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This was a long time coming, but events seem to be leading the culture war to a head. It's being discussed across several threads but it's getting hard to keep track of.

Right now there are still a lot of moderates who oppose racism, want to tackle police abuse of power when it happens, and want the same rules to apply to everyone across the board. Pretty straightforward. Black lives matter, All lives matter, they may not have any issue with peaceful protesting but draw the line at rioting. These are alt-right racists, according to the prevailing logic on social media.

Nothing short of some Robespierre razzle dazzle, the destruction of the entire system, defunding of police, and lynch mobbing anyone whose skin color is wrong will satiate the mob and provide a trickle of that sweet sweet schadenfreude.

Unfortunately the number of moderate voices are small, they weren't ever looking to start a movement. They look at some of these viewpoints and point out the lack of consistency in the argument, and are mobbed in response. Their voices dwindle it seems, as the newer generation is more and more seduced or guilted into a hardline stance with no room for nuance based on the principles of intersectional identity ideologies under the guise of righteous indignation and social justice. In 20-30 years, the landscape is going to be very, very different.

I never thought I'd say this, but I might have to vote for Trump because if the Dems win I don't think there's any recovering.

Edited by Burncycle360
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When secular liberalism replaces God, we get what we see on the news. When males fail to become men, we live through what we are enduring now. When the nuclear family is disgraced, society fails as it is failing now.

Psalm 1:1-6

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

Matthew 7:15-20 15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

Mark 7:20-23 “What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

First Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

2 Timothy 3

3 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. 9 But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men.

Titus 2:7 Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.

Edited by Rick
Posted (edited)

Cultural Revolution happens when Media, TV series and Academia are dominated by Marxists.


The Overton Window is defined by who tells the stories. If you don't tell your story you don't exist.



You can somewhat say today that journalists (=priests), since they define the morals at Media(=Churches), the TV News(=the Mass) is the gathering, there they say what is truth and what is false and who is the devil who is the saint.


That is why many do not go to journalism to tell the news, journalism attracts mostly proselytists and puritans.


The biggest reason to vote for Trump is precisely to check the Cultural Revolution. It was already was in first time. Imagine Hillary...

Edited by lucklucky

It is a simple good vs. evil fight. The forces of God against the forces of darkness,


That is not helpful. The battle field is ideas, narrative. The left controls that battlefield, they are molding the children, teenagers today because they have the tools.

They also learned something that the right did not learned: the value of low insurgency.

The right in US likes to talk about guns, while that have deterrence value and are essential when all breaks they block the thinking of other levels of action.

With a such low level of violence the Marxist Left can get all major corporations paying them for a sort of Mafia protection. Coca-Cola, Intel etc all came up paying for the next rioting.




Turns out that kid is the Mayor of Minneapolis, the one who fake cried at the golden coffin and pandered so they wouldn't Robespierre him. It's coming anyway. Being an "ally" won't save him, nor will self flagellation.


At least he finally said no, in the end.




Once you bend the knee, they keep hounding you and demanding more. It's not about showing support, it's about continuously prostrating yourself in abject capitulation. They demand that you humiliate yourself. Ask Drew Brees how his apology for saying he would never disrespect the flag was accepted. The mob is unforgiving.


Ask Drew Brees this fall after the hitting starts.


The continuous demands are a function of the perpetual victimhood.


That video was pathetic. The female mayor of Hong Kong showed more conviction/stubbornness/balls than he did.


Now Minneapolis police force is being defunded...

Parts of me like the idea, they know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. Unfortunately, there are other special interest groups (literally every other community) who certainly don't agree and they'll suffer for it in the short term.



That is not helpful. The battle field is ideas, narrative. The left controls that battlefield, they are molding the children, teenagers today because they have the tools.

They also learned something that the right did not learned: the value of low insurgency.

The right in US likes to talk about guns, while that have deterrence value and are essential when all breaks they block the thinking of other levels of action.

With a such low level of violence the Marxist Left can get all major corporations paying them for a sort of Mafia protection. Coca-Cola, Intel etc all came up paying for the next rioting.

Spot on.

With 80% of twitter content generated by only 10% of users, social media gives a disproportionate voice to the radicals -- ostensibly on both sides, but since they selectively censor the right and centrists, what we get is polarizing radical leftist content. Corporations see this as overwhelming public pressure and are willing to pander, when reality, it's just the loudest. This is what our kids grow up constantly exposed to.

This trend continues, and in 20 years there won't be a voice of calm and reason anymore...






Baizuo (/ˈbˌdzwɔː/; Chinese: 白左 báizuǒ, literally White Left[1]) is a derogatory Chinese neologism and political epithet used to refer to Western leftist ideologies primarily espoused by white people.[2][3][4] The term baizuo is related to the term shèngmǔ (圣母, 聖母, literally "holy mother" or St Mary), a sarcastic reference to those whose political opinions are perceived as being guided by emotions or a hypocritical show of selflessness and empathy.[3]


Now Minneapolis police force is being defunded...


Parts of me like the idea, they know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. Unfortunately, there are other special interest groups (literally every other community) who certainly don't agree and they'll suffer for it in the short term.





That is not helpful. The battle field is ideas, narrative. The left controls that battlefield, they are molding the children, teenagers today because they have the tools.

They also learned something that the right did not learned: the value of low insurgency.

The right in US likes to talk about guns, while that have deterrence value and are essential when all breaks they block the thinking of other levels of action.

