JasonJ Posted May 11, 2018 Posted May 11, 2018 (edited) The security situation for Taiwan is increasing as the PRC maintains that Taiwan is a part of China. Up until recently, PRC military has had nothing to offer its claim. But now some new things have developed. I'm going to include the Senkaku islands here because the control of those islands and its surrounding space, both sea and air, will have major implications to the security of Taiwan from a geographical point of view. Likewise, the control of Taiwan has huge implications to the Japanese islands near it. It has become fairly common for PLAAF aircraft to circle around Taiwan. Just today, such a flight occurred that included 4 H-6 bombers, a TU-154, a Y-8, and supposedly 2 fighter aircraft according to the following Japanese Joint Staff report.A picture of one of the four H-6 bombers. A picture of the TU-154 and the Y-8 are also in the report.http://www.mod.go.jp/js/Press/press2018/press_pdf/p20180511_07.pdf A couple of images came up today of Taiwanese fighter aircraft flying near a Chinese H-6 and TU-154. The H-6 appears to have the same number as the one in the above picture, so quite likely the same H-6 was observed by both Taiwanese and Japanese fighters that were scrambled. https://www.weibo.com/1896058141/GgauWspLc?from=page_1005051896058141_profile&wvr=6&mod=weibotime&type=comment#_rnd1526040794060 Furthermore Chinese media is reporting that SU-35s escorted the H-6 bombers for the first time, through the Bashi channel. Because it is said that they went through the Bashi Channel, these SU-35s are likely not the supposed fighters in the Japanese report since the Bashi Channel is the waterway that runs between Taiwan and the Philippines. China's Su-35 fighter jets flew for the first time over Bashi Channel with H-6K bombers during an island patrol, a breakthrough that showed an improvement in the Chinese air force's combat ability, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force announced Friday.Several H-6K bombers and surveillance aircraft from the south and east theatre commands flew in opposite directions around Taiwan on Friday. The island patrol also saw Su-35 and J-11 fighter jets flying over Bashi Channel, said Shen Jinke, PLA Air Force spokesperson.Shen said it was the first time that Su-35 fighter jets and H-6K bombers flew over the Bashi Channel, and included new fighter jet participation in combat training and tested their combat capabilities, the PLA Air Force announced on its Weibo account."The island patrol revealed that China's Su-35 fighter jets are combat-ready. With a stronger command and strike capability, the Su-35's participation provides a stronger deterrence to 'Taiwan independence' forces," Song Zhongping, a Chinese military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times.More new fighters will appear in island patrols, and the PLA Air Force will conduct more island patrols involving multiple fighters, Shen said.The PLA Air Force has the resolve, faith, and capability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Shen said.Song said that another highlight of the latest island patrol is the joint operations of two theatre commands in military drills targeting Taiwan.The air force has conducted a number of island patrols since April 18 to enhance its ability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.A PLA Air Force formation conducted island patrols on April 26, and the formation, made up of fighters, early warning and surveillance aircraft, and H-6K bombers flew over the Bashi Channel, Xinhua News Agency reported. http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1101857.shtml Seems like images of the SU-35s doing the escort with the H-6 bombers taken off of some PRC TV program.https://twitter.com/xinfengcao/status/994901144664248320 Many of the flights through the Miyako strait like the one above involve PLAAF aircraft circling around Taiwan. The number of times PLAAF fly through the Miyako straight have seen a fairly sharp increase in the past few years, 36 times in FY 2017. And obviously, the flights encircle the area that includes the Senkaku islands and other Japanese islands as well. Edited May 11, 2018 by JasonJ
Roman Alymov Posted May 12, 2018 Posted May 12, 2018 What is the role of Tu-154? Training plane to familiarize as many pilots as possible with the region?In USSR, Tu-134-based plane was used as bomber crews trainer
JasonJ Posted May 12, 2018 Author Posted May 12, 2018 The Joint Staff report calls it a 情報収集機 which is "information gathering aircraft", "reconnaissance aircraft" or "spy plane".
RETAC21 Posted May 12, 2018 Posted May 12, 2018 (edited) http://www.mod.go.jp/e/d_act/ryouku/ SIGINT plane: http://chinese-military-aviation.blogspot.com.es/p/surveillance-aircraft-ii.html "A number of Tu-154Ms have been converted into ELINT aircraft as Tu-154M/D (Type I/II). Their mission is to search, detect, locate and analyze radio signals of its neighboring countries and regions, even through they were initially disguised under the cover of the civilian China United Airline registration. While Type I was believed to carry a BM/KZ800 ELINT system, Type II features a canoe shaped fairing under the fuselage which was speculated to house a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to provide high-resolution ground mapping images, a capability similar to American E-8 J-STARS. Besides the SAR radar, the aircraft still retains some of the EW and ELINT equipment, as indicated by the semi-spherical fairings and other small antennas under the rear fuselage. At least 4 Tu-154M/Ds (B-4015, B-4024, B-4029 & B-4138) were converted. Type I first entered the service with PLAAF in 1995. Type II passed the flight test in 1996. Subsequently all Type Is were converted to Type IIs. The aircraft has been conducting several ELINT missions in East China Sea near Japan since 2013. Recent images indicated that additional Tu-154Ms have been converted (B-4016, B-4017, B-4027, B-4050, B-4028)." Edited May 12, 2018 by RETAC21
Nobu Posted May 13, 2018 Posted May 13, 2018 (edited) The Taiwanese/Nationalist Chinese/Whateverese they call themselves at any given moment depending on what they want have not renounced their claims on Senkaku. Until they do so, their usefulness in strengthening Japanese control of the disputed islands is limited at best. At worst, their fishing boats and groups of Nationalist Chinese flag-waving zealots will continue to present challenges to Japan. Edited May 13, 2018 by Nobu
JasonJ Posted May 15, 2018 Author Posted May 15, 2018 http://www.mod.go.jp/e/d_act/ryouku/ ... That is a good link to post, thank you for that. Sometimes English copies get posted up fairly quickly, but sometimes there is quite a lag, and in the end some things never get translated into English. The graph shows up to 2015. For 2016 (a long with blah blah blah) here and for 2017, here. Although the record showing the increase of occurrences from 2009 through to 2012 is an important point. I would add that the taps on the side about the US-Japan alliance are instructive, or at least, indicative, as well in many ways.
