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Free Speech In The Uk


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Whats the point of this other than pure censorship? I have love YouTube and never heard of this guy up until this. Jailing a guy for making a Hitler joke on the internet seems awful to me. I had heard about censorship in the UK but never thought it was this Orwellian.

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Exterminating Kulaks and deplorables is a noble practice.

As Russian originating from effectively “kulak” (literally “fist” in Russian, rich peasant – most of Cossacks fall into this category) family, I have not noticed I am exterminated :) And by the way next generation of the family (“kulak’s sons” in this terminology) were Communist Party members themselves.

Good luck criminalizing “display of communist symbols” –China is communist country officially :)

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How do you feel about this:




Whats the point of this other than pure censorship? I have love YouTube and never heard of this guy up until this. Jailing a guy for making a Hitler joke on the internet seems awful to me. I had heard about censorship in the UK but never thought it was this Orwellian.

No need for censorship where stupidity is enough. Not so long ago there was a case in Russia of man accused of “Nazi symbols propaganda” for publishing this (but as far as I remember found not guilty)

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Will display of communist symbols land you in prison too? They murdered more people than the Nazis after all.

No. Neither will seriously saying the same sort of things that Dankula joked about, but in a mosque as part of a sermon to the Umma.


Neither will posting tweets about the rightousness of islamic terrorists.


Neither will displaying flags to Hezbollah or ISIS.


Heck, ISIS fighters can return to live in the UK without very much impediment.

Edited by rmgill
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If whst Dankula has been saying is even vaguely close to the truth, then this story highlights the utterly ridiculous nature of the law.


I note that the BBC article brings in Tommy Robinson as some kind of validation of tge verdict, but I see no evidence that Dankula welcomed that support.

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Well, one might say, that this youtuber was successful in trolling the authorities by training his pug to raise the paw on command. He demonstrated how silly and authoritarian and haphazard this "hatecrime" legislation is. And open to abuse.


Can he go to a higher level like a constitutional court for an appeal? Or was it that?



How much did this prosecution of this public enemy no. 1 cost Scotland in £?? How many workhours of the prosecution and the court has this taken up in the last about two years or so? Nothing better to do? :huh:


And what will his prison time cost the taxpayer?



Scotland is so much safer now!





I mean, there is a good case for arresting someone like that whom is that ugly. I think Britain should be free for beautiful people, dont you?


Sorry mate, but you inflict this on yourselves with the annual ugliest people contest held on your island. :P ;)



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Hows that law banning people from saying some poles were Nazi sympathizers working out? :)


Personally I wouldnt lock him up. Id get him scrubbing the steps of the local synagogue. Maybe they would find his nazi pug funny.

Edited by Stuart Galbraith
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Hows that law banning people from saying some poles were Nazi sympathizers working out? :)


Personally I wouldnt lock him up. Id get him scrubbing the steps of the local synagogue. Maybe they would find his nazi pug funny.

Either way you're good with forcing people to your way of thinking at the point of a gun. I mean how else are you going to force somebody to do your bidding if you don't threaten their life?

Edited by DKTanker
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Evidently a Christian in the UK saying, "God loves you" is against the law, or at the very least at least an offense the UK government has found so egregious that employees may be fired for having said it.



I'm not judging you of the UK, I merely point to this as a warning to my own brethren that we are but one side step to fascism to also suffer such thought control. This from a fellow Christian mocking atheist, be warned, once Christendom is outlawed, the mind controllers will look for another target.

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Gang, I've read UK articles about the US & our cultural peculiarities and they often come across as so clueless (Like The Guardian saying due to our 'opioid epidemic and gun culture' we need to suspend our Constitution & be placed under UN administration) that I wonder how much this is a huge misunderstanding of what's going on.

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Hows that law banning people from saying some poles were Nazi sympathizers working out? :)


Personally I wouldnt lock him up. Id get him scrubbing the steps of the local synagogue. Maybe they would find his nazi pug funny.


So the cast/crew from Monty Python, how many charges should they suffer for producing things that folks found offensive? Life Of Brian ring any bells?


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Hows that law banning people from saying some poles were Nazi sympathizers working out? :)


Personally I wouldnt lock him up. Id get him scrubbing the steps of the local synagogue. Maybe they would find his nazi pug funny.

So the cast/crew from Monty Python, how many charges should they suffer for producing things that folks found offensive? Life Of Brian ring any bells?




That's different, they were offending Christians. That is progressive and noble

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Gang, I've read UK articles about the US & our cultural peculiarities and they often come across as so clueless (Like The Guardian saying due to our 'opioid epidemic and gun culture' we need to suspend our Constitution & be placed under UN administration) that I wonder how much this is a huge misunderstanding of what's going on.


I'm not sure what there is to misunderstand. I've been watching this develop for the past year and have been getting my information from folks IN the UK.


Dankula posted a video that he intended to annoy his girlfriend in 2016. He was shit posting. People do that.


My girlfriend is always rantin and ravin about how cute and adorable her wee dog is, and so I thought that I would turn him into the least cute thing that i could think of, which is a Nazi.

His nom de plume is well chosen. The video went very viral.


The police somehow took notice of the video after it went viral and arrested Mehan and filed charges over a year ago. The court fight has lasted since 2016.


What's more notable, as Tim Pool points out, there are many excerpts/clips of this offensive enough to convict thought crime all over the internet, even from media companies in the UK. It rather reminds me of this skit from Monty Python's Life of Brian. Except only certain people will be convicted of thought crime.


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