R E lee Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 On 11/11/2022 at 6:27 PM, sunday said: Reported. Also, I do not recall posting anything about any "Judeo-Masonic conspiracy", nor "openly antisemitic cartoons"*. Feel free to provide the links, as there are plurals involved. Or not. Also, you forgot Global Warming, Fifth-columnist, general non-conformity with my betters, and disturbing the echo chamber. Maybe I should feel sorry, maybe you should have ignored me, like I do with you. *Perhaps you should be more worried about very open, very real, and very violent antisemitism in Germany, before embarking in virtual witch hunts. Especially considering that for a long time I was with a conservative political party, and a frequent insult aimed as us by your now fellow Leftists, was, you could guess, "Jew". Remember also, that is was YOUR country the one that perpetrated the Holocaust, while Spain saved Jews. Did he just call you a time traveling Nazi?. Does he get all his history from watching the man in the High castle?. https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2019-2nd-survey-on-discrimination-and-hate-crime-against-jews-in-eu-ms-country-sheet-spain_en.pdf Anyways, antisemitism in Germany is at EU average level. "According to the survey findings, 78 % of the respondents in Spain consider antisemitism to be a very big or a fairly big problem in their country (average in the 12 surveyed countries: 85 %)" https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2019-2nd-survey-on-discrimination-and-hate-crime-against-jews-in-eu-ms-country-sheet-germany_en.pdf "According to the survey findings, 85 % of the respondents in Germany consider antisemitism to be a very big or a fairly big problem in their country (average in the 12 surveyed countries: 85 %)" anyways, so more history, Ill see you virtual witch hunts and raise you the Spanish inquisition* and Spains historical persecution of Jews, and its death/persecution toll ( since you seem unaware that the current Germany is not Hitlers Germany) https://dbs.anumuseum.org.il/skn/en/c6/e127662/Place/Spain?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=history of jews in spain&utm_campaign=g&device=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlpTQ-6mo-wIVQ7TtCh0hPQATEAAYAiAAEgLQ1fD_BwE Nazi Germany perpetuated the Holocaust, In 1949 Spain was barred from membership of the UN due to its collaboration in the Holocaust, see Israels objection to Spains membership of the UN "The United Nations has arisen out of the sufferings of a martyred generation, which included six million dead…That memory alone will determine Israel’s attitude. While the Israeli delegation would not for one moment assert that the Spanish regime had any direct part in the policy of extermination, it does maintain that Franco Spain had been an active and sympathetic ally of the regime that had been responsible for that policy and thus contributed to its effectiveness…For Israel, the essential human race its most terrible and devastating ordeal" * https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/DBG.TAB3.1.GIF so 350k death toll from a world population in 1800, comes 0.35% of the worlds population lost from Spains activity, while Nazi Germany Holocaust reached 0.3% of world population. Of course back then academics ( Jorge Martínez Reverte who found Franco orders to collect a register of Jews, and the names lists, to provincial Govs to collect the spainish jews names, which list was then sent to AH, and is included in the Wannasse conference on the quotas of nations Jews to to be exterminated) did not know of the extent of Franco anti semetism, but we now know he had drawn up list of Spains Jews and passed them on to the Reich in 41 when AH Germany looked like a winner, only to back peddle when circumstances changed and Germany could not deliver the oil Franco needed to keep the lights on in Spain as Uk worked out the bare min the civilian economy needed and got USA and others to only allow import of that amount.