With a such low level of violence the Marxist Left can get all major corporations paying them for a sort of Mafia protection. Coca-Cola, Intel etc all came up paying for the next rioting.

Spot on.


With 80% of twitter content generated by only 10% of users, social media gives a disproportionate voice to the radicals -- ostensibly on both sides, but since they selectively censor the right and centrists, what we get is polarizing radical leftist content. Corporations see this as overwhelming public pressure and are willing to pander, when reality, it's just the loudest. This is what our kids grow up constantly exposed to.


This trend continues, and in 20 years there won't be a voice of calm and reason anymore...





We're already there.


Why do you follow something like Twitter?


Just asking...


In spite of their attempts to shadow ban conservatives, it's a very good source for info and links that you can't find somewhere else. It's getting harder but still a useful tool.



Why do you follow something like Twitter?


Just asking...


In spite of their attempts to shadow ban conservatives, it's a very good source for info and links that you can't find somewhere else. It's getting harder but still a useful tool.



It's 99% chaff and 1% grain.


Cannot compress things into 250 characters.




Why do you follow something like Twitter?


Just asking...


In spite of their attempts to shadow ban conservatives, it's a very good source for info and links that you can't find somewhere else. It's getting harder but still a useful tool.



It's 99% chaff and 1% grain.


Cannot compress things into 250 characters.



Well you're certainly right. I've often thought Twitter could make a killing with a premium service that allows just 2 more characters :D


For news, it's pretty much unmatched. You get breaking information faster on Twitter than almost anywhere else, though there's a lot of noise relative to bits of signal.


It can also be a little cathartic in this age (that seems dominated by radical ideologies) to make a point and know from that there are at least some people out there still who haven't lost their minds. It's not like we can get our fill of reasoned points of view from other sources, like the media.


Despite that it's ultimately not productive as an interactive resource for the average person... rare exceptions aside you don't change people's minds in 250 characters, and most of the influencers don't read their comments, so it's just an echo chamber for those who already agree with you. I would say ultimately it's addicting and probably causes more frustration than relief, as does most of social media.





Twitter is a garbage medium. It is true that it is excellent at picking up breaking news quickly, but 99% of the time the real utility of that feature is close to nil, given that initial reporting is so rife with inaccuracy that unless the event directly affects you personally, you are much better off waiting a couple of news cycles before you reach any conclusions beyond <something> happened.


Staying off Twitter also immensely helps in restoring your sense of proportion, your relations to people you interact with and your general level of satisfaction.


But I have to admit it is fascinating (and depressing) as a sociological experiment to see how effective the outrage trigger is.





News as an entertainment medium is not quite garbage yet, but it is getting there. In part because it competes with the speed of Twitter, and because news inaccuracy is no longer the sin it used to be.


Twitter is a garbage medium. It is true that it is excellent at picking up breaking news quickly, but 99% of the time the real utility of that feature is close to nil, given that initial reporting is so rife with inaccuracy that unless the event directly affects you personally, you are much better off waiting a couple of news cycles before you reach any conclusions beyond <something> happened.


Staying off Twitter also immensely helps in restoring your sense of proportion, your relations to people you interact with and your general level of satisfaction.


But I have to admit it is fascinating (and depressing) as a sociological experiment to see how effective the outrage trigger is.




It helps to pick the people you listen to. Pornstar's and military historians seem to be more in touch with reality than politicians, who only create narrative as a bubble to live in.


...but why would I want to read pornstars' musings in 250 characters, or a military historians', when their works are readily available. If I want to hear thoughts of "people grounded in reality", I rent a taxi or go to the farmer's market. For a variety of reasons I have buckled under pressure and got myself a smartphone two weeks ago. And I installed an Instant Messenger. And found it to be another productivity killer (not quite as much as TankNet's FFZ, but close). Twitter is just another IM, just with a gazillion more people connected than just the ones about whom I really care. How's that supposed to make anything better.

Any synchronous telecommunication form is in serious need of justification. With phonecalls you disrupt other people's activities, but at least you have a high bandwidth connection compared to typing in a chat (if only people would learn to keep it short and get straight to the point rather than wasting everybody's time with what at best amounts to idle pleasantries). IMs are asynchronous in name only, the intended purpose is near-synchronous conversation, and it's low bandwidth, so combining the worst of both worlds.


Why do I want to hear ANYONE elses point of view? Because as a human being, I find other human beings interesting. Particularly the defective, deranged or otherwise unhinged. I dont have to agree with them to find them interesting, hence why I still at this late date hang around Tanknet.


There is one historian im subscribing to at the moment, who is unearthing documents related to he cold war, and he draws neat parallels between historic cold war planning for civil contingencies, and UK planning (or lack thereof) for the pandemic. Its really interesting, probably of zero interest to anyone else, but its their loss.


Im not obsessed by any means about twitter, I can go entire weeks without looking at it. But its not without value when I do, even if its only HMS Queen Elizabeth's or the Royal Tank Regiments twitter feed. You just have to be careful what you subscribe to, or you end up a Sargon crack addict like some here.




By contrast, Ill never use facebook, largely because I view Zuckerberg as a defective prevert who should be beaten with his own shoes and drowned in his own vomit. But I admit im possibly biased at that.


Like any tool, it may have selective use if applied to the right task, I'll grant you that. But the way Twitter and most other social media generate money is to poke the outrage monkey in us. They are the worst outflow of the attention economy because they leverage the worst in us to their profit. I can but recommend anyone to stay away from these outrage machines, to lead a happier and more productive life.

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