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Just received this from a pal at Queen's College, Belfast: an online Excel doc with mostly free access books, docs etc.


Well, here it is, but in columns, no idea how to xmit it as an .xlsx





Archive name (eg Imperial War Museum) Collection name (if you need to specify - for example British cabinet papers at National Archives
British Universities Film and Video Council News on Screen
Google News Archive Glasgow Herald wartime issues
Imperial War Museum Sound Archives
UK National Archives British Cabinet Minutes and Papers including War Cabinet
MOI Digital Ministry of Information wartime reports
Convoy Web
York Digital Library Lord Halifax Diaries 1940-46
Hansard 1803-2005
The Vickers Machine Gun
The Defence of East Sussex Project
US Army Centre for Military History The US Army in WWII (The Green Books)
Commonwealth War Graves Commission Commission Archive and Records
RAF Museum (London)
Madeleine Blaess Project - British student in Occupied Paris
Welsh Journals Online Wales (Periodicial)
People's Collection Wales People's Collection Wales
National Army Museum NAM Collections
Royal Collection Trust
Australian War Memorial
New Zealand Electronic Text Collection New Zealand World War II History
The National Archives of Australia
Russian Archives German War Diaries, Intelligence Reports, Briefings etc
British Pathe Archive
BBC Genome Radio Times 1923-2009
British Library Sound Archive Jewish Survivors of the Holocaust
The War Illustrated Archive The War Illustrated
The Canadian Letters and Images Project World War Two Collections
War, State & Society Bombing Britain
Red Cross Collections online WWII Prisoners of War
National Archives (Kew) The Art of War
East Asia Library Stanford University Wang Jingwei and Lin Baisheng Photograph collection
Pamiat' naroda
BBC Online Archives The BBC and World War Two
National Library of Scotland Maps
National Library of Scotland British Military Lists
A Vision of Britain through Time
Getty Images
British Movietone
International Centre for the History of Crime, Policing and Justice Police in Wartime
The Wiener Holocaust Library Eyewitness reports regarding the November Pogrom
The Wiener Holocaust Library Refugee Family Papers: An Interactive Map
IWM War Memorials Register
Council for British Archaeology Defence of Britain Archive & Database
Poetry Foundation World War II Poets
Defence Forces Ireland Military Archives Oral History Project
National Police Library Sir Arthur L. Dixon, 'The Emergency Work of the Police Forces in the Second World War' (Unpublished MS, 1963)
Australian War Memorial Unit war diaries; ship reports & proceedings; oral histories; film
Australians at war film archive Transcripts of oral history interviews
Bomb Sight: Mapping the WW2 Bomb Censuses
Theater History of Operations (THOR)
Churchill Archives Online Winston Churchill Archives
British Cartoon Archive
BBC in colloboration with the IWM History KS2: World War Two
Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) US State Department
American Air Museum
Bangor Public Library World War II Regimental Histories
National Archives and Record Administration World War II US Army Enlistment Records, documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946
Library of Congress Veterans' History Project
NARA Records of World War II US Prisoners of War, created, 1942 - 1947, documenting the period 12/7/1941 - 11/19/1946
Library of Congress Experiencing War: China-Burma-India
NARA Downed Allied Aircraft Kampfflugzeug Unterlagen (KU) Reports
Library of Congress Veterans History Project
CBITheater.com China-Burma-India
Jewish Virtual Library Nazi War Crimes Trials: The Dachau Trials (1945 - 1948)
National Museum of US Army CBI Artwork
Army Center Of Military History "Time Runs Out in CBI"
Library of Congress United States Army. Branch Office of the Judge Advocate General. European Theater of Operations (ETO). Board of Review. Holdings and Opinions (1942–1946)
Library of Congress Board of Review Opinions by JAG: CBI and SWP
Fold3.com Missing Air Crew Reports WWII
Fold.com WWII US Air Force Photos
http://www.psywarrior.com/ Japanese PSYOP during WW2
American Battle Monuments Commission
Find a Grave
BBC The People's War
Hoover Institution Diaries of Gen. Joseph Stilwell
306th Bomb Group Historical Association
Hoover Institution Poster Collection
447th Bomb Group Documents & Photos
Photos by Lew Funk
NARA US Escape and Evasion Reports, 1942 - 1945
NARA US Military Award Cards, 1942 - 1963
British Political Speeches
American Air Museum William L Beigel Collection
Margaret Thatcher Archive
Colonial Film Archive
Hansard Records of proceedings in UK House of Commons and Lords
Franklin D Roosevelt Library Fireside Chats 1933-1944
Conservative Party Poster Archive
Archive of Labour Party Manifestos
Conservative Manifestos
Library of Congress George S Patton Collection
Mass Observing the 80s
Library of Congress Report of the Deputy Judge Advocate for War Crimes, European Command June 1944 to July 1948
The History of Parliament Oral History Project
LSE Digital Library Brexit Collection: 1975 Referendum
Ohio University Libraries Cornelius Ryan Collection of World War II Papers
Eurodocs Collection of primary sources for everything European
Virtual War Memorial Australia
Wartime Canada Canadian War Ephemera
