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Another perspective


Young men in their 20s and 30s committing mass murder and suicide in the name of Allah, the political scientist argues, are extreme manifestations of a “generational nihilistic radicalized youth revolt” that is “more about the Islamization of radicalism than the radicalization of Islam.

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Bojan , Sure ideology plays a major factor. But Last I heard Islam is not a new fad.


You must be old enough (some here aren't) to recall the 1960s 1970s when Communism was the terrorist Ideology of choice.


Islam is no more the current CAUSE of terrorism than Communism was then...otherwise we would have had non stop global Jihad since the days of the Roman Empire.


Note that both brothers had an extensive criminal records prior to their Jihad. All point towards these being the rejects of society prior to their radicalization.


I read that it is thought that man in white / failed bomber is also bomb maker..does not make sense. These guys are valuable...


What is story about ak that was/not found


Remember wot the EU stands for: diversity and tolerance.


Now, continue to bend over and open your ass cheeks wide....





How could Merkel sleep? Truly, she must be some leftover Stasi sleeper agent....


I think I can recall someone describing her as 'Honecker's final revenge'. :P


The Russians have killed more DAESH in 6 months than NATO has in 2.5 years. They have brought the first semblance of a ceasefire and peace process in 5 years of war. They have confronted Team Sunni while Europe appeases them and pays danegeld.


Easy to scapegoat her for this, but I have no doubt that the bad actors would have been able to embed themselves in Europe without the current migrant issues and the European response to them.


And E5M's protestations notwithstanding, you can't machine gun the boats they're using to get here, our societal values such as they are will not allow it. If that means we're all doomed as a society, then the vandals are welcome to the hell they'll inherit. I happen to believe that our way is better than theirs and will win out eventually.


There are alternatives between accepting them and gunning them down.


If they were being put in (closed) refugee camps and certain to be sent back to whatever hellhole they came from, they wouldn't be so eager to set on a trip to Europe.


PS. IIRC it was what E5M also proposed.


The Russians have killed more DAESH in 6 months than NATO has in 2.5 years. They have brought the first semblance of a ceasefire and peace process in 5 years of war. They have confronted Team Sunni while Europe appeases them and pays danegeld.

Only if you accept the definition that everyone with a gun who isnt Assad is DAESH, then you are quite right. :D The US continually noted that the Russians ignored the DAESH areas and pounded on other opposition, something that Assad has been doing from day one.


The only reason we arent killing more DAESH is that we have moved on from Bomber Command area attacks. They dont take much in the way of talent, ask the Viet Cong.


The SAA with Russian support have inflicted thousands of casualties on DAESH in the last 3 months. In Deir ez Zour alone some 600 have been croaked. 300 were croaked in the failed offensive against the Syrian MLC from Ithiriyah to Khanasser.

The reason you dont kill DAESH is because you cannot. You have nothing to do it with. It is all bluster and posing that is worth nothing. Quite apropos.


Both the US and Russia attacked DAESH in limited fashion. If the Russian's killed more, then that was only because there was more DAESH to kill in the way of Russia's objective. US objective that put them against DAESH has mostly been in the aid of Iraq Kurdistan. Russia's objective was to preserve and reinvigorate Assad. Neither have the goal of actually destroying DAESH.

Posted (edited)

The Russians have killed more DAESH, but also more civilians, and anti-Regime rebel groups. When an air force has direct link with the ground force it is supporting air strikes are exponentially more effective. The Russians have killed by far the most civilians/non-combatants due to their vastly less restrictive ROE, not to mention deliberate political targeting of populations by the Assad regime.


But then the strategic aims of the US lead coalition and Russia are very different.


For a second I forgot this waznt the Syrian thread...

Edited by Paul G.
Posted (edited)

In the end of the day, Russia backs Iran. US and West back GCC. GCC bit the west back because some in GCC are allergic to Western standards. And the West gets bit because it's doors are open to being bit.

Edited by JasonJ

Erdogan has publicly claimed one of the suicide bombers had been extradited by Turkey to Belgium. However, the Turks only appear to have put him out of the country and on a plane towards Amsterdam - which is quite something different then a formal extradition... So thanks for the free ticket, Sultan :unsure:


The SAA with Russian support have inflicted thousands of casualties on DAESH in the last 3 months. In Deir ez Zour alone some 600 have been croaked. 300 were croaked in the failed offensive against the Syrian MLC from Ithiriyah to Khanasser.

The reason you dont kill DAESH is because you cannot. You have nothing to do it with. It is all bluster and posing that is worth nothing. Quite apropos.

No Simon, the reason why we dont kill Daesh is because we dont use unguided weapons and actually give a toss where we deploy ordinance. You know, In case RT puts a rant up about British pilots being clueless and killing civilians as they never will about their own airforce.


You assert that the Western participation in this operation is screwed up, it is, ive never disagreed, not least using several thousand pounds worth of antitank missile to kill Toyotas and Mopeds which in the event proved impractical. But lets not pretend that wanton destruction without restraint is a workable plan for killing Daesh. If Afghanistan is any guide from the Russians using the same methods, its going to prove a bang up recruitment poster for all insurgents of all description.


Whats Russian for 'Mission Accomplished' again?


Erdogan has publicly claimed one of the suicide bombers had been extradited by Turkey to Belgium. However, the Turks only appear to have put him out of the country and on a plane towards Amsterdam - which is quite something different then a formal extradition... So thanks for the free ticket, Sultan :unsure:

In fairness he claims he did tell the Belgians he was sending an insurgent back. Its not clearly the Belgians even picked him up.




Erdogan has publicly claimed one of the suicide bombers had been extradited by Turkey to Belgium. However, the Turks only appear to have put him out of the country and on a plane towards Amsterdam - which is quite something different then a formal extradition... So thanks for the free ticket, Sultan :unsure:

In fairness he claims he did tell the Belgians he was sending an insurgent back. Its not clearly the Belgians even picked him up.

How could they if he landed in Amsterdam? And without definite proof of criminal offense, he couldn't be arrested anyway. But what was then the reason for his expellation from Turkey? I'm not claiming the Turks are involved in this, but Erdogan doesn't seem to have any reason to thump his chest either.


Birganza, there are lots of poorly educated yokels with no opportunity and who are deeply superstitious all over the US. We are struck with a large quantity of Hatfields and McCoys who routinely blow up scores if not hundreds of people.


I'm still trying to figure out what sort of horrid conditions Europeans are subjecting muslims to that makes so many of them hell bent on killing Europeans and others.

Its because the Europeans wont admit to the wonderfulness of Allah, or something...



Whats Russian for 'Mission Accomplished' again?


миссия выполнима!



Slight correction, that's "mission is accomplishable". You want "задача выполнена".


No Simon, the reason why we dont kill Daesh is because we dont use unguided weapons and actually give a toss where we deploy ordinance. You know, In case RT puts a rant up about British pilots being clueless and killing civilians as they never will about their own airforce.


Even leaving politics aside (as i did not see how all this AlNusra&co any better then IS) - correct me if i am wrong when believing guided weapons developed in the end of Cold War to kill more enemies at less price, not less enemies at higher price. If your own weapons too expensive to be used - well, isn't it wrong?

But in reality Forces of Good are not so hesitate to use unguided bombs as you portray it (in addition to some (un)lucky guided munitions killing scores of civilians if mistargeted)


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