Josh Posted May 15, 2018 Posted May 15, 2018 The most interesting thing I see in that pic is that the H-6K is armed. Not with a full spread, but it is carrying a pair of cruise missiles. That's rather contrary to even the Russian practice when Bear bombers approach the US coast, and is a much more threatening posture to adopt.
Nobu Posted May 16, 2018 Posted May 16, 2018 Any ROCAF/Nationalist Chinese/Taiwanese/Whateverese fighter aircraft scrambling in response to Beijing aircraft patrols over Senkaku do nothing to strengthen Japanese control and ownership of the islands, and violate Japanese airspace claims governed by that clear ownership and control. A ROCAF and a PLAAF aircraft flying together over Senkaku would both be in clear violation of Japanese airspace.
JasonJ Posted June 8, 2018 Author Posted June 8, 2018 (edited) US bill urges US troop participation in Taiwan military training. The details of a piece of US Senate legislation released on Wednesday revealed calls for US troops to participate in Taiwan’s military exercises and vice versa, a part of efforts by US lawmakers to support Taiwan amid what they see as a rising military threat from China.The US Senate Committee on Armed Services on May 24 passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal 2019, which includes several provisions aimed at strengthening Taiwan’s military capabilities.Section 1243 of the act reiterates Washington’s decades-long stance that the Taiwan Relations Act and the “six assurances” are cornerstones of US-Taiwan relations.In line with these cornerstones, the US should “strengthen defense and security cooperation with Taiwan to support the development of capable, ready and modern defense forces necessary for Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability,” the bill reads.The US secretary of defense should also promote US Department of Defense policies concerning exchanges that enhance the security of Taiwan, “including US participation in appropriate Taiwan exercises, such as the annual Han Kuang exercise” and vice versa, it says.The Han Kuang military exercises are Taiwan’s largest annual military drills. They are held in two stages: computer-aided war games and live-fire drills staged nationwide.This year’s computer-aided war games were held from April 30 to May 4. The live-fire exercises began on Monday and end today.This year they featured Coast Guard Administration personnel and civilian drone operators for the first time, making use of all levers of national power in military planning, the Ministry of National Defense has said.The Senate bill calls on both nations to expand cooperation in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, and urges the secretary of defense to consider supporting a visit by a US hospital ship to Taiwan as part of the US Navy’s annual Pacific Partnership deployment to improve disaster response planning and readiness.The bill must still be passed by the full Senate and signed by the president before it becomes law.The US House of Representatives on May 24 passed its version of the fiscal 2019 NDAA.The US Congress has over the years passed a number of pro-Taiwan laws to show support for the nation, including the Taiwan Travel Act in late February, which encourages meetings and visits by high-ranking US and Taiwanese government officials.Asked for comment, Presidential Office spokesman Sidney Lin (林鶴明) yesterday expressed the government’s gratitude to the Senate for its support of Taiwan’s national security.“Taiwan’s national security and self-defense capabilities will continue to be a focus for the government,” Lin said.Ministry spokesman Major General Chen Chung-chi (陳中吉) also offered thanks to the Senate.“Taiwan will gladly be a part of endeavors to promote regional security and stability,” Chen said.Chen quoted Confucius’ saying that “virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors,” saying that the ministry believes that Taiwan would be able to work with other democratic nations. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2018/06/08/2003694523 Chinese article not liking these kinds of developments of the US slowly moving towards greater treatment of Taiwan as an official state. It is interesting that this is going on at the same time as the whole DPRK related thing. 