Nuremberg collection at Harvard Law School Nuremberg Trials Project
Library and Archives Canada WW2
Auckland Museum Online Cenotaph
Auckland Museum
Auckland Museum
Auckland Museum
The Pegasus Archive
NARA German Reports of Downed Allied Fighters and Other Aircraft ("J" Reports)Records of Luftgaukommandos; German Reports of Downed Allied Fighters and Other Aircraft ("J" Reports)
International Bomber Command Centre Digital Archive
American Air Museum Historic England RAF Aerial Photography
American Air Museum Historic England USAAF Aerial Photography
Tara Copp Copies of B-24 Liberator files from NARA & AFHRA
Finnish Wartime Photograph Archive
Wilson Centre Digital Archive International History Declassified
Dr Ben Spice The Journal of a Journey- Diary of Ben Rushing
Central Archive of Ministry of Defence RF (Russian Federation) Календарь победа [Victory Calendar
Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence RF (Russian Federation) Подвигу Народа [Feat of the People]
TsAMO (Central Archive of Ministry of Defence Russian Federation) PПамять Народа (Pamyat Naroda) [Feat of the People]
Blavatnik Archcive
Госкаталог (Government Catalogue) Various Russian museum archives
ЦАМО (Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) Электронный архив советской группы войск в Германии (Electronic archive of Soviet forces in Germany)
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge German War Graves site
РГАСПИ (Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History) Документы Советской Эпохи (Documents of the Soviet Epoch)
ЦАМО (Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) German Documents in Russia
Central Committee / OGPU / NKVD / GOSPLAN «Исторические материалы» [Historical Materials]
Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (RGASPI) and Yale University Press (YUP) Stalin Digital Archive
Портал Архивы Русский [Portal to Russian Archives] Russian National Archives
Федеральное архивное агентство [Federal Archive Agency] Победа 1941-45 (Pobeda) [Victory 1941-45]
Library of Congress Office of the United States Chief of Counsel For Prosecution of Axis Criminality
UK National FO 800: Foreign Office, Private Offices: Various Ministers' and Officials' Papers
https://uboat.net/ Private website
Japan Center for Asian Historical Records Historical documents of Japanese relations with Asian countries. The documents of the archive are provided by the National Archives of Japan, the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and the National Institute for Defense Studies of the Ministry of Defense of Japan.
91st Bomb Group Association Squadron Dailies
57th Fighter Group WWII SQn records for 64th, 65th and 66th Squadrons
57th Bomb Wing archives Scanned records of 57th Bomb Wing
NARA Record Group Explorer
British Pathe
Project Gutenberg World War II Bookshelf
The University of Texas at Austin Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection (WWII maps)
Bibliothèque Nationale de France Gallica (online documents)
2nd Air Division Memorial Library
US Army Heritage and Education Center Digitized Sources
Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library World War II Operational Documents
CEGESOMA Belgian War Press
Koninklijke Bibliotheek DELPHER
BnF (Gallica) Journaux clandestins de la Résistance
France Crashes Database
URL (for home/main listing)
Contemporary media
Contemporary media
Official papers
Official papers
Private documents
Official papers
Contemporary media
Official papers, Private documents, Photographs
Official papers, Private documents, Photographs, Art, Other
Private documents, Other
Contemporary media
Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs
Official papers, Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Art
Official papers, Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Art
Official papers, Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Art
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers, Photographs, Other
Official papers, Contemporary media
Contemporary media
Contemporary media
Contemporary media
Official papers, Private documents, Photographs, Other
Photographs, Art
Official papers
Official papers
Photographs, Other
Contemporary media
Contemporary media, Private documents
Private documents, Photographs, Other
Official papers, Photographs, Art
Private documents
Contemporary media, Art
Contemporary media
Official papers, Private documents
Photographs, Other
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Art, Other
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers, Photographs
Private documents, Other
Private documents
Official papers, Photographs, Other
Contemporary media, Art
Official papers, Photographs, Other
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Private documents
Contemporary media, Art
Official papers
Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Art
Contemporary media
Contemporary media, Private documents
Private documents
Private documents
Official papers
Private documents, Photographs
Contemporary media, Private documents
Private documents, Photographs
Official papers, Private documents, Photographs, Art, Other
Official papers, Private documents, Photographs
Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Other
Official papers
Official papers, Photographs
Official papers, Other
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers, Private documents, Other