sunday Posted November 12, 2022 Author Posted November 12, 2022 (edited) 11 minutes ago, R E lee said: Did he just call you a time traveling Nazi?. Does he get all his history from watching the man in the High castle?. https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2019-2nd-survey-on-discrimination-and-hate-crime-against-jews-in-eu-ms-country-sheet-spain_en.pdf Anyways, antisemitism in Germany is at EU average level. "According to the survey findings, 78 % of the respondents in Spain consider antisemitism to be a very big or a fairly big problem in their country (average in the 12 surveyed countries: 85 %)" https://fra.europa.eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/fra-2019-2nd-survey-on-discrimination-and-hate-crime-against-jews-in-eu-ms-country-sheet-germany_en.pdf "According to the survey findings, 85 % of the respondents in Germany consider antisemitism to be a very big or a fairly big problem in their country (average in the 12 surveyed countries: 85 %)" anyways, so more history, Ill see you virtual witch hunts and raise you the Spanish inquisition* and Spains historical persecution of Jews, and its death/persecution toll ( since you seem unaware that the current Germany is not Hitlers Germany) https://dbs.anumuseum.org.il/skn/en/c6/e127662/Place/Spain?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=history of jews in spain&utm_campaign=g&device=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlpTQ-6mo-wIVQ7TtCh0hPQATEAAYAiAAEgLQ1fD_BwE Nazi Germany perpetuated the Holocaust, In 1949 Spain was barred from membership of the UN due to its collaboration in the Holocaust, see Israels objection to Spains membership of the UN "The United Nations has arisen out of the sufferings of a martyred generation, which included six million dead…That memory alone will determine Israel’s attitude. While the Israeli delegation would not for one moment assert that the Spanish regime had any direct part in the policy of extermination, it does maintain that Franco Spain had been an active and sympathetic ally of the regime that had been responsible for that policy and thus contributed to its effectiveness…For Israel, the essential human race its most terrible and devastating ordeal" * https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/DBG.TAB3.1.GIF so 350k death toll from a world population in 1800, comes 0.35% of the worlds population lost from Spains activity, while Nazi Germany Holocaust reached 0.3% of world population. Of course back then academics ( Jorge Martínez Reverte who found Franco orders to collect a register of Jews, and the names lists, to provincial Govs to collect the spainish jews names, which list was then sent to AH, and is included in the Wannasse conference on the quotas of nations Jews to to be exterminated) did not know of the extent of Franco anti semetism, but we now know he had drawn up list of Spains Jews and passed them on to the Reich in 41 when AH Germany looked like a winner, only to back peddle when circumstances changed and Germany could not deliver the oil Franco needed to keep the lights on in Spain as Uk worked out the bare min the civilian economy needed and got USA and others to only allow import of that amount. Reported. Edited November 12, 2022 by sunday
R E lee Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 5 hours ago, bojan said: Not on the post posted to this forum. I don't want to go and wade through the river of shit on twatter every time someone posts something from there. Yet your the one re posting it here, without reading its context.
sunday Posted November 12, 2022 Author Posted November 12, 2022 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47536432 Quote "He is a hero of greater stature than Schindler," says Eva Benatar. Her mother sheltered her as a baby just weeks old and her brother in one of the safe houses set up by Sanz Briz in Nazi-occupied Budapest. https://jfr.org/rescuer-stories/sanz-briz-angel/ Quote Budapest, Hungary… Summer 1944 – As the persecution of Hungary’s Jews became increasingly worse, Angel Sanz-Briz, who had been appointed to a post at the Spanish Legation in Hungary in the summer of 1944, stepped in to help Jews. On behalf of the Spanish government, Angel offered to give Jews of Spanish origin Spanish passports. Hungarian authorities gave Angel permission to issue Spanish passports to 200 Jews, but he discreetly changed that figure to 200 families. As the situation worsened, Angel increased this number several times in order to help more Jews. Read more at: https://jfr.org/rescuer-stories/sanz-briz-angel/ Copyright © Jewish Foundation for the Righteous https://www.yadvashem.org/righteous/stories/briz.html Quote Angel Sanz-Briz, (b. 1910) was appointed to the post of chargè d’affaires at the Spanish Legation in the summer of 1944. As soon as the persecutions of the Hungarian Jews began, he offered, on behalf of his government, to supply Jews of Spanish origin with Spanish passports and to negotiate with the Hungarian government for their protection. Sanz-Briz received the consent of the Hungarian authorities to enable 200 Spanish Jews to receive these rights, but he changed it to 200 families and then enlarged this group again and again. Sanz-Briz also accommodated Jews in rented buildings in Budapest under the Spanish flag, putting up signs that those buildings were extra-territorial property belonging to the Spanish Legation. He also prompted the International Red Cross representative to put Spanish signs in Budapest on hospital buildings, as well as orphanages and maternity clinics, to protect the Jews therein. Sanz-Briz acted heroically and succeeded in saving a great number of Jews, most of them not of Spanish origin. Sanz-Briz was ordered by his government to leave the Hungarian capital in December 1944. The survivors Enrique and Jaime Vandor recalled their war experiences and the role of Sanz-Briz in their rescue. As children they received together with their late mother, Anny Vandor, the protection of the Spanish Legation in Budapest from autumn of 1944 until the entrance of the Soviet troops. They were accommodated in one of the protected “Spanish Houses” from which the Jews were forbidden from going out, so Sanz-Briz arranged for food supplies to reach his wards. Due to his endless efforts, they and many others survived, and they have never forgotten him. After liberation, Sanz-Briz continued his diplomatic career. On October 18, 1966, Yad Vashem recognized Angel Sanz-Briz as Righteous Among the Nations.