原标题:社评:中国须做好应对台海爆发危机的准备美国参议院军事委员会星期二公布《2019财年国防授权法》草案修正后版本,其中含有多项支持强化美台安全合作和军事交流条文,包括支持美军参加台湾“汉光”演习。这部《国防授权法》在参院通过的可能性很大。此前2018财年的国防授权法案要求美国防长评估美台军舰互访的可能性,已受到多方关注。国会还通过了要求美台高官互访的“台湾旅行法”,美方的这些立法行动不断蚕食中美关系政治基础:一个中国原则,制造了这两个大国关系严重的不确定性。美国精英的对华认识近年来愈发变得负面,对华防范之心上升,好斗情绪发酵,国会的挑衅性立法反映了这种变化。中美不仅贸易关系紧张,美国亦展现出在安全问题上对华步步紧逼的姿态,这大大提升了中国处理中美摩擦的挑战。对美方挑衅进行系统性分析可以发现,一方面,那些指向中国核心利益的挑衅在增多,其目的在于强化对华施压和震慑作用;另一方面,美国的威逼是渐进式的,每次的加码有限,似乎想要避免中方的激烈反弹,不让中美关系骤然出现危机性对抗。看来美方也在争取中美关系的“斗而不破”,特朗普政府采取的是对华攻势战略,以强硬姿态开路,但它的目的是要“杀”中国的锐气,给中国立要服从美国霸权的“规矩”。它并不想现在就开展一场难以确定代价和结果的对华战略摊牌。面对美国越来越放肆的战略挤压,中国人一定要沉着。我们首先要搞清楚中美之间的战略态势,既要看清美国强势的一面,也要对中国的真实实力有信心。我们还要了解大国博弈的基本规律,对冲突的代价和承受力进行更客观的认识。在这个基础上,我们要进一步确认中国的核心利益,将它们对外申明。把核心利益连接起来,就构成了中国崛起的生命线。围绕这条生命线就是中国需要采取一切方式、不惜任何代价坚守的底线。台海长期是中国核心利益的标志性地区,自中美建交以来,美国在这里大体上接受了对其履行“三个公报”原则的监督,不甚高调。台海稳定的第一大破坏者是在岛内执政的民进党当局。然而最近两年情况在发生变化。特朗普竞选胜利候任总统期间与蔡英文通电话,形成对中美关系惯例的一次严重出轨。之后美国国会通过一系列涉台法案,制造了美方准备突破一中原则的立法和舆论声势。华盛顿正在开始扮演破坏台海稳定的活跃角色。接下来只差行政当局以已经存在法律为借口迈出冲击中美关系的实际步子了。中美很可能早晚要面临一场新的台海危机,中国需未雨绸缪,做好充分的精神和物质准备。如果美国军舰真来停靠台湾港口,我们怎么办?如果美国军队真的穿着军服与台军在台海公开互动,我们又怎么回应?在这些问题上,中国决不能有任何临时性迟疑。中国大陆决不惧怕在台海地区面对任何级别的危机,为打击美台的嚣张气焰,维护国家统一,我们不惜走向摊牌,我们的这一立场必须是坚定不移的。如果美国军舰停靠台湾,或者美军与台军在台海互动,那将是对中美关系的根本性冲击,也是对台海和平的基础性动摇,这一点也必须让美台两方非常清楚。一旦美国军舰和士兵出现在台湾海峡和台湾岛内的任何地方,中国大陆的军舰和士兵都会出现在同样地方,无论这个过程是否发生直接军事冲突,我们都会在所不惜。要把我们的这个决心告诉美台,然后让他们做出选择。退让是换不来中美长期和平与合作的。只有中美都按原则办事,双方的底线互不对撞,中美关系才会是积极和稳定的。中国有决心有能力守护好自己的原则和底线。奉劝美台对此不要心存幻想,作出错误判断和行动。原标题:社评:中国须做好应对台海爆发危机的准备美国参议院军事委员会星期二公布《2019财年国防授权法》草案修正后版本,其中含有多项支持强化美台安全合作和军事交流条文,包括支持美军参加台湾“汉光”演习。这部《国防授权法》在参院通过的可能性很大。此前2018财年的国防授权法案要求美国防长评估美台军舰互访的可能性,已受到多方关注。国会还通过了要求美台高官互访的“台湾旅行法”,美方的这些立法行动不断蚕食中美关系政治基础:一个中国原则,制造了这两个大国关系严重的不确定性。美国精英的对华认识近年来愈发变得负面,对华防范之心上升,好斗情绪发酵,国会的挑衅性立法反映了这种变化。中美不仅贸易关系紧张,美国亦展现出在安全问题上对华步步紧逼的姿态,这大大提升了中国处理中美摩擦的挑战。对美方挑衅进行系统性分析可以发现,一方面,那些指向中国核心利益的挑衅在增多,其目的在于强化对华施压和震慑作用;另一方面,美国的威逼是渐进式的,每次的加码有限,似乎想要避免中方的激烈反弹,不让中美关系骤然出现危机性对抗。看来美方也在争取中美关系的“斗而不破”,特朗普政府采取的是对华攻势战略,以强硬姿态开路,但它的目的是要“杀”中国的锐气,给中国立要服从美国霸权的“规矩”。它并不想现在就开展一场难以确定代价和结果的对华战略摊牌。面对美国越来越放肆的战略挤压,中国人一定要沉着。我们首先要搞清楚中美之间的战略态势,既要看清美国强势的一面,也要对中国的真实实力有信心。我们还要了解大国博弈的基本规律,对冲突的代价和承受力进行更客观的认识。在这个基础上,我们要进一步确认中国的核心利益,将它们对外申明。把核心利益连接起来,就构成了中国崛起的生命线。围绕这条生命线就是中国需要采取一切方式、不惜任何代价坚守的底线。台海长期是中国核心利益的标志性地区,自中美建交以来,美国在这里大体上接受了对其履行“三个公报”原则的监督,不甚高调。台海稳定的第一大破坏者是在岛内执政的民进党当局。然而最近两年情况在发生变化。特朗普竞选胜利候任总统期间与蔡英文通电话,形成对中美关系惯例的一次严重出轨。之后美国国会通过一系列涉台法案,制造了美方准备突破一中原则的立法和舆论声势。华盛顿正在开始扮演破坏台海稳定的活跃角色。接下来只差行政当局以已经存在法律为借口迈出冲击中美关系的实际步子了。中美很可能早晚要面临一场新的台海危机,中国需未雨绸缪,做好充分的精神和物质准备。如果美国军舰真来停靠台湾港口,我们怎么办?如果美国军队真的穿着军服与台军在台海公开互动,我们又怎么回应?在这些问题上,中国决不能有任何临时性迟疑。中国大陆决不惧怕在台海地区面对任何级别的危机,为打击美台的嚣张气焰,维护国家统一,我们不惜走向摊牌,我们的这一立场必须是坚定不移的。如果美国军舰停靠台湾,或者美军与台军在台海互动,那将是对中美关系的根本性冲击,也是对台海和平的基础性动摇,这一点也必须让美台两方非常清楚。一旦美国军舰和士兵出现在台湾海峡和台湾岛内的任何地方,中国大陆的军舰和士兵都会出现在同样地方,无论这个过程是否发生直接军事冲突,我们都会在所不惜。要把我们的这个决心告诉美台,然后让他们做出选择。退让是换不来中美长期和平与合作的。只有中美都按原则办事,双方的底线互不对撞,中美关系才会是积极和稳定的。中国有决心有能力守护好自己的原则和底线。奉劝美台对此不要心存幻想,作出错误判断和行动。 https://mil.sina.cn/zgjq/2018-06-08/detail-ihcscwxa1776573.d.html Edited June 8, 2018 by JasonJ
JasonJ Posted June 28, 2018 Author Posted June 28, 2018 Military actions, including those involving aircraft carriers, are always an option if the island of Taiwan continues to "play with fire," an expert warned Tuesday after the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy conducted real combat exercises around the island involving "Chinese Aegis" class destroyers. A fleet consisting of destroyer Jinan and frigate Huanggang under the PLA Eastern Theater Command has been conducting a high-sea real combat exercise since June 17, the official website of the PLA Navy, navy.81.cn, reported on Monday. The fleet has sailed through straits and waterways including the Bashi Channel and the Taiwan Straits, according to the report. The exercise has successfully examined tactics and training procedures by teaming up with other naval warships, aviation forces and coastal defense forces in multiple sea areas, it said. The PLA Navy and Air Force are increasing the frequency of military exercises around Taiwan, Song Zhongping, a military expert and TV commentator, told the Global Times on Tuesday. The fleet had entered Taiwan's "air defense identification zone" and stayed for more than a week. This is the PLA Navy's second island encirclement exercise around the island within a month, Taiwan-based media United Daily News