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Don't Go Being Politically Insane You Climate Change Skeptics

Mr King

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13 hours ago, TrustMe said:

Wasn't it due to a bargain made by politicians to the Green party?

To avoid political suicide in a country where the population had turned overwhelmingly anti-nuclear I would say. German voters had convinced themselves nuclear has to go an Merkel pretty much had the choice to give in or lose. 

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At the end of the day each country has to answer what kind of risks it finds acceptable and which price it's willing to pay to avoid them. I'm not sure that every German who supported the denuclearization was aware that it would either result in power outages, or price hikes, or import more nuclear electricity from abroad, or massively higher carbon dioxide emissions, or more dependency on Russia (or all of the above, to a varying degree).

The good part about it is, now that the Greens have got the nukes shut off which they demanded since before their party was founded, they now also have to find a storage facility for the nuclear waste that they blockaded at every opportunity. No other party could do this. You need the fiercest opposition to assume the responsibility. The CDU couldn't have successfully introduced the "Hartz IV" reforms, the Left couldn't have gotten passed the gay marriage law. Those who dislike it most will, in the end, have to find the solution in order to settle a national debate.

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Nuclear is the way to go, the French knew what they were doing. Meanwhile Germany is closing down their NPPs for ideological reasons and pressures other countries to do the same. They replaced the nuclear 'stabilizer' for their renewable idee fixe with coal and Russian gas. And burning gas emits ~half as much CO2 as coal, nuclear power emits none. Energiewende is one of the biggest scams in history.

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19 hours ago, Tim Sielbeck said:


not to mention that Santa Cruz Moutains are is one of the WETTEST places in Cali==I'm sure after this last storm, they just go drenched. Maybe those 'climate refugees' who left the area due to those fires will ever go back?

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3 hours ago, lucklucky said:

In the very long run, gas is a renewable material.


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5 hours ago, Ivanhoe said:

In the very long run, gas is a renewable material.

and in the even longer run, even solar is not... the whole "renewable" is bit of red herring. Too many people draw equality signs in their minds between environmentally friendly & safe, renewable, and wind+solar. Nuclear has by any measure the least impact on both environment and human health&safety per kWh of power produced but it's become a hard sell to voters after decades of anti-nuclear propaganda, to the point that for many the idea of nuclear power as clean energy is entirely outside of Overton window. That doesn't leave me full of hope that von der Leyen would succeed to get nuclear included in the green taxonomy, but one can wish...

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9 hours ago, Ivanhoe said:

In the very long run, gas is a renewable material.


In the very long run so is Coal and petroleum. 

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There are 2 easy ways to know the climate speech fraud supported by journalists.

1- History of climate events.

2- Satellite launches:


The main scientific purpose of FORUM is to better understand the Earth's radiation budget - the balance between the incoming radiation mostly from the Sun at short wavelengths, and outgoing radiation, which is a combination of reflected radiation from the Sun and radiation emitted by the Earth system, much of it a longer wavelengths - and the way this exchange is affected by the changes in the Earth's atmosphere caused by human activity. FORUM will especially be measuring the long-wavelength outgoing energy, which is strongly influenced by water vapour and thin ice clouds in the Earth's atmosphere. According to available data, about 50 percent of the total energy emitted by the Earth is in this long-wavelength range, but these emissions were not monitored in detail from space until now.  <... "now" being 2026.

 According to ESA, the FORUM mission was selected over SKIM specifically because it promises to "fill in a critical missing piece of the climate jigsaw".


The satellite will be launched in second half of 2026...



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