sunday Posted November 12, 2022 Author Posted November 12, 2022 4 minutes ago, R E lee said: Yet your the one re posting it here, without reading its context.
Roman Alymov Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 2 hours ago, Colin said: People used to throw dogs into a fight ring and bet on the results, hence the term. No dog and therefore no money on the result. The facial features on the left are straight out of WWII Nazi propaganda. Way older than that, at least dates back to Civil War in Russia and events around it (especially in Poland). I think i have paosted examples of it many times so following the latest Moderator rulling will abstein from repeating them till further clarification.
sunday Posted November 12, 2022 Author Posted November 12, 2022 Quote La lista de Franco para el Holocausto El régimen franquista ordenó en 1941 a los gobernadores civiles elaborar una lista de los judíos que vivían en España. El censo, que incluía los nombres, datos laborales, ideológicos y personales de 6.000 judíos, fue, presumiblemente, entregado a Himmler. Los nazis lo manejaron en sus planes para la solución final. Cuando la caída de Hitler era ya un hecho, las autoridades franquistas intentaron borrar todos los indicios de su colaboración en el Holocausto. EL PAÍS ha reconstruido esta historia y muestra el documento que prueba la orden antisemita de Franco. Quote Franco's list for the Holocaust In 1941, the Franco regime ordered civil governors to draw up a list of Jews living in Spain. The census, which included the names, employment, ideological and personal data of 6,000 Jews, was presumably given to Himmler. The Nazis handled it in their plans for the final solution. When the fall of Hitler was already a fact, the Francoist authorities tried to erase all evidence of his collaboration in the Holocaust. EL PAÍS has reconstructed this story and shows the document that proves Franco's anti-Semitic order Source
R E lee Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 2 hours ago, Colin said: People used to throw dogs into a fight ring and bet on the results, hence the term. No dog and therefore no money on the result. The facial features on the left are straight out of WWII Nazi propaganda. Not as funny as, its the dogs bollocks, tho.
bojan Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 (edited) 46 minutes ago, R E lee said: Yet your the one re posting it here, without reading its context. Lier, lier, pants on fire: Which has clearly implied it is captured: My reply: So what exactly are you arguing? That I did not go to twatter and found one reply among others that is claiming that it is not captured? I did not. Poster (JWB) posted that screen, and implied that it is captured. I have corrected him, pointing it is Ukrainian one, and that anyone could have done the same (it not like their AF cammos are exactly the same). Your issue is exactly what? What are you trying to accomplish other than continuing your old ways? Edited November 12, 2022 by bojan
R E lee Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 (edited) 8 minutes ago, bojan said: Lier, lier, pants on fire: Thats a person who lays down horizontally. 😉 Not hard to know what you meant tho. Dont make me roll out my fav, yo mommy joke. Edited November 12, 2022 by R E lee
sunday Posted November 12, 2022 Author Posted November 12, 2022 From the Mexican Enlace Judío, conference Franco y los judíos (Franco and the Jews) Quote Así, Golda Meir, el 10 de febrero de 1959, dijo ante el Parlamento Israelí: “El pueblo judío y el Estado de Israel recuerdan la actitud humanitaria adoptada por España durante la era hitleriana, cuando dieron ayuda y protección a muchas víctimas del nazismo”. Israel Singer, Presidente del Congreso Mundial Judío, en el 2005, en entrevista al periódico El Mundo, dijo: “La España de Franco fue un refugio importante de judíos que se arriesgaron a venir, escapando de la Francia de la libertad, la fraternidad y la igualdad. No quiero defender a Franco, pero en la II Guerra Mundial muchos judíos se salvaron en España e ignorarlo es ignorar la historia”. Finalmente, cito a Shlomo Ben Ami, quien fuera el primer embajador israelí en España: “El poder judío no fue capaz de cambiar la política de Roosevelt hacia los judíos durante la II Guerra Mundial. El único país de Europa que de verdad echó una mano a los judíos fue un país en el que no había ninguna influencia judía: España, que salvó más judíos que todas las democracias juntas. Es todo muy complejo”. La cita está recogida en una entrevista concedida a la revista española Época en 1991. Translation Quote Thus, Golda Meir, on February 10, 1959, said before the Israeli Parliament: "The Jewish