reported last week. "It is normal and legitimate for the Chinese mainland to send strong signals like this to the administration of the island," said Song. PLA must be able to deal with not only Taiwan's military, but also potential intervention from the military alliance of the US and Japan, Song stressed. This is also the first time a Type 052C destroyer, namely Jinan, has conducted a training mission like this. Type 052C is called the "Chinese Aegis" because of its phased array radar and air defense missiles, which pose huge threats to Taiwan, noted United Daily News. However, Type 052C is no more than an air defense missile destroyer. Taiwan should expect more military equipment including China's 10,000-ton class missile destroyer Type 055 and aircraft carriers to take part in similar exercises in the future, said Song. Solving the Taiwan question with force is always a choice on the table, and Taiwan should not play with fire, warned Song.http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1108480.shtml
JasonJ Posted June 28, 2018 Author Posted June 28, 2018 Home > PoliticsForeign minister calls for security dialogue with Japan2018/06/27 16:41:46fontsize-smallfontsize-defaultfontsize-big Foreign Minister Joseph Wu (吳釗燮)/CNA file photoForeign Minister Joseph Wu (吳釗燮)/CNA file photoTokyo, June 27 (CNA) Taiwan's Foreign Minister Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) has called for Japan to engage in security dialogue with Taiwan, as both countries have come under military pressure and threat from China. In an interview with Japan's Sankei Shimbun published Wednesday, Wu called for Taiwan-Japan security dialogue, saying that ensuring security is a shared responsibility between Taiwan and Japan. The newspaper described Wu's call as a rare move, as Taiwan has no diplomatic relations with Japan. Wu said Taiwan looks forward to exchanges of views with Japan on ensuring security in light of increased activity by China's armed forces in the Western Pacific in recent years and the threat this poses to both countries. Citing the close U.S.-Taiwan security cooperation as an example, Wu said the lack of diplomatic ties between Taiwan and Japan should not be a hindrance to security dialogue. Wu also emphasized that visits to Taiwan by high-ranking officials from the U.S. administration have increased in frequency, while the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump approved in June 2017 the sale of US$1.42 billion-worth of arms sales to Taiwan. The Sankei Shimbun report said that after the United States cut official diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979, then-U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) into law later that year, laying the legal foundation for security talks between the two countries. In addition, there have been U.S. military attaches assigned to the American Institute in Taiwan's (AIT) Taipei office since 2005, according to the newspaper. In contrast, after Japan ended official diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 1972, there has been a lack of legal foundation for exchanges between the two countries, the newspaper noted, adding that with the Taiwan-Japan unofficial relations, there has been only one retired Japanese defense official assigned to the Taipei office of the Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, Japan's de facto embassy in Taiwan, it said.http://m.focustaiwan.tw/news/aipl/201806270015.aspx
JasonJ Posted July 30, 2018 Author Posted July 30, 2018 In the 1st quarter of FY 2018 (April-June), Japan scrambled 271 times, 173 of which being in response to Chinese aircraft. Of the 173, 15 times were abnormal flight paths. Light blue English is mine. Red is Chinese, Orange is Russian.http://www.mod.go.jp/js/Press/press2018/press_pdf/p20180718_01.pdf
Josh Posted July 30, 2018 Posted July 30, 2018 I'm actually a little surprised at the amount of breadth of Russian activity.
Nobu Posted August 1, 2018 Posted August 1, 2018 South Korean vessels and aircraft visiting illegally occupied Takeshima on a constant basis call for a proportional Japanese security response as well. Arrows for such Korean incursions into Japanese waters and airspace alone would blacken the page around Takeshima entirely.
