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They worked well against the American Indians by your forefathers.


The Indian mutators where put down with savage tactics


These guys need to hunted by drones day and night and ambushed and given no quarter. That's the only way to deal with these nut jobs

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Savage tactics?The Indians were brought under control by sustained campaigning in all seasons that their nomadic and family ways could not sustain. Butchers such as Custer went down in flames. Crook and a few others knew what they are doing. They made excellent use of Indian scouts and allies.


Perhaps the Argentines are the model you seek. There is not an indian to be found there; pure genocide.


Of course, in Canuckistan, we have the First Nation [cough] to deal with today.


Anyone here been to Nigeria? Know any Nigerians? Know of any human trafficking 1st hand?


If not, why do you care?


Why must we meddle? This is not our problem. "Bad Shit" happens to people every day and there's nothing you can are willing to do to make it better.


This is melodrama; a real life soap opera for the chicks(male and female) of the world to emote and moralize about. S/F....Ken M


Anyone here been to Nigeria? Know any Nigerians? Know of any human trafficking 1st hand?


If not, why do you care?


Why must we meddle? This is not our problem. "Bad Shit" happens to people every day and there's nothing you can are willing to do to make it better.


This is melodrama; a real life soap opera for the chicks(male and female) of the world to emote and moralize about. S/F....Ken M


It's curious, but this reasoning reminds me of that other used against Pacifists: You could not care about war, but war cares about you, or something like that.


Ken, do you really believe that a isolated, commercially and culturally, America would not be overpowered by a sufficient number of foreign countries, or even by foreign ideas and ideologies?


I'll give you a hint - read about the history of the Spanish Empire between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Was enough with two moron kings, Charles IV and Ferdinand VII, to bring down the whole house of cards. And yes, you could have morons elected to be President, some even twice.


Ken, do you really believe that a isolated, commercially and culturally, America would not be overpowered by a sufficient number of foreign countries, or even by foreign ideas and ideologies?


I'll give you a hint - read about the history of the Spanish Empire between the 16th and the 19th centuries. Was enough with two moron kings, Charles IV and Ferdinand VII, to bring down the whole house of cards. And yes, you could have morons elected to be President, some even twice.

The US has significant geographical advantages over Spain: we are a continent-spanning nation with abundant natural resources (especially domestic food production), with our Eastern and Western borders consisting of gigantic bodies of water (easily defended by our excessive-overmatch-possessing Navy). If anyone DOES try to put boots on the ground, they have to cross one of 4 obstacles: a vast frozen forest to the North, a vast desert to the South, or our two mountain ranges just inside the coast that damn-near run the North-South length of our borders.


Really, the only existential threat to us is someone tossing 100+ ICBMs our way. Pretty much anything else we can simply "turtle" behind our Navy, natural geography, and nuclear umbrella. The continental US is probably a tougher nut to crack than Russia. In other words, if we went full-blown isolationist the probability of someone kicking down our door "eventually" are still REALLY REALLY small.



As for cultural/ideological poisoning...sadly, I think we've managed to do that to ourselves. :-/


Spain did enjoy those same geographical advantages: almost insularity thanks to the Pyrenees, and various mountain ranges that defend the core of the country. Overwhelming fleet strength was not strictly necessary - see how the different English coastal raids fared. Moreover, there was a system to defend against corrosive ideas (there were not wars of religion) while allowing a sufficient degree of technological development.


The French invasion in 1808 only succeeded because they were allowed freedom of transit to Portugal (see what I wrote about moron kings above). And then began one of the worst 19th centuries that any nation has endured - from global power to irrelevance in about 90 years.


Don't forget the empire. You had vast territories in the Americas, with immense resources, & exactly the same degree of geographical isolation that the USA has. And they were generally loyal, until Napoleon overthrew the government at home.

Posted (edited)

Spain's downfall seemed to be the same sort of constrained thought control, as we have today in political correctness. How many critical topics can not even be mentioned, let alone discussed honestly because people are "uncomfortable?" Read that as "discomfort being used as excuse to shut down discussion they know they'll lose."


I want nothing to do with commercial isolation, quite the opposite. Trade with everyone, those who have money anyways. But that's not what we do. We give taxpayer money away, generally as subsidy to politically connected vampire squid types. Or sometimes just simply to assuage the irrational guilt of the mentally weak. Actually, that's not accurate. We get involved in these stupid shitshows so that our "elite" scum can claim status through the actions and expenditures of the American taxpayers . It's for the sake of social advancement, as these scum jockey for position. Much the same as any other aristocracy. They seldom, if ever, actually do anything, but it's essential to be able to advocate the more "caring" position at social events. Hell, even the people that do go to the foreign countries with various NGO's to "help" are essentially there on vacation. And it's invariably funded by the taxpayer.


