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Posted (edited)

He's dead, Jim. I'm sure details will follow. Or not.


Crotchety Curmudgeon. 

 This was always my mental image of the man. 



More 2A than too many Americans.




As @BansheeOne 

   quipped, - Simon Tan pops out of nowhere to make a three-word reply to an undetermined post. There are two pages of "welcome back" replies.


Not anymore

Edited by X-Files

Well damn. Sad to hear that; he was one of TankNet's staple characters. I'll mostly remember him not for his quintessential one-liners, but his contribution to making Russian America great again; and organizing the 2015 tactical rifle class I&I in WV, to which he couldn't make it in the end himself, so we never actually met. I know he had heart surgery at one point, so unfortunately not entirely surprised by his passing. More details appreciated if they become available.



RiP, the wizard of TN. :(


Ahh. Damn. I was hoping to share some meals with him when I finally got over to Singapore and Malaysia for some reason. 

Posted (edited)

Our fat Chinaman succumbed to Covid, May 19 Kuala Lumpur/Singapore time.

Edited by X-Files

He had had some heart issues a few years ago. I suspect that was a contributing factor. 


5 minutes ago, JWB said:

I never met the man. I wish I had. ☹️

Met him at one of the Virginia I&Is. Good dude.



Darn, that's terrible news! Rest in Peace, Simon. Like Murph said, you will be missed around this place.


For those who never met him, the Departed


2008 WV shoot



2014, when he started doing his Foodie thing in ernest



More recently



RIP Simon. While his one liners maybe for what he is remembered now, it's a great injustice to his contributions in early tanknet, which were numerous and always on target. 

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