JasonJ Posted January 6, 2019 Author Posted January 6, 2019 For the new year, on January 2nd, Xi stated in an address to Taiwan that unification is inevitable even if use of force is necessary. BEIJING, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- President Xi Jinping on Wednesday said China must be and will be reunified, as he addressed a gathering in Beijing to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Chinese mainland's Message to Compatriots in Taiwan."It is a historical conclusion drawn over the 70 years of the development of cross-Strait relations, and a must for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era," said Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.Speaking at the Great Hall of the People, Xi called for joint efforts across the Taiwan Strait to advance peaceful national reunification.The long-standing political differences can not be dragged on generation after generation, Xi said.The Taiwan question originated from national weakness and disorder and has lasted for 70 years.Xi said since 1949 the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people have always unwaveringly taken resolving the Taiwan question to realize China's complete reunification as a historic task.He expressed confidence that the Taiwan question will definitely end with national rejuvenation.BEST APPROACHOn Jan. 1, 1979, the National People's Congress Standing Committee issued the Message to Compatriots in Taiwan. It was considered a declaration of the mainland's policy for peaceful reunification.Halt to military confrontations was proposed. Visits, cross-Strait transportation, postal services and economic and cultural exchanges were promoted. A page on cross-Strait relations has been turned.On Wednesday, Xi raised a five-point proposal for peaceful reunification.He said the principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" are the best approach to realizing national reunification.He proposed that the mainland and Taiwan conduct democratic consultation on cross-Strait relations and the future of the nation, and establish institutional arrangement for peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.He said on the basis of ensuring China's sovereignty, security and interests of development, the social system and way of life in Taiwan will be fully respected, and the private property, religious beliefs and legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots will be fully protected after peaceful reunification is realized.The president pledged "utmost sincerity and greatest efforts" for the prospect of peaceful reunification and said Taiwan will be guaranteed lasting peace after reunification."We are all of the same family," Xi said.While stressing that the "Chinese don't fight Chinese," Xi said, "We make no promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option of taking all necessary means."This targets only the interference of external forces and the very small number of "Taiwan independence" separatists and their activities, he added.IRRESISTIBLE TREND"'Taiwan independence' goes against the trend of history and will lead to a dead end," Xi said.The president said achieving the country's greatness, national rejuvenation and cross-Strait reunification is the trend of history, which can never be blocked by anyone or any force.The peaceful and stable development of cross-Strait situations and the progress of cross-Strait relations are the tide of the time that can never be stopped by anyone or any force, he said.Liu Jieyi, head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, noted the strengthened political, economic, cultural, personnel exchanges over the decades.Between 1988 and 2018, 134 million cross-Strait visits were logged; two-way trade reached 2.6 trillion U.S. dollars; and the mainland has been Taiwan's largest market and top investment destination outside the island, Liu said.In his speech, Xi said the future of Taiwan lies in national reunification."We sincerely hope all the compatriots in Taiwan treasure peace as much as they treasure their own eyes, and pursue national reunification as much as they pursue happiness."NO INTERFERENCE FROM OUTSIDEXi said the Taiwan question is China's internal affair and allows no external interference.The Chinese people's affairs should be decided by the Chinese people, Xi said, stressing that the Taiwan question concerns China's core interests and the national bond of the Chinese people.China's reunification does not harm any country's legitimate interests, including their economic interests in Taiwan, Xi said, adding that it will only bring more development opportunities to other countries.Over the 70 years, more and more countries and peoples have understood and supported China's cause of reunification, the president noted.Wednesday's gathering was attended by Li Zhanshu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee. Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, presided over the event.Wang said Xi's speech demonstrated the historical trend of cross-Strait relations and called for joint efforts to forge ahead for the peaceful national reunification.Chen Ching-lung, a 54-year-old hotel operator in Xiamen, Fujian Province, followed Xi's speech, which was broadcast live by China Media Group and on Xinhua News Agency's website (xinhuanet.com).A veteran who was once stationed in Kinmen, Chen joined the influx of Taiwan compatriots who found bristle business chances on the mainland."The direction of peaceful development is totally correct," he said. "What the two sides should do is to mitigate differences and enhance their communications."Hsueh Ching-te, another Taiwan compatriot who runs a business in Fujian, said he looks forward to complete reunification so that "all Chinese people will live in peace, prosperity and with dignity."http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-01/02/c_137714898.htm Tsai countered by rejecting the address and the one country two system idea. President Tsai Ing-wen, on the afternoon of January 2 in the Presidential Office auditorium, explained the Taiwan government's position on a speech delivered by China's President Xi Jinping (習近平) commemorating the 40th anniversary of the so-called "Message to Compatriots in Taiwan."A translation of the president's full remarks is as follows:My fellow citizens and friends from the media, good afternoon.This morning, China's President Xi