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Looks like somebody one  in Washington.


Pentagon launches investigation into 'directed energy attack' near the White House that sickened National Security Council official and another in Virginia

US government departments are investigating two incidents, one which reportedly took place near the Ellipse, the lawn to the south of the White House

A National Security Council official has been struck down with a mystery illness after the alleged energy attacks 

Earlier attack took place in 2019 and was reported by a White House official who was walking her dog in a Virginia suburb near Washington

The invisible strikes, which can involve directing microwave energy at a target,  have previously caused a number of US personnel overseas to become sick 

The attacks on US soil have been linked to the 'Havana Syndrome', a mystery illness that caused US diplomats in Cuba to develop hearing loss and 'brain fog'  


Date 30.04.2021

US investigates instances of "Havana syndrome" among diplomats

The US is investigating mysterious radio energy injuries in diplomats in Cuba, which causes sickness and brain damage. The attacks have occured in Cuba, Russia, and China.

Leaders from both parties of the US Senate Intelligence Committee said on Friday they were investigating incidents of a mysterious "directed" radio energy on US diplomats, known as the "Havana syndrome." The investigation is being carried out after media reports of potentially brain-damaging activities in Cuba. 

"For nearly five years, we have been aware of reports of mysterious attacks on United States government personnel in Havana, Cuba and around the world," said a report by the committee.

"This pattern of attacking our fellow citizens serving our government appears to be increasing," added the report. The Intelligence Committee is headed by Democratic Senator Mark Warner and Republican Marco Rubio.

Russia behind attacks?

Warner and Rubio looked forward to an investigation by the CIA into this issue, to understand the technology behind the alleged attacks. "Ultimately we will identify those responsible for these attacks on American personnel and will hold them accountable," they said.

The "Havana syndrome" attacks have caused sickness and also brain damage among US diplomats in Cuba, China, Russia, and some other countries. 

Scientists believe the attacks occur through pulsed microwaves. A government report last year said "directed" radio frequency was the most plausible explanation for the symptoms. The mechanism is yet to be explained, but the US suspects Russia is behind them. 



On 4/30/2021 at 1:12 AM, Samson said:

Somebody messing around with death rays.  you would think something like that would be easy enough to find with the right gear.



Yeah, Fox Mulder or the Night Stalker never had this problem finding weird stuff. :D


"Infrasound weapons" are the Bigfoot of the spy arena. Never proven as a concept, they all seem to go back to a single patent (which didn't work) that was submitted some time in the 1970s and from which numerous conspiracy theories have been floated time and again. If someone feels unwell, (food) poisoning is a far more likely explanation.

Seems to go back to the urban legend of Prince Albert allegedly playing the Brown Note during the opening ceremony of a world exhibition in Britain, which of course is also bogus.


I idly wonder if some of these reports are malfunctioning spyware. We knew during the cold war there was the ability to bounce lasers off a window to take measurements from its displacement from conversations inside (or if its a myth, a fairly powerful myth). I idly wonder if someone has been trying to do something similar with microwaves, and its having effects on the people its directed at.

It seems difficult to believe Russia would fire a microwave weapon at an embassy at random individuals. I cant see any motive for it other than to win a Dr Evil achievement award.

44 minutes ago, Stuart Galbraith said:

We knew during the cold war there was the ability to bounce lasers off a window to take measurements from its displacement from conversations inside (or if its a myth, a fairly powerful myth).

Not a myth, definitely possible.

Weaponized microwaves, I suppose it's credible. We know that the Stasi irradiated dissenters during their stay in Hohenschönhausen (and quite a few died a few years later because of cancer, Rudolf Bahro being the most prominent case), so I have little doubt that a surviving dwarf from that period who has switched to poisoning underpants (just because he can) would consider this as a "mild tool" and part of "the game".

My main beef is the legend of weaponized infrasound. It's just not plausible. The rumors have been around since the 19th century, and were rejuvenated in the 1970s (not the least because of all the goat-staring shit that the CIA tried at the time - that tends to fire up the imagination).


Its not the moral question about the SVR,FSB or GRU doing it that I object to. if they can use battlefield Nerve agents they can use anything. I just dont get what they get out of irradiating embassy's. Yes,you certainly can, but the return against the potential censure if  they are discovered makes it nonsensical.



3 hours ago, Ssnake said:

We know that the Stasi irradiated dissenters during their stay in Hohenschönhausen

The bastards employed X-rays for that, not microwaves.


Sure, it was a radiological attack, didn't mean to imply otherwise. Gamma rays, most likely. Interestingly there is no direct proof as the radiological source was removed before the GDR collapsed completely, so they kinda got away with it, the bastards.


I seem to recall they also put radiological substances on suspects shoes, the logic being it would make it easier to track them....

All that I can perceive why they did it, fucked up though it is. The motive for these other attacks is far harder to find.