As noble covered, America has no real threats from actual military forces. We are being invaded, but it's slow and "legal." 20+% of the people residing in America today were not born here. America is being destroyed via unassimilated and uncontrolled immigration combined with multiculturalism and political correctness. And that is a result of the two classic enemies of representative governance. A debased underclass voting themselves "Free Shit" and a debauched amoral "elite" with no loyalty to the nation or population. We have both of those, in spades.

S/F....Ken M

Edited by EchoFiveMike

Perhaps the Argentines are the model you seek. There is not an indian to be found there; pure genocide.

Not so. Genocide in Patagonia, but far from complete, & in the north & north-west there are also quite a few Indians. Well, unless I was continuously hallucinating when I was in both those regions.


1.5% of the population report themselves as indigenous according to the national census office, 8% in Patagonia, & 11% in the North-West. Genetic analyses show that a very large proportion of the population (over 50% in one study) has some indigenous ancestry, & in some provinces in the NW the majority of the ancestry of the population is indigenous. Entirely credible: it shows in their faces.


Buenos Aires is not Argentina.


...We are being invaded, but it's slow and "legal." 20+% of the people residing in America today were not born here. America is being destroyed via unassimilated and uncontrolled immigration combined with multiculturalism and political correctness. And that is a result of the two classic enemies of representative governance. A debased underclass voting themselves "Free Shit" and a debauched amoral "elite" with no loyalty to the nation or population. We have both of those, in spades.

S/F....Ken M

So what's new? According to the US census bureau, the proportion of foreign born in 2010 was higher than in any census from 1930 to 2000 & slightly lower than in any census from 1860 to 1920. What would the USA be today, without all those immigrants?


You seem to forget where your country came from.

Posted (edited)

Where would we be today without them? Probably Mars. But that's more accurately due to the welfare burdens and economic conditions that were implemented during the same timeframe.


That first wave was overwhelmingly from Europe(with a small subset from China and Japan), so were not so different from the current population, thus more easily assimilated. And there's the fact that the reason they were coming here was the demand for labor due to the Industrial Revolution. And lets not forget the massive social and political upheaval that came about as a result of that massive influx. Multiple Presidents and other figures were assassinated by foreign anarchists.


Now, we have a massively decreasing demand for labor, due to a variety of reasons, and yet still they come. And since 1965, they are not from Europe, but just about everywhere/anywhere else, thus being more difficult to assimilate. And combined with that assimilation issue, they bring in all sorts of new and different social incompatibilities. Now take this in conjunction with the multicult suicidal insanity, and you don't have immigration, you have invasion and replacement.


And BTW, my family has been here since 1701. I know exactly where we came from. There's even a book about it. S/F....Ken M

Edited by EchoFiveMike

Savage tactics?The Indians were brought under control by sustained campaigning in all seasons that their nomadic and family ways could not sustain. Butchers such as Custer went down in flames. Crook and a few others knew what they are doing. They made excellent use of Indian scouts and allies.


Perhaps the Argentines are the model you seek. There is not an indian to be found there; pure genocide.


Of course, in Canuckistan, we have the First Nation [cough] to deal with today.

True, we beat them with laws and treaties, that gave them nothing


Savage tactics?The Indians were brought under control by sustained campaigning in all seasons that their nomadic and family ways could not sustain. Butchers such as Custer went down in flames. Crook and a few others knew what they are doing. They made excellent use of Indian scouts and allies.


Perhaps the Argentines are the model you seek. There is not an indian to be found there; pure genocide.


Of course, in Canuckistan, we have the First Nation [cough] to deal with today.

Coupled with and in support of settlement and takeover of that same land. No one has an interest in colonizing Nigeria. Africa is going to play a part in our future one way or another, isolation is not really practical anymore, neither is full out intervention in every conflict. The ounce of prevention can go a long way, the difficult part is where, when and how to apply it.


I wrote in haste on Argentina. In the ensuing century and a half, the possibilities of repopulation, especially in the Northern regions where indigenous populations still thrived with more across the undefined borders, were obvious. Still, it was a model for its day for genocide, not emulated in North America. There are also reasons today to register in a census as indigenous persons that did not exist not too long ago.


Until quite recently, the indigenous population of Argentina was pretty much invisible. They were tucked away in rural ares in remote corners of the country where few foreigners went, & there was a strong tendency to self-underreporting (note this last was also common in the USA).


