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I have several questions about the game Gunner, HEAT, PC

Question 1. Is it possible to play with tanks in the game?
Question 2. Is it possible to play single player me against the computer?
Question 3. Are there Israeli tanks in the game?
Question 4. How are the graphics in the game?
I would appreciate answers please
I'm waiting.........

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Posted (edited)

aey yih yar :)

Been looking at this game for a while.....its still in Early Access in Steam so I will wait for the full release before committing one way or the other.

FAQ's for the game are here Norman:  https://gunnerheatpc.com/news/articles/ghpc-faq

Its set in the Fulda Gap ca 1985 so no Israeli stuff only US and Soviet/East German so far. They are not saying what future theatres they might do via DLC.

Lots of gameplay videos on Youtube if you want to see what the graphics look like, for example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4woQ7N2hmGw 

Edited by Captain Hurricane

Here is the dev roadmap. Its all Fulda gap. Might get Canadian Centurions at some point if what the dev said is correct, but thats the nearest you are going to get to israel at the present moment.


On 5/13/2023 at 3:17 PM, norman001 said:

I have several questions about the game Gunner, HEAT, PC

Question 1. Is it possible to play with tanks in the game?
Question 2. Is it possible to play single player me against the computer?
Question 3. Are there Israeli tanks in the game?
Question 4. How are the graphics in the game?
I would appreciate answers please
I'm waiting.........

1) Yes - one does drive and shoot with one tank and command up to platoon of tanks. Also other available vehicles can be used (IFV, trucks).

2) Currently there is only single player.

3) No. It is set in 1980s Central Europe. It is still unfinished so currently there are only US ans East German assets playable.

4) Fine for me - look at youtube videos.

Though they still did not get T-72 variants and its armor visuals right but they are at least close.

  • 8 months later...
Posted (edited)

Picked this game yesterday from steam. Very nice game and damage/penetration modelling seems to be quite good (I shot trough one BMP1 destroyning it and killed other behind it with M833. 2 BMPs with one shot). Also very easy learn to play. Reminds me of M1 Tank Platoon (I and II). Playing with M1IP is cheat mode :D

Edited by MiGG0
Posted (edited)

New update just came to this game and first Soviet tank (Earlier were East Germanys T-72M and T-55A): T-64A with 3BM33 "vant". This thing can now actually hurt M1IP frontally. M1IP got less cheat mode :) Also tactical map got better (similar to old M1 Tank platoon where you see spotted enemy units and can call artillery/airstrikes).

Edited by MiGG0

Yeah, I really should pick it up again. I was waiting till we got the T64B or T80, and a more immersive campaign element (The idea seems to be to incorporate management elements like M1 Tank platoon). But yeah, I have to admit I like the T64 fire control demonstration. I'd like to believe the T64A gunnery manual I sent them helped, but in truth they probably had it all anyway.

Their Dev streams they host on Youtube are really quite interesting, if anyone has missed them.



Does this have proper mission objectives by now?

When I last tried it out, it seemed to mostly have very simple skirmish-type engagements that didn't have any real structure to them.


I've not tried it in 6 months. But it does have locations you take and have to clear, so again, not unlike m1 tank platoon, if you are old enough to remember it.


15 minutes ago, Stuart Galbraith said:

I've not tried it in 6 months. But it does have locations you take and have to clear, so again, not unlike m1 tank platoon, if you are old enough to remember it.

Guess I'll try it out again some time. I'm currently waiting for the B-17: The Mighty 8th Remaster to come out on Steam. It's from the newly reformed Microprose, from the original source code, modified to work on modern systems and graphics.


Well, we probably deserve to setup a new thread for that. But its actually about 4 games, the original (still on sale), Mighty 8th Remastered, B17II, and a VR game based upon it. I hope there is a market for all that, or they are spreading themselves rather thin.


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Der Zeitgeist said:

Does this have proper mission objectives by now?

When I last tried it out, it seemed to mostly have very simple skirmish-type engagements that didn't have any real structure to them.