So it's sound . . . no wait it's a laser . . . no wait it's microwaves . . . and even though sound detection, laser detection, and microwave detection are well established technologies there's no evidence of anything being used at all . . . and that thing in Syria we told you was a directed energy attack from THE RUSSIANS turned out to be food poisoning . . . and,  as Stuart has pointed out, there is no motive whatsoever for these psuedo-random, global attacks. . . .  but the same intelligence community that has been lying its ass off about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA for five years is really, kinda, sorta sure it's RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA so we should believe them.

Maybe THE RUSSIANS have figured out how to use the dark side of the force and they found our diplomats' lack of faith disturbing!  Oh no, we've underestimated the power of the dark side!!!!

The skeptic's argument from Gizmodo: https://gizmodo.com/show-me-a-directed-energy-weapon-or-shut-your-anonymous-1846792168



If it turns out to be nothing, the stories and leaks themselves are something. Cover slash ethical and budgetary justifications for current U.S. research on and future offensive deployment of such weapons would be one possibility.

7 hours ago, CaptLuke said:

So it's sound . . . no wait it's a laser . . . no wait it's microwaves . . . and even though sound detection, laser detection, and microwave detection are well established technologies there's no evidence of anything being used at all . . . and that thing in Syria we told you was a directed energy attack from THE RUSSIANS turned out to be food poisoning . . . and,  as Stuart has pointed out, there is no motive whatsoever for these psuedo-random, global attacks. . . .  but the same intelligence community that has been lying its ass off about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA for five years is really, kinda, sorta sure it's RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA so we should believe them.

Maybe THE RUSSIANS have figured out how to use the dark side of the force and they found our diplomats' lack of faith disturbing!  Oh no, we've underestimated the power of the dark side!!!!

The skeptic's argument from Gizmodo: https://gizmodo.com/show-me-a-directed-energy-weapon-or-shut-your-anonymous-1846792168


Lets be clear what I meant though, I'm not saying it ISNT Russia. I just cant understand why they would be so fuckwit stupid to do it as to do it. It smacks more of the kind of finger in the eye bullshit Id expect from North Korea, who frequently act and do dumb things just to remind people they are still there.

I get really weary of the counter narrative that because of the Ukraine hoax, the Russian intelligence services aren't guilty of anything. Didn't any of you take on board what happened at Salisbury? The Litvinenko Murder? The Czech ammunition dump explosion? The Russian Apartment bombings? The Berlin bicycle murder? MH17? All these have been established beyond any serious doubt. The Russian intelligence service is entirely capable of behaving in an extreme manner, far beyond the norms of accepted civilized behavior. But they usually like to have a reason for it, even if we don't happen to agree with it.

It could instead be some form of surveillance equipment that is spectacularly malfunctioning. That I could entirely believe, even if I dont understand what piece of kit could be doing it. Ive difficulty believing Russia are using microwave weapons on random individuals for giggles. 

6 hours ago, Stuart Galbraith said:

Ive difficulty believing Russia are using microwave weapons on random individuals for giggles. 

It doesn't make sense. Neither does what should be interpreted as doubling and tripling down on the nonsensical aspect after the initial attacks.

Similar in some ways to the continued use of an intel asset even after its cover may have been blown. To target a random dogwalker on Pennsylvania Avenue sounds like a pretty poor return versus risk.


What the reports are missing is the poor things falling death stepping into the death ray close to the source. Including birds.



Just because it's non-lethal doesn't mean that it's impossible to turn it up to 11 (I mean the concept, not V-MADS itself).

People also need to remember the difference between ionising and non-ionising radiation. One will give you cancer, and outright ruin you promptly with all that lovely bleeding from orifices, the other will boil you to death.

  • 3 years later...

"Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?"


Ship-based makes a lot of sense - you usually have ample generator power and your targeting solutions don't tend to have trees and terrain running interference.

Sure, the negatives are that the underlying external environment is more challenging, but when the seas are over the decks, you're not going to be seeing successful engagements with anything, and low end attacking systems would be useless.


The US has been working on battlefield- and ship based lasers for decades (also, remember the laser armed Boeing 747?) and nothing usable seems to have come of it. Maybe the technology just isn't there yet.

4 hours ago, Dawes said:

The US has been working on battlefield- and ship based lasers for decades (also, remember the laser armed Boeing 747?) and nothing usable seems to have come of it. Maybe the technology just isn't there yet.

From my understanding, the big issue right now is how to combine and collimate so many beams and at such high powers. They can quickly burn. In tests we see one activation typically, so operating time is not an issue. But if you need to keep it fired for several minutes at a time - that's something else. So you need really powerful cooling.

At least that's what I was told.


There are rumours of laser dazzler weapons used by us Brit's during the Falklands war against Atgentinan aircraft in 1982. I don't know if it's true or not.

22 hours ago, TrustMe said:

There are rumours of laser dazzler weapons used by us Brit's during the Falklands war against Atgentinan aircraft in 1982. I don't know if it's true or not.

Wikipedia says deployed but not used. Interpret that as you wish. Dazzlers however are not a very useful thing. If you can find a target and direct your sights on it, you might as well hit it kinetically. Soft effects are for targets that are far and for which you have sufficient time to calculate and respond.

Besides, dazzlers are low power lasers. You can afford more powerful lasers today, ones that can burn stuff.

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