The widespread belief that Argentina wiped out its indigenous population seems to be based on knowledge of the 1870s to early 1880s campaigns on the Pampas & in Patagonia, & the visible 'Europeanness' of Buenos Aires, which is where the overwhelming majority of visitors arrive.



There was no genocide in the north, the most densely settled region before the conquest. In the Pampas there was a mixture of massacre & assimilation: gauchos of native american or mixed ancestry were very common.


Who would want to marry a gaucho willingly?


Was there not some element of truth in the story related in Joffe's The Mission? The Guarani in the north were not earmarked for extermination, but were killed in significant numbers. Ironically, as we write this the church is beatifying their first Argentine Indian.


I've never been to Buenos Aires, but understand that it is Olde Europe to a T.


The Guarani lost a lot of people when the Jesuits were thrown out of South America in the C18 (1760s?), but more to Brazilian slave raiders (ironically, largely Paulistanos who still spoke Guarani mixed in with their Portuguese) than Rio de la Plata massacres. Yes, there's some truth in the film, but the mission was, in fact, a sizable Jesuit-run Guarani-inhabited state, with an army (sometimes lent to the Spanish colonial government) of Guarani soldiers armed with muskets, cannon (they had cannon foundries) etc., & wearing European-style uniforms (made on the missions from cloth made on the missions).This army fought the Portuguese (including Bandeirantes seeking slaves), frequently.


Many more died in the War of the Triple Alliance, fighting in the Paraguayan army & in the near-total collapse of the Paraguayan state - which before the war included a lot of territory which is now in Argentina & Brazil. Again, the Brazilians bore the brunt, but Argentina did a fair bit of fighting. It's generally accepted that the majority of Paraguayans - who were overwhelmingly Guarani - died in that war.


Villagers Kill 200 Boko Haram Insurgents With Dane Guns, Arrows; Catch 10 Alive

Villagers fought off and killed over 200 members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect who launched an early morning attack on their village.


Brave resident of Kalabalge village in Borno State have repelled an early morning attack by Boko Haram insurgents on their community traditional fighting equipment and charms on Tuesday.

The villagers killed several of the attackers and captured about 10 of the invaders alive.

The insurgents, numbering over 300 launched their attack around 4am today but were met by armed villages who had prior knowledge of the attack.

A vigilante member in the community who spoke with PREMIUM TIMES said they had made spiritual and security precautions and have thus successfully contained all previous attacks by the insurgents.




Villagers Kill 200 Boko Haram Insurgents With Dane Guns, Arrows; Catch 10 Alive

Villagers fought off and killed over 200 members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect who launched an early morning attack on their village.


Brave resident of Kalabalge village in Borno State have repelled an early morning attack by Boko Haram insurgents on their community traditional fighting equipment and charms on Tuesday.

The villagers killed several of the attackers and captured about 10 of the invaders alive.

The insurgents, numbering over 300 launched their attack around 4am today but were met by armed villages who had prior knowledge of the attack.

A vigilante member in the community who spoke with PREMIUM TIMES said they had made spiritual and security precautions and have thus successfully contained all previous attacks by the insurgents.




Sounds like civil war to me.


Villagers Kill 200 Boko Haram Insurgents With Dane Guns, Arrows; Catch 10 Alive

Villagers fought off and killed over 200 members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect who launched an early morning attack on their village.


Brave resident of Kalabalge village in Borno State have repelled an early morning attack by Boko Haram insurgents on their community traditional fighting equipment and charms on Tuesday.

The villagers killed several of the attackers and captured about 10 of the invaders alive.

The insurgents, numbering over 300 launched their attack around 4am today but were met by armed villages who had prior knowledge of the attack.

A vigilante member in the community who spoke with PREMIUM TIMES said they had made spiritual and security precautions and have thus successfully contained all previous attacks by the insurgents.




Amnesty Int and HRW should investigate - cannot have people taking justice into their own hands also interfering with the rights of others to follow their beliefs

Posted (edited)

Something you buy with Danegeld? *shrug*

Did some Danes send small arms?

Edited by rmgill
Posted (edited)

A style of musket, so named from being sold in West Africa by Danish traders in the 18th century. Subsequently copied & made locally. Other Europeans also sold copies, cashing in on their good reputation.


Edited by swerve

Impressive, 18th century tech defeating 20th century tech (AK)


Impressive, 18th century tech defeating 20th century tech (AK)


Good ol' home field advantage. Locals know the terrain, weather, etc. And when a lot of locals are keeping a lookout and communicating with armed defenders