Jinping delivered a speech commemorating the 40th anniversary of the so-called "Message to Compatriots in Taiwan," proposing further exploration of a "one country, two systems" scenario for Taiwan. As president of the Republic of China, I want to explain our position.First, I must emphasize that we have never accepted the "1992 Consensus." The fundamental reason is because the Beijing authorities' definition of the "1992 Consensus" is "one China" and "one country, two systems." The speech delivered by China's leader today has confirmed our misgivings. Here, I want to reiterate that Taiwan absolutely will not accept "one country, two systems." The vast majority of Taiwanese also resolutely oppose "one country, two systems," and this opposition is also a "Taiwan consensus."Next, we are willing to engage in negotiations. But as Taiwan is a democratic country, all political consultations and negotiations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait must be authorized and monitored by the people of Taiwan, and conducted on a government-to-government basis by both sides. Under this principle, no individual or group has the right to represent the people of Taiwan to conduct political consultations or negotiations.The development of cross-strait relations, as I said very clearly in my new year's talk yesterday, requires that: China must face the reality of the existence of the Republic of China (Taiwan), and not deny the democratic system that the people of Taiwan have established together; second, must respect the commitment of the 23 million people of Taiwan to freedom and democracy, and not foster divisions and offer inducements to interfere with the choices made by the people of Taiwan; third, must handle cross-strait differences peacefully, on the basis of equality, instead of using suppression and intimidation to get Taiwanese to submit; fourth, it must be governments or government-authorized agencies that engage in negotiations. Any political consultations that are not authorized and monitored by the people cannot be called "democratic consultations." This is Taiwan's position, a democratic position.We are willing, on the basis of "consolidating democracy" and "strengthening national security," to conduct orderly, healthy cross-strait exchanges. I also want to reiterate that domestically, we need to set up a three-part security network for cross-strait exchanges comprised of security for people's livelihoods, information security, and an institutionalized democracy monitoring mechanism.Cross-strait trade and economic relations should be mutually beneficial, and promote mutual prosperity and development. However, we oppose Beijing making "benefitting China" its core focus, using United Front economic means including financial inducements to attract Taiwan technology, capital, and talent to move to mainland China. We will vigorously promote strategies and measures that strengthen Taiwan to consolidate a Taiwan-centric, Taiwan-first path to economic development.Over the past two years, Taiwan has faithfully fulfilled its duty as a member of the regional community, actively contributing to cross-strait and regional peace and stability. We do not provoke, but uphold our principles. We have suffered many forms of suppression, but have never abandoned our fundamental position and commitments regarding cross-strait relations. I want to remind the Beijing authorities that a superpower must act with the demeanor and take the responsibility of a superpower, and international society is watching China to see if it can make changes and become a trustworthy partner. The "four musts" are the most basic and crucial foundations that will determine whether cross-strait relations develop in a positive direction.A so-called "spiritual union" should be built on mutual respect and understanding, with governments on both sides of the strait handling issues regarding the people's welfare pragmatically, such as the urgent swine fever epidemic we are now facing. Pressuring international corporations to change their designation for Taiwan won't bring about a spiritual union, nor will buying off Taiwan's diplomatic allies or circling Taiwan with military aircraft and naval vessels.Lastly, I want to reiterate that the results of the 9-in-1 elections absolutely do not mean that grassroots public opinion in Taiwan favors abandoning our sovereignty, nor do they mean that the people want to make concessions regarding Taiwanese identity.Democratic values are the values and way of life that Taiwanese cherish, and we call upon China to bravely move towards democracy. This is the only way they can truly understand Taiwanese people's ideas and commitments. Thank you.https://english.president.gov.tw/News/5621 Tsai calls for international help from China's threat. TAIPEI (Taiwan News) - President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) called on the international community to support its democracy in the face of threats from China, the Reuters news agency reported Saturday.She made the remarks during an interview with foreign media Saturday, just days after Chinese leader Xi Jinping (習近平) reiterated his determination that Taiwan and China should be united, if necessary with the use of force.Tsai said Saturday she hoped the world community took those threats seriously and would voice support for Taiwan and help the island, Reuters reported. If democracies failed to assist Taiwan, then which country would be next, she reportedly asked.Following Xi’s January 2 speech, Tsai said the “Taiwan Consensus” was that China’s “One Country, Two Systems” formula, which Beijing launched to help win back Hong Kong in 1997, was unacceptable in Taiwan.China should have a correct understanding of how Taiwanese thought and should know that bullying the island would never help improve relations, Reuters quoted Tsai as saying Saturday.https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3610793 A handful of US politicians criticized Xi's address towards Taiwan. Several US congressmen on Friday said that Beijing should be reprimanded for threatening Taipei with military power following Chinese President Xi Jinping’s (習近平) reiteration this week of his goal of unification and willingness to use force to annex Taiwan.