Official papers, Photographs
Official papers
Private documents
Official papers, Contemporary media, Photographs
Official papers, Contemporary media, Photographs
Official papers, Contemporary media, Photographs, Other
Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs
Official papers, Private documents, Photographs, Art, Other
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers, Contemporary media
Official papers
Official papers, Private documents
Official papers, Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Art, Other
Official papers
Official papers, Private documents
Official papers, Private documents, Photographs
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Official papers
Contemporary media
Contemporary media, Other
Official papers, Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Art
Official papers, Contemporary media, Private documents, Photographs, Art
Official papers, Other
Contemporary media
Contemporary media
Contemporary media
Private documents, Photographs, Other
Notes - who might this be most useful for,
Use this to search and access newsreels from the UK - including running orders, footage and in some cases scripts and production documents. Very good for anyone looking at how war was represented at the time. Remember to look at what else was in the same programme (to get a sense of relative significance) and be aware of the particular visual and audio syntax of newsreels - which differed by company. A bit like tabloids - the audience knew the style and were usually in on the joke.
Scanned issues of the Glasgow Herald throughout the war - haven't checked there is coverage for every day/week, but very useful to give a non national/Scottish perspective on news.
Search from here for sound records from the IWM. These include contemporary recordings and oral histories. You will need to filter by Second World War to see only those results. Many though not all are digitised and can be listened to online. Content level description varies but can be very good. Includes some contemporary recordings in languages other than English.
Clear guide to structure of papers with links to relevant sections in TNA catalogue
Includes transcriptions of the wartime Home Intelligence and Wartime Social Survey reports.
Very detailed database of wartime convoy and ship movements
Images of Lord Halifax's personal wartime diary
Parliamentary Proceedings for 1803-2005 period.
The BFI has several Ministry of Information shorts from the Second World War available to watch for free on its website. try using 'Ministry of Information' as a search tool. Also some useful documentaries and feature film clips. You can pay for more content. This would be most useful for anyone interested in the social history of the 'Home Front' in Britain during the Second World War.
Students of US Military History
For those wanting to learn more about the stories of past individual soldiers and the history of the organisation that maintains their grave.
Anyone researching military aviation including aircraft and personnel matters. Includes lots of private collections, including letters written/received during the war. The staff in the research room are incredibly helpful. Booking ahead is essential.
A Welsh cultural and current affairs magazine published through the war.
Drawn from archives and private collections across Wales, this is an eclectic collection of documents, images and oral history recordings.
For anyone looking for the histories of specific regiments or British Army from beginning to now. All digitised materials can be accessed via the online collection, except oral histories which are sent out by digital transfer upon request.
Mostly showcasing the history of the Royal Family but may indeed include their wartime perspectives.
On Australia’s military history since the First World War including information on units, people, events and more through documents, photos, etc.
Numerous digitised official histories, primarily US & UK
Official & unofficial NZ histories
Service Records, defence administration and policy
WW2 researchers requiring German War Diaries etc (Documents) German: (Site) Russian & German
Extensive collection WW2 newsreel and some official film
Full run of digitised Radio Times - as well as the radio schedules the articles can be useful as they discuss topics such as BBC overseas service during the war as well as entertainments beyond radio
Access to over 260 full life story recordings with Jewish Holocaust survivors now living in Britain and from the children of survivors
Access to copies of The War Illustrating covering 1939-47
Particularly useful for researching personal history of war. Loads of stuff. Easy to use.
interactive source mapping the impact of aerial bombardment across UK in SWW
material culture relating to the experience of POWs
online access to British government wartime propaganda posters
194 images relating to the Wang Jingwei 'collaborationist' regime (or "RNG") in Japanese-occupied China, from 1940-1945
State-sponsored archive of service records, records of medals awarded; some primary accounts of action and records of individual units' work. Russian
access to range of wartime recordings from the BBC
Excellent source of historical and contemporary maps of the UK and beyond. The OS provides the core. Many are geo-referenced.