people and the State of Israel remember the humanitarian attitude adopted by Spain during the Hitler era, when they gave help and protection to many victims of Nazism" . Israel Singer, President of the World Jewish Congress, in 2005, in an interview with the newspaper El Mundo, said: "Franco's Spain was an important refuge for Jews who risked coming, escaping from the France of freedom, fraternity and equality. I don't want to defend Franco, but in World War II many Jews were saved in Spain and to ignore that is to ignore history." Finally, I quoted Shlomo Ben Ami, who was the first Israeli ambassador to Spain: “The Jewish power was not able to change Roosevelt's policy towards the Jews during World War II. The only country in Europe that really lent a hand to the Jews was a country in which there was no Jewish influence: Spain, which saved more Jews than all the democracies put together. It's all very complex." The quote is collected in an interview granted to the Spanish magazine Época in 1991. In words of the first Israeli ambassador to Spain: "The only country in Europe that really lent a hand to the Jews was a country in which there was no Jewish influence: Spain, which saved more Jews than all the democracies put together".
bojan Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 (edited) ............ Edited November 12, 2022 by bojan
Roman Alymov Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 1 hour ago, MODERATOR said: Sunday, unlike Colin. MODERATOR does have a dog in this fight. The cartoon incorporates elements from Nazi era antisemitic propaganda and is in itself antisemitic. This has been pointed out to you by several other members. MODERATOR is prepared to accept that you may not have realized the nature of the cartoon when first posted, but your continued denials border on the obtuse. To be clear, and this is directed to all posters, the posting of images incorporating Nazi antisemitic imagery or tropes is a severe violation of the rules and will be dealt with accordingly. MODERATOR should have deleted that post when it was first made and will be doing so now. Could i ask for clarification of this ruling, please? 1) Are non-Nazi antisemitic images allowed? 2) Are Nazi imagery that is not antisemitic, but directed against other ethnic/religeous/social groups allowed? 3) Are non-Nazi imagery that is directed against other ethnic/religeous/social groups allowed? 4) Are non-Nazi non-imagery publications directed against other ethnic/religeous/social groups allowed? For example, is this poster falling under that rulling or is it legitimate imagery to publish?
sunday Posted November 12, 2022 Author Posted November 12, 2022 (edited) From the same conference, comes this strange snippet Quote ¿Entonces, fue esa política pro judía franquista, resultado de ese deseo de acercarse a las potencias aliadas, había algo de humanidad en Franco tras esa actitud o fue una mezcla de las dos? El debate es terriblemente complicado y creo que no es el momento de desgranarla. Sin embargo creo que los datos nos permiten asegurar dos cosas: Franco conoció y permitió la entrada de miles de judíos a España, salvándolos de una muerte segura y, por contradictorio que parezca, Franco fue un antisemita convencido hasta el final de sus días. Quote So, was that pro-Jewish Francoist policy the result of that desire to get closer to the allied powers, was there some humanity in Franco behind that attitude, or was it a mixture of the two? The discussion is terribly complicated and I think this is not the time to break it down. However, I believe that the data allows us to assure two things: Franco knew, and allowed the entry of thousands of Jews in Spain, saving them from certain death and, as contradictory as it may seem, Franco was a convinced anti-Semite until the end of his days. Edited November 12, 2022 by sunday
R E lee Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 1 hour ago, MODERATOR said: Sunday, unlike Colin. MODERATOR does have a dog in this fight. The cartoon incorporates elements from Nazi era antisemitic propaganda and is in itself antisemitic. This has been pointed out to you by several other members. MODERATOR is prepared to accept that you may not have realized the nature of the cartoon when first posted, but your continued denials border on the obtuse. To be clear, and this is directed to all posters, the posting of images incorporating Nazi antisemitic imagery or tropes is a severe violation of the rules and will be dealt with accordingly. MODERATOR should have deleted that post when it was first made and will be doing so now. Where are the rules to be found?, a search does not show them, nor can i find them on any forum.