“China threatening Taiwan with military force is reprehensible, counterproductive and just bad diplomacy,” US Senator John Kennedy tweeted.China’s provocative approach toward Taiwan risks the stability of the region and displays its disrespect of democracies, Kennedy said.US Representative Mario Diaz-Balart on Twitter called China’s attempts to threaten a democratic US ally “shameful,” saying that communist dictatorships often rely on coercion, threats and violence to maintain power.“The Chinese people in the PRC [People’s Republic of China] have suffered under crushing oppression for far too long, and the threats against the free people of #Taiwan must end,” said Diaz-Balart, who serves as cochair of the Congressional Taiwan Caucus.US Representative Steve King said on Facebook that China’s saber-rattling and threats against Taiwan, a democratic ally and an important trading partner, should be condemned by freedom-loving people around the globe.Taiwan and China are sovereign nations with a right to self-determination, US Representative Paul Gosar said, adding that force should not be an option.The congressmen were commenting on Xi’s speech in Beijing on Wednesday marking the 40th anniversary of a policy statement that paved the way for cross-strait interactions.The Chinese leader said that while peaceful unification is his government’s goal, it “makes no promise to abandon the use of force” against the intervention of foreign forces and pro-independence “separatists.”Xi also said he planned to explore a Taiwan version of the “one country, two systems” model, which President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) in a speech responding to Xi’s remarks later that day said would not be accepted by Taiwanese.Calling for US support for Taiwan, US Representative Don Bacon on Wednesday tweeted that Taiwan has embraced democracy and human rights for all its citizens.“America needs to stand by our longstanding commitment to Taiwan and ensure they’re not isolated while China still embraces Communism, and denies freedom of religion, speech, and the press,” Bacon said.US Representative Vicente Gonzalez also urged the US to stand with Taiwan, which he called a key democratic ally and friend.Gonzalez and US Representative Andy Biggs expressed the hope that both sides of the Taiwan Strait could return to having peaceful and constructive dialogue and relations.US Representative Glenn Grothman said China should respect the commitment of the 23 million Taiwanese to freedom and democracy, while US Representative Ted Yoho pledged the US Congress’ “unwavering support” for Taiwan.“Xi Jinping’s threatening rhetoric on #Taiwan is an escalation of Communist Party campaign to marginalize Taiwan’s democracy,” Yoho said, adding that Taiwan’s legitimacy is a self-evident fact.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday thanked the nine US senators and representatives for their staunch, bipartisan support of the nation.http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2019/01/06/2003707431 At an international press conference, Tsai called for strengthening of domestic defense capacity and defense partners with not only the US that sells it weapons but other countries such as Japan. 日媒:蔡總統重申拒絕一國兩制 並希望加強與美日等國合作總統蔡英文今天在台北與國際媒體茶敘時談及兩岸關係,日本媒體將報導焦點鎖定在蔡總統重申拒絕中國所提出的「一國兩制」,並希望加強與對台軍售的美國還有日本等國合作。包括日本放送協會(NHK)、讀賣新聞、朝日新聞、共同社等均報導蔡總統的談話。NHK指出,中國國家主席習近平本月2日發表對台灣政策的演說,在談到統一台灣的方式當中,表示採取香港等地實施的「一國兩制」是最好的方式。對此,蔡總統今天在台北與國際媒體茶敘發表看法。蔡總統說,中國民主體制的欠缺與不足,人權紀錄不佳,再加上從未放棄武力犯台,因此台灣不接受「一國兩制」。蔡總統還說,中國不放棄對台動武的情況下,台灣一定要加強建構國防能力才行,希望能與可以和台灣加強國防合作的所有國家一同努力。NHK指出,蔡總統強調的是要加強自主研發國防武器以強化國防能力。此外,蔡總統希望與對台灣軍售的美國還有日本等各國合作。NHK報導,蔡總統只接受國際媒體採訪,實屬罕見。中國在經濟、外交等領域加強對台灣施壓,企圖孤立蔡政府之際,蔡總統希望藉由國際媒體記者會,闡述台灣的立場並爭取國際社會的支持。讀賣新聞報導,對於習近平2日演說時表示,希望以「一國兩制」統一台灣的說法,蔡總統今天指出,台灣有兩個核心利益,那就是中華民國台灣存在的事實以及台灣的民主制度,習近平的演說與台灣的核心利益衝突,台灣人絕對無法接受。朝日新聞報導,對於中國企圖以「一國兩制」達成兩岸統一的主張,蔡總統在這場與國際媒體的茶敘上,重申拒絕的態度。朝日報導,蔡總統說:「中國民主體制的欠缺與不足,人權紀錄不佳,再加上從未放棄武力犯台,台灣人民對中國有高度疑慮。」報導還說,蔡總統表示,台灣正面臨困難、威脅,希望國際社會能為台灣發聲。對於如果中國民主化是否有討論統一的可能性,蔡總統認為這並非一朝一夕可實現,在累積彼此互信的過程中,還需要很多努力。共同社報導,對於習近平2日的演說談到希望以「一國兩制」進行兩岸統一的方針,蔡總統今天對國際媒體重申拒絕「一國兩制」。報導說,蔡總統批評中國民主體制的欠缺與不足,人權紀錄不佳,尤其是中國從未放棄武力犯台的可能性。共同社的報導最後指出,去年11月台灣「九合一」選舉,執政黨大敗,下屆2020年總統大選,蔡總統能否連任亮起黃燈,但強烈反擊習近平演說的蔡總統現在在台灣獲廣大支持。蔡總統強調,中國應改變對台灣民意的誤認,並要求中國實施民主、改善人權狀況。https://newtalk.tw/news/view/2019-01-06/190417 Sankei article stating that hopes for security cooperation between Taiwan and Japan rises which is indicated from that January 5th press conference which was the first international press conference with Tsai since May 2016 when she was inaugurated. 【台北=田中靖人】台湾の蔡英文総統は5日、総統府で海外メディアと会見し、中国の習近平国家主席が2日の演説で台湾への武力行使を辞さない姿勢を示したことに対し、「防衛力の構築が重要政策の中でも最優先だ」と強調した。その上で、「台湾の防衛力強化に協力してくれる全ての国とともに努力したい」と述べ、米国だけでなく日本との安全保障協力にも期待をにじませた。 蔡氏は、習氏が提起した台湾への「一国二制度」適用について「台湾の人々の信任を裏切ることになり、受け入れは不可能だ」と改めて拒否。その理由として、中国は民主体制に欠陥がある▽人権状況が悪い▽台湾への武力行使を放棄していない-の3点を挙げ、国際社会に「台湾へのさらなる支持」を求めた。一方、中国発のフェイク(偽)ニュースについて「多くの民主国家が同じ問題に直面している」と述べ、対抗策を講じるため各国と協力したいとの意向を示した。蔡氏は「中国が偽情報を通じて台湾の民主的な選挙に介入している」と指摘。「偽情報は民主主義を破壊する」として、台湾の分析能力や技術を用いた協力を呼びかけた。 昨年11月の住民投票で、福島など5県産の日本食品の輸入解禁に反対が多数を占めたことには「拘束力はあるが、世界貿易機関(WTO)の精神に従い(日台)双方が受け入れ可能な方法を探したい」と述べた。 蔡氏が海外メディア限定で会見するのは2016年5月の就任以来、初めて。https://www.sankei.com/world/news/190105/wor1901050016-n1.html
JasonJ Posted January 6, 2019 Author Posted January 6, 2019 A couple of points made in other threads that should be in this thread. In April 2018, the PLAN made a carrier group with carrier Liaoning and for the first time sailed beyond the 1st island chain, circling around Taiwan and passing through the Okinawa island chain.http://www.tank-net.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=39564&p=1365070 A post about Senkaku territorial water trespassing by Chinese Coast Guard ships which have increased in frequency drastically since 2012.http://www.tank-net.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38875&p=1389479 While the frequency of Chinese Coast Guard sailing has decreased towards the end of 2018, they made their first territorial trespassing for the new year on January 5th with a group of 4 Chinese Coast Guard ships. 第11管区海上保安本部(那覇市)によると、5日午前10時18分頃から34分頃、中国公船4隻が沖縄県石垣市の尖閣諸島・魚釣島沖の領海に相次いで侵入し、同日正午頃までに領海を出た。同諸島沖での中国公船の領海侵入は、昨年11月11日以来。4隻は5日午後6時現在、同諸島・久場島沖の接続水域(領海の外側約22キロ)内を航行している。https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/20190105-OYT1T50057.html
Simon Tan Posted January 12, 2019 Posted January 12, 2019 Japanese foreign diplomacy kabuki is wonderful and entirely for domestic consumption.
JasonJ Posted January 12, 2019 Author Posted January 12, 2019 Although the Taiwan related ones are low tier. Broadway level is the Kabuki-Talchum duo presented by JPN-ROK.