Useful for anyone interested in identifying British military personnel or understanding order of battle.
UK historical maps, census data (1931 and 1951) and travel writing
Getty owns the rights to many contemporary collections of photographs. Most importantly for those interested in the UK this includes the Picture Post.
Newsreels from British Movietone available through a dedicated YouTube channel
An excellent OU tutorial incorporating resources from the centre's archive
Available in English for the first time, the 356 documents comprising this special collection about November 1938 are particularly significant because they were mostly collected in the days and weeks immediately following 9-10 November 1938 itself. They are different in nature from those based on memories recalled years later, which some other organisations have obtained. Testimonies collected later are inevitably modified and influenced by other intervening personal experiences as well as by versions and interpretations of the events by historians, politicians, journalists and others. The direct, unmediated nature of the Wiener Library's testimonies makes them all the more important, accurate and valuable. Also some German, Dutch and French
This digital map gives you the opportunity to browse and search the Wiener Holocaust Library's collections of refugee family papers. Several hundred of these collections have been donated to the Library over the years by Jewish refugees and their families, who escaped Nazi antisemitic persecution by emigrating from Germany and Nazi-dominated countries, including Poland, Austria, and France.
searchable catalogue of national register of UK war memorials
database recording the 20th century militarised landscape of the United Kingdom
online access to poems by a range of international Second World War poets
oral history recordings with members of Ireland's Defence Forces (including during The Emergency)
Semi-official history of policing England and Wales during WW2 by Sir Arthur L. Dixon formerly of the Home Office
Australian units and individuals during the Second World War
Oral history interviews of Australian servicemen & servicewomen
Great resource for those interested in bombing and its effects on the UK built environment.
Digitised RAF & USAAF bombing records including dates, targets, weight of bombs
University subscription required. Elite sources but also many letters from the public (@kitkowol can direct you) for social historians
Using archive video and images from the Imperial War Museum, as well as first-person testimony from veterans and eye-witnesses, this series of short films offers a comprehensive overview of World War Two for primary schools.
These short films are suitable for teaching history at KS2 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 2nd Level in Scotland.
The Roosevelt and Truman Administration sections have a wealth of information when it comes to the waging of the war from the American perspective with a good record of the summit meetings from 1941-45.
First port of call for research on USAAF in Europe during the Second World War, combines traditional primary sources with personal reminiscences, and crowd sourced data
We at Bangor Public Library believe our collection of World War II regimental histories to be one of the largest in a library in the world. We are proud to share with you this collection. We feel presenting these books will open up a new means of studying and experiencing the Second World War for scholars, the curious public, descendants of the soldiers who served, and our surviving servicemen and servicewomen.
One of the most comprehensive listings of basic information on US Service personnel
Oral histories, but also some documents and transcripts. Great for memory/commemoration of the war.
Comprehensive listing of basic information on American POWs
Focused on CBI, with oral histories and images
German administrative documents listing capture of allied crews and aircraft German
Large oral history collection covering a number of conflicts, and range of topics
This is a mammoth, haphazard collection, but with links to multiple sources and digitized versions of soldiers' newspapers.
Great source for holocaust research- particularly atrocities. Also good for researching circumstances of murdered allied POWS NB- some of the PDFs are out of sync with the hyperlinks
Official history volume of Army in CBI
Detailed records listing misdemeanours carried out by American servicemen in Britain. Good for researching PTSD, racial prejudice, LGBT experiences and sexual violence
Volumes of opinions issued by JAG Review Board for courts-martial in CBI and SWP theaters. Huge amount of info on cases, includes transcripts, testimonies and verdicts.
FREE FOR BASIC MEMBERS (NO FEE) In May 1943, the US Army Air Forces recommended the adoption of a special form, the Missing Air Crew Report (MACR), devised to record relevant facts of the last known circumstances regarding missing air crews, providing a means of integrating current data with information obtained later from other sources in an effort to conclusively determine the fate of the missing personnel. MACRs are arranged by year and aircraft serial number, which is also known as the tail number.raft
FREE FOR BASIC MEMBERS (NO FEE) View thousands of World War II era photographs of aircraft, equipment, air races, bombing tests, and military personnel - at work and play. Photos are grouped by regional "war theater" and then alphabetically by category, including subjects as diverse as recreation, rescue, aircraft, and miscellaneous. Each sub-category reveals intriguing captions further identifying the photographs.