Like Stuart said, it has some objective based missions and campaing will generate new missions from few different templates (same objectives, but forces vary).


Campaing is pretty basic at the moment but fun nevertheless. Both sides have bar (resembless supply sitatuation? It might also affect next generated kission how good equipment you or enemy gets) that increases or decreades depending if you win or lose mission. Campaing is over when one side loses its Bar. Better campaing is in the plans (after more Soviet tanks and infantry)

Edited by MiGG0

The campaign mode is still rather thin. There is a limited number of missions to chose from each turn - on the NATO side basically "recon with two Bradleys", "search and destroy some supply trucks with a tank platoon", "engage an enemy armored company", "defend an area from an enemy who might advance on one of two axes", and "support a mechanized company attack".

It's all slightly varied by locations within the Fulda Gap and the vehicles you get, but there is so far no strategic development in territory lost or taken, or "you have lost all your Abrams, only M60s from now on"; just a blue and a red bar receding over time supposedly indicating losses on both sides. Guess when one is depleted, the war is "won".

Posted (edited)

I think that bar is what portrays you supply sitatuation. In my last campaing (before this latest update) Warsaw pact didnt get anymore T72M tanks when their ”health bar” was low. Also mission decription writes that ”enemy supply sitatuation is critical”, etc.

Also it might affect ie NATO side for ammunition (no more M833), etc but I have not confirmed this.

Edited by MiGG0
Posted (edited)

Yeah, there's said you get worse ammunition when things get really bad. On the Warsaw pact side, T34s show up when things get really bad. Just like Ukraine. :)


Edited by Stuart Galbraith

I hope they add infantry soon. Then this game will be kickass, I'll surely buy it. 

As for the T-64A, I think they should definitely add a variant with upgrades from OKR Otrazheniye, +30mm add on armor for the glacis, and also the TPD-K1 from T-72s. In 1985, this version of the tank was quite common.   

Posted (edited)

Devs have said that they model tanks/vehicles that were in that theather in -84/85 (T-64A was very numerous then). Laser range finder will probably come in T-64B and ofcourse in T-80 series. And T-72M ofcourse already have it. DDR just got shitty ammo with it (3BM15).

Edited by MiGG0

One more thing, about ammo for T-64A:

Yes, its nice to have something that can kill an M1IP frontally, but Im not really sure if 3BM32 should be present in the game at all. Two reasons:

1, it was accepted for service in 1985, the same year of the game's setting. Yes, there are rumors that mass production started before accepting something into service, but I really dont think troops got enough in such short time. 

2, was it even manufactured AT ALL? Or at least in small scale? My point is, in ukraine, even the 3BM42, an ancient ammunition, is a rarity compared to 3BM22. Russia uses tons of very old ammo, including 3BM15. Why dont we see 3BM32? Yes its DU, but I dont think they care about that. 

So, in my opinion is that soviet tanks in 1985 should be equipped mainly with 3BM22. 3BM32, and also 3BM26 is too new to be widespread, or maybe wasnt manufactured at all (BM32). To a lesser extent, this applies to the american side too, main ammo should be M735 and M774. M833 is a bit too new in 1985, despite that things went far more efficiently in the west. 


Posted (edited)

AFAIK game is not trying to be exactly historical simulation but first and foremost afv combat simulation. Starting point is ofcourse -85 Fulda Gap theather for vehicles, but if there is enought information that 3BM32 was deployed with soviets units, even low quantitues, it will have right place in game (and game ”supply sitatuation” will handle it and you start to get worse ammo, etc). Same with M833.


Edited by MiGG0

To be fair, Its a game. They dont pretend to be steel beasts (though the gunnery model in many respects is comparable), they are trying to come somewhere in between Steel Beasts and Warthunder. Which is fair enough, there is a market for a sim lite in that area.

Personally, I hope if you are doing REALLY badly as NATO, we get some of these. :)



64A :)

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