Roman Alymov Posted January 12, 2019 Posted January 12, 2019 Japanese foreign diplomacy kabuki is wonderful and entirely for domestic consumption.Now it is spilling into Russian domestic discussion
Nobu Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 (edited) Ideally, the issue of Japanese sovereignty over the Northern Territories will eventually be resolved in the same manner as the issue of Japanese sovereignty over Senkaku was in 2012, when Tokyo purchased 3 of the Senkaku islands from a private buyer willing to sell to Japan and Japanese. Washington then clarified after this purchase of the territories in question that it would use military force to defend Japanese control of them. This act alone elevates Obama in the eyes of many, especially because Obama and Washington did so without requesting anything from Japan and Japanese in return. The question of Japanese citizenship for current residents of the occupied Japanese Northern Territories is a reasonable one, as many of them have Japanese bloodlines. Edited January 13, 2019 by Nobu
JasonJ Posted January 13, 2019 Author Posted January 13, 2019 Japanese foreign diplomacy kabuki is wonderful and entirely for domestic consumption.Now it is spilling into Russian domestic discussion Well if I may give an opinion but the presentation style of the hosts leave no room for careful consideration. Anyone that would care to take careful consideration gets mobbed. And there were many points of exaggerations or disinformation that I could spend time addressing. But one thing is that to say that "now" that discussion of the the northern territories is "spilling into Russian domestic discussion" would imply that it hasn't been discussed much before. If to take that as the premise, then it should mean that the Japanese PM saying that the Russian people can continue to live on the islands after the transfer is done and work together with Japanese is something entirely new. To talk more specifically about that is new I think but Japan has had the position of having to return all 4 islands in the past number of years. So I think it would be a natural extension to address what happens to the Russian people in the case that all four islands are returned. But it seems that was not explored at all, either willingly or unwillingly. It certainly could have been something explored by people before just now. But it was also Putin that said that he wanted to get the Peace Treaty signed quickly. So consequently more concrete details are going to rush up front for discussion if running on Putin's suggestion of a quick schedule. Right now Abe wants to find a resolution quickly as well.
Simon Tan Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 Not going to happen. Japan is not sovreign.
JasonJ Posted January 13, 2019 Author Posted January 13, 2019 Not going to happen. Japan is not sovreign. Well, the point about Japanese sovereignty is also made in the video Roman posted at 6:20 and the so-called "insider" stated that the situation in the 1950s "characterizes the autonomy of the Japanese foreign policies". To which I have three points. The first point being that that was in the 1950s. Japan was only a decade into reconstruction since being totally devastated thus naturally would be in status of little diplomatic leverage to afford itself. The other thing was that the US was in the middle of a Cold War with the Soviet Union, having just fought against communism in the Korean War a few years prior. So in those circumstances, it would not be surprising to see the US play hard ball. Of course today is very different. Japan is much more developed and has an active diplomatic effort an various areas and sometimes go out of line with the US. I have three examples from the top of my head. One of course is regarding the Senkaku islands in 2012 in which the US took a rather neutral position and was going to just let Japan deal with China on their own, almost like how the US did nothing for the Philippines at Scarborough Shaol in 2012. A second is the CPTPP which Japan took leadership role and expended enormous diplomatic effort in it. A third would be the Takeshima/Dokdo islands since if Japan had no "sovereignty" of Japan (and ROK) then the US would surely find a resolution to that so as to establish stronger trilateral defense relations among the three countries. The second point is that it is only natural that big countries have a lot of influence on other countries. Sometimes it appears that the US is exercising its control over Japanese diplomatic affairs through avenues of sovereignty violation when really it is just simple because the US has a lot of influence to bring to the table. And Japan does have a lot to lose if relations with the US go very bad. Consider how effectively Japanese companies are able to compete in the US market. Their success in the US markets suggests that there aren't controls. The third point is the failure to recognize commonly shared interest of both Japan and the US. Japan themselves are not compelled to be concerned about the security of Taiwan, the situation of the DPRK, the raise of China, etc., by a "bully" US who is pushing Japan in the back. No, Japan has these concerns generated from the heart of Japan itself. And I would think it would be quite embarrassing in having to explain why these concerns are generated in the heart of Japan itself. So I think the young lady at 7:16 should point the direction of her statement "tell them to stop their information campaign" in the opposite direction.
Roman Alymov Posted January 13, 2019 Posted January 13, 2019 Japanese foreign diplomacy kabuki is wonderful and entirely for domestic consumption.Now it is spilling into Russian domestic discussion Well if I may give an opinion but the presentation style of the hosts leave no room for careful consideration. Anyone that would care to take careful consideration gets mobbed. And there were many points of exaggerations or disinformation that I could spend time addressing. Unfortunately very few Russian FTA TV programs (not mentioning non-broadcast TV) are translated to English, so i am limited in scope of what i could bring here. Surely this talk show is way more show than talk (as it is prime-time FTA and have to compete for audience against entertainment programs) - but this topic making the way to it is indicative by itself. And i have to note provide space for prominent anti-Russian opposition figures (like in this case Leonid Gozman who was mentioned in my earlier posts http://www.tank-net.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=38893&p=1279244- by the way also to some extent linked to China, also speaking here by himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4eV9unFJv4 ) Calm discussions are usually not translated - like this one, Kyodo News correspondent Hirohumi Syadzaki (not sure about transcript from Russian, the same remarkably free Russian-speaking Japanese who was asking Putin "How many islands will we get?" , see 1:05:10 here ) discussing Kuril islands issue to Igor Strelkov, famous leader of Slavyansk defense in 2014. It really worth listening to as he is representing views of many Russians (and by the way quite skeptical of current political system in Russia). May be this discussion was somehow reflected in Japanese press?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFTYvJJSW7k
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