Listing of all American personnel commemorated in overseas (not in USA) cemeteries, from all conflicts NB- the US repatriated their dead after the Second World War, so it is not a comprehensive listing like CWCG
Find a Grave is a crowdsourced list of burials across the world. Good for genealogical type research, but also a good list American servicemen killed during the Second World War who were then repatriated to the USA. National Military cemeteries (e.g. Arlington) are also well represented
Transcripts/oral histories from many Britons' experiences of the war.
Day by day life with one of the grouchiest men in the war
Unit specific research website containing copies of US Official documents including mission reports, escape & evasion reports, diaries and personal reminiscences
Massive collection with lots of WW2 posters/ads
Air Force Unit specific site containing copies of US Official documents including crew loading lists, Missing Air crew reports, Accident reports and images
Lew Funk was Photographic Chief of the 34th Bomb Group, his photos cover all aspects of life in the 8th Air Force including training, base antics and missions Lew meticulously preserved many of his photos from the war by smuggling them back to the USA! Lew's son John worked to digitise and research the collection along with some of the stories that accompany them, further info can be found on his website here http://www.johnfunk.com/WWII/
Reports typically include a brief questionnaire concerning the use of escape and evasion (E&E) training and equipment; an interrogation form with unit designation, target information (if applicable), number of missions flown (if applicable), date considered missing in action, date returned to U.S. or allied control, country of escape or evasion, and a listing of crew members (or other service personnel) with official disposition; a verification of the identity and trustworthiness of escapee or evader; a certificate safeguarding prisoner of war and/or escape and evasion information; an outline of topics to be covered in the narrative; and a typed or handwritten narrative that documents the escape and evasion experience of the escapee or evader.
The series contains runs of cards for the Purple Heart, Air Medal Decoration, Commendation Medal, Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Flying Cross, Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Airmen's Medal/Soldier's Medal and Bronze Star. Information included consists of: name, service number, rank, general order number, order date and issuing organization, award type, date awarded, as well as Oak Leaf Cluster additions and in some cases place of birth and/or place of enlistment.
The series contains a group of special awards, consisting of: Medal of Honor, Navy Cross, British Distinguished Flying Cross, Medal of Freedom, Mackay Trophy, Cheney Award, American Spirit Honor Medal, Koren Kolligian, Jr., Korean Chungmoo Medal with Gold Star, Korean Ulchi Medal, and the Distinguished Service Medal. Information included consists of: name, service number, rank, general order number, order date and issuing organization, award type, date awarded, oak leaf cluster additions, and in some cases place of birth and/or place of enlistment.
There are a number of Unit Awards which contain a list of awards granted to each unit. Some runs of cards contained in this series are: Korean Service Medal, Distinguished Unit Citation, Philippine Presidential Unit Citation, French Croix de Guerre, and many others. Information included within this series consists of: unit, location, medal type, dates issued, and the office which issued the award.
Speeches by key UK Labour, Conservative, Liberal figures, mainly from party conferences
Large digital collection of Individual Deceased Personnel Files (IDPFS) for downed USAAF fliers. An IDPF is a personnel file created by the military services to document the death of a military member & the related actions associated with the disposition of the remains.
Collection of many of the private documents and public statements made by Mrs T. Keyword searchable with many referencing WWII.
Large selection of wartime films about the Empire made by both MOI and private firms.
Useful for political historians. Searching can be quite difficult.
Transcriptions of FDR's evening radio addresses, one of most obvious examples of Media being used for politics during Second World War, but also good illustration of how the Americans were interpreting the course of the conflict.
Political historians, Art Historians - an excellent set of posters used in the 1945 General Election
Political Historians - contains 1945 General Election Manifesto
Political historians - contains links to 1945 manifesto. Note no page numbers.
Patton's digitised diaries, 1910-1945 illustrate Patton's activities during the Mexican Punitive Expedition, World War I, and World War II. The volumes, particularly from 1942 to 1945, document Patton's daily activities and observations and reveal his candor about himself, personally and professionally. They include information about American ground combat operations in the campaign for North Africa, the invasion of Sicily, the liberation of France, and the final assault on Germany. Annotated volumes covering World War II often contain additional detail expanding on the original volume entries. The original diaries are dated through 24 March 1945, while annotated transcripts continue to 3 December 1945. The Library did not receive the latter portion of the original diaries. Additional topics include Patton's honeymoon trip to Europe in 1910 and his fox hunting activities, 1932-1935.