Angrybk Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 This should be moved to another forum in the FFZ.
R E lee Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 8 minutes ago, bojan said: ............ You reported the post, and have now deleted your post, it after it was seen. https://www.grammar.com/liar_vs._lier Since you claim to be offended by others doing that you should take a long look think on what kind of person you are showing yourself to be.
sunday Posted November 12, 2022 Author Posted November 12, 2022 Just now, R E lee said: You reported the post, and have now deleted your post, it after it was seen. https://www.grammar.com/liar_vs._lier Since you claim to be offended by others doing that you should take a long look think on what kind of person you are showing yourself to be.
Angrybk Posted November 12, 2022 Posted November 12, 2022 Just now, R E lee said: You reported the post, and have now deleted your post, it after it was seen. https://www.grammar.com/liar_vs._lier Since you claim to be offended by others doing that you should take a long look think on what kind of person you are showing yourself to be. Dude you are basically brand new here and often have interesting things to say, but you gotta chill!
sunday Posted November 13, 2022 Author Posted November 13, 2022 (edited) dfgafg Edited November 13, 2022 by sunday
MODERATOR Posted November 14, 2022 Posted November 14, 2022 It has been pointed out that links to the Tanknet ROE's were broken. That has now been fixed. Posters are strongly encouraged to review them..
R E lee Posted November 14, 2022 Posted November 14, 2022 11 minutes ago, Stuart Galbraith said: Concentration camps dont just run themselves you know, they have to get reliable guys in. So hard to get the right kind of help, even from prisons. Sounds like a modern number 6 dance.....
R E lee Posted November 14, 2022 Posted November 14, 2022 3 minutes ago, seahawk said: Russia needs something like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Purge Russian society needs to be cleansed from all western and liberal influence and all persons supporting the pro-West party, need to be handled. Wagner is up to the task. And this is what will happen. Even if the war in the Ukraine should end, the Russian Civil War will continue. Careful what you wish for.
Stuart Galbraith Posted November 14, 2022 Posted November 14, 2022 3 minutes ago, seahawk said: Russia needs something like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Purge Russian society needs to be cleansed from all western and liberal influence and all persons supporting the pro-West party, need to be handled. Wagner is up to the task. And this is what will happen. Even if the war in the Ukraine should end, the Russian Civil War will continue. No Need! For that Ukraine has HIMARS! 5 minutes ago, R E lee said: Russian returns from Ukraine with a racoon. His wife says, "Where are you going to keep it?" He replies , "In the bedroom." "But what about that horrible nasty smell?' , she asks. "I got used to you , I'm sure he will too!" he says.😆
glenn239 Posted November 14, 2022 Posted November 14, 2022 (edited) 33 minutes ago, Stuart Galbraith said: Thing is, what Putin has done is touch upon a European ideological issue, climate change. So now you can be a European politician, stick it to Putin, create Green jobs and tech, AND be seen to be saving the environment. So much win!!! So if Russia expects everyone to slink back because of a cold winter, its not happening. Climate change seems to have seen to that also thus far. Putin seems to have badly misunderstood everyones motivation, right down the line. You do love to create a narrative out of thin cloth and then drive in with all crayons blazing. The Russians were willing to continue supplying Germany with gas, but the terms were payment would be in Rubles, not Euros. This means that none of what you post here is correct. The breach was not some calculation to set Europe to 'freeze', it was that the Russian would be paid on their terms, not Europe's. Edited November 14, 2022 by glenn239
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