gays....

2 minutes ago, Roman Alymov said:

   Not exactly, i still remember the time when US Presidential candidates (and their teams/supporters) were competing without openly labeling each other as new Hitler/Stalin/Mao/ChingisKhan, so for regular voter whose candidae have lost it was not like end of the world. Of course it may be wrong impression and it was always hate show, but imagine something like Watergate scandal to happen now - who cares, if Trump is new Hitler then who could blame Hitler's opponents for spying after him, or even shooting him? The same works other way, anything goes to save America from new Communists taking power again to flood it by migrants and gays....

I'm not old enough to remember elections involving Reagan and Clinton, but I remember Bush43 and every president/candidate since then being 'Hitler'.

3 hours ago, Roman Alymov said:

  Took me some time to understand you mean Georgia-USa_state, not Georgia-former-USSR-republic (there were also elections there recently).

Are there Democrats in the Former Soviet SSR Georgia? 

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