Contains Mass Observation reports on key events including the Falklands War where memories of WWII are frequently cited.
This report was submitted by Lieutenant Colonel Clio Edwin Straight, Deputy Judge Advocate for War Crimes, European Command, to Colonel James L. Harbaugh, Jr., Judge Advocate, European Command. It covers pre-trial and trial phases of the war crimes program that dealt with so-called conventional war crimes cases, which were conducted by the United States Military Forces in Europe, from June 1944 to July 1948
Collection of oral histories with a number of British parliamentarians who served during WWII including Dennis Healey, Edward Du Cann and Peter Carrington
Contains leaflets and posters from 1975 Referendum many of which include references to WWII.
An excellent place to explore social and cultural artifacts relating to WWII. I have used it especially to search for commercially produced memorabilia. Danger may negatively impact bank balance.
Freely available first-hand accounts/questionnaires by military personnel from for Ryan’s three battle books: The Longest Day (Operation OVERLORD, also known as D-Day, Normandy, France, June 6, 1944); A Bridge Too Far(Operation MARKET-GARDEN, Holland, September 17-26, 1944); and, The Last Battle (the capture of Berlin, Germany, April 15-May 10, 1945). These files are digitized on demand as researchers request them, so it's a growing resource. Currently about 300--10% are online. Also includes Ryan's timeline card index of D-Day. Primarily English but also some other European languages
Anyone researching any aspect of European history for any era. Multiple, many translated to English
Private documents and links to official documents on Australian servicemen and women
Website designed to make Canadian visual content available. The collection is based on a physical archive held at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. Material is items that folks regarded as disposable like knitting patterns, postcards, travel brochures, squadron/unit dinner menus, etc.
those interested in captured German documents and trial records
Includes all wars New Zealand has served in active conflict. Includes user generated content.
This database of World War Two Merchant Navy Ships Lost and Damaged was researched by John A. Ross between 2001 and 2006. Ross was a former member of the Merchant Navy and an Armoury Information Centre volunteer. The data was entered by Auckland War Memorial Museum Tamaki Paenga Hira Armoury volunteers and staff. This database is a legacy product which was formerly displayed on the Auckland Museum website.
Transcription of the 16 volumes of the Nominal Rolls of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force (1941-1950). The original publications were transcribed by Auckland War Memorial Museum in 2017. This file provides a complete list of all 16 volumes and has been cleaned and standardised. The original content is included and sits alongside the revised data. These records have been added to Online Cenotaph.
Germany and German Occupied Territories Imperial Prisoners of War Alphabetical List: Section 4: New Zealand: 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force
Great Britain Army
CSV file of the members of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force that were taken prisoners of war in German and German Occupied Territories. This 1944 publication has been transcribed and matched against the Online Cenotaph database and includes 6370 entries. Most entries relate to Army personnel but it includes some Air Force prisoners of war.
Transcribed War Diaries
This series consists of German created reports concerning downed Allied aircraft and aircrews. The J-numbered reports are for shot down fighter planes. The German units that shot down the plane prepared the basic reports. The Luftwaffe assigned a number to a report as they received them. Some of the reports were received a few days after the plane crashed. Included are personal effects such as dog tags, payroll records, social security cards, identification cards, certificates of completed training courses, driver's licenses, pictures, and letters belonging to the Allied aviators. The names of the airmen, the date and the place where the plane crashed, the type of plane, and where the deceased Allied airmen were buried are mentioned in the reports. German
Crowdsourced archive with extensive repository of the personal stories of those who served and suffered during WWII, including personal memorabilia and one of the biggest collections of eyewitness testimonies
Aerial verticals of USAAF airfields in Britain c.1939-1947
Aerial verticals of USAAF airfields in Britain c.1939-1947
HQ Copies of documents and media from NARA and Air Force Historical Research Agency (AFHRA), particularly good for Mission reports of B-24 Liberator units in ETO. Not most coherently organised, but if you're willing to dig, you will find some gems!
