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Anyone else here interested in the upcoming release of Fallout 4? I am excited for the game, but that excitement is very much tempered by the recent Skyrim payed mod's fiasco, and the uncertainty of how exactly Bethesda is going to make user created PC mods accessible to Xbox and Playstation user bases like they claim they are going to do. If users are free to create and host mods on their on like they can now with current Skyrim games, how is Bethesda going to get those mods onto "Bethesda.net"?

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3 only became great with New Vegas, so I am a bit cold about 4, but not about what might come after that in line of New Vegas.

Posted (edited)

I am taking a week off from work to play it, and I built a new gaming rig to play it. Perfect timing for me really, since I have 4 weeks of vacation saved up and I need a break about then.


I think it has a pretty good chance to evolutionize First Person CRPGS in general. The Fallout story line seems to be pushing beyond the scavenge to live and more into rebuilding civilization.

It's never been that hard to get by in Fallout 3, New Vegas (even on Hardcore) or either of the original Canon games (Tactics isn't one of those). However, there is some interesting looking story material and game mechanics in the previews I have seen.

Edited by Brasidas
Posted (edited)

When you see what the modding community can do with an old engine like Skyrim, a good engine, creation kit and good game architecture and you might have one of the greatest games of all time.


speaking of which......




examples of HDT not into the big breast but it makes it easier to see


Edited by Colin

Colin my understanding is they are using an updated version of the same engine they used for Skyrim. Which if I understand correctly, was was just an updated version of the same engine they used in Oblivion / Fallout 3


sigh.... Mind you 'updated" hopefully means they gutted it and fixed the known issues like the 4Gb RAM limit


I would assume so Colin since the world is supposed to be much more open. My understanding is you load a large area now, and most of the buildings and such are included in that area, instead of having to load individually.


I am sorely tempted, but I need to complete my re-runs of FO3 and NV first. That will probably give Bethesda time to shake out the release "beta" to production quality, sometime in the new year.


I'll probably get it on release, just because of how scarce good RPGs are. It's been a long time since I didn't get my money's worth in a Bethesda game, so I'm sure it'll be at least pretty good.


Still, until they prove otherwise, I fully expect it to be like all their other games - a mile broad, and an inch deep.


They're making gradual improvements in that department, but I've been saying for ages that what I really would like is a game that's 1/4 the size of a typical Bethesda title, but with way more depth. I thought it was a hopeless pipe dream until Witcher 3 came out... So between Witcher 3 and all the reasons I thought New Vegas was vastly superior to Fallout 3, Bethesda will need to do a hell of a job to actually impress me. And letting me build my own generic shacks isn't going to do it...


Hope they learned their lesson and improved their storytelling and quest design, and got rid of some of the cookie-cutter crap they love to fill their worlds with. The number of lines of dialogue they claim to have recorded makes me cautiously (very cautiously) optimistic. And of course, there is the dog. Dogs make everything better.


Yea, I bought two copies of the Collector's edition. Not because I think it will be quite that awesome (I hope the game play is awesome), but because I bought several collector's editions of FOV for retail prices, and they are going for at least $200 a pop on E-bay. Better than some investments lately, although dealing with ebay isn't that fun either.


It appears that they have upgraded the engine to utilize 64bit, so no more memory problems that plagued their other games.


Just replayed FNV again -- it's so much more enjoyable now that (most of) the bugs have been ironed out... also the graphics are much less annoyingly primitive than I thought they'd be; you get used to them pretty fast.


The DLCs are all pretty fun except for Dead Money, which is too difficult and boring as hell.

  • 3 weeks later...

Comparison of Fallout 3's map, Fallout 4's map. and Skyrim's map in terms of size



Spoiler of course

Mind you a lot of that Skyrim map is not playable. I like to see a re-release of Oblivion using the same engine as FO4


That is a good point Colin, but looking at the FO4 map, quite a bit of it appears to be water. I wonder how much of it is accessible.

Posted (edited)

Sheer size is more of a nuisance IMO (particularly since you tend to run around a lot from one location to the other, the game principles reward packrat behavior, but punishes you with factual immobility as soon as you're a milligram above your personal load threshold; I wish they would make this more gradual, and that there was an option to dump your backpack as the standard opening move of physical altercations).


The number of locations is what counts, IMO. And even there Bethesda has arguably gone beyond saturation points. Maybe they follow the Andy Warhol maxim of giving the audience always a little bit more than it desires.

Edited by Ssnake

Sheer size is more of a nuisance IMO (particularly since you tend to run around a lot from one location to the other, the game principles reward packrat behavior, but punishes you with factual immobility as soon as you're a milligram above your personal load threshold; I wish they would make this more gradual, and that there was an option to dump your backpack as the standard opening move of physical altercations).


The number of locations is what counts, IMO. And even there Bethesda has arguably gone beyond saturation points. Maybe they follow the Andy Warhol maxim of giving the audience always a little bit more than it desires.

that's what you have stunningly beautiful followers for, packing all your shit! I have recruited a Merchant wench into my troop so I can sell stuff the moment I acquire it. I know the modding community is itching to get into this game and add to it.

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