The digital archive contains around 160,000 photographs from the Second World War from a time period of six years, from autumn 1939 to the summer of 1945. The pictures portray life on the home front, damage done by bombings, the war industry, the evacuation of Finnish Karelia as well as events and operations at the front. Finnish text/User interface in Swedish and English
International Historians
Series of blog entries with transcriptions of the diary of Ben Rushing (USAAF B-17 Navigator, 97th Bomb Group) detailing his service in the ETO and MTO June 1942- July 1943. Good personal account covering earlier period of US Strategic Bombing Campaign
General Soviet-German War researcher Russian
Personnel documents on Soviet soldiers, medal awards and interactive maps of Soviet-German War Russian/English
Collection of 5+ million scanned original documents from TsAMO RF covering Military Operations, Unit histories, operational orders and documents, Military graves and War heroes. Russian (English)
Contains photos of Russian museum artefacts and scans of photographs throughout the history of Russia, the USSR, and the Russian Empire. Russian
Documents of Soviet occupational forces in Germany, covers extraction of reparations, inspection of German facilities, etc. The website itself is terrible, but worth fighting. Russian
Data base for checking deaths of relatives and German residents from census databases German Includes English searching
A selection of documents from the USSR, Stalin's personal archive, full archive of State Committee of Defence decrees. Accessible for free from Russia or Belarus (or the Ukraine and potentially other states, their detection of your country is really wonky). Russian
Scans of German documents captured by Russian or Soviet forces in WWI and WWII. German and Russian.
Collection of books, papers and scanned documents relating to USSR in particular activities of Economy, NKVD and GULAG, Central Committee and CPSU (B), Foreign Relations and Politics. Russian
Documents from Fond 558, which covers Stalin's personal biography, his work in government, and his conduct of foreign affairs. Russian
This is not an archive itself rather a portal to all the Federal Russian Archive Agency's Online Projects covering the whole of Russian/Soviet history with currently a links to around 10 websites covering Soviet-German War Russian
Film archive of Soviet Union during Soviet-German War covering a wide range of military, social and economic subjects Russian
Topics of study: Nuremburg Trials, the Holocaust, Third Reich war crimes, anti-partisan warfare, and more. The pdfs are extremely helpful and contain the full works. English
Useful private collections from some civil servants and politicans. These are old microfilms that were digitised. Useful if looking into individuals in foreign policy decision-making
Extraordinary listing of every WW2 U-Boat, what it did, including every ship attacked and where, and much, much more besides. Gives an extraordinary insight into the war at sea.
Mostly in Japanese, but still useful. There are plenty of documents in English as well. The site is a bit clunky but nonetheless useful for historians of East Asia. Japanese; some English
Transcription of daily reports from the composite Bombs squadrons (322nd, 323rd, 324th & 401st) of the 91st Bomb Group. The day-to-day records of the squadrons missions and movements from the inception of the group through the end of the war.
Aviation/USAAF researchers
USAAF official group and squadron records
Like all national archives, NARA is both vast and hard to navigate. This link is a useful portal to seeing what they have that is digitised and can be accessed online. The 0.8% is a tiny portion of the whole, but there's a wealth of material among that. Military history series are among the records with the highest percentage of digitised records, and are particularly good for SWW & FWW
Commercial film archive, but low-res clips can be viewed freely. Covers a range of subjects relating to SWW: their curated 'war on film' list boasts footage of key events, the Holocaust, War crimes trials, the War in France etc, and they have a lot of footage of Winston Churchill
Project Gutenberg is a volunteer project which generates plain text e-books of works in the public domain. SWW holdings include official histories, personal narratives and contemporary fiction. More SWW material at http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/bookshelf/325
All books and newspapers numerised by National French Library (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) French
A collection of over 30,000 images of original photographs, letters, memoirs and other documents relating to the 2nd Air Division (part of the 8th Air Force)
USAHEC is digitizing its entire collection. The ARENA database is not yet well set up to search these collections, but it might be worth exploring.
anyone searching for primary source material (minutes from conferences, operational plans, after-action reports. Also includes School of Advanced Military Studies monographs. Look for documents online link on homepage English
Digitised Belgian resistance newspapers and publications are available freely, although the censored collaborationist press is only available in library premises. French/Dutch
The Dutch Royal Library's excellent online newspaper archives, which include wartime newspapers from the German-occupied Netherlands and Dutch East Indies. Dutch
French resistance newspapers (and other wartime papers available on the same site) French
A database trying to collect all datas about WWII crashes in France French
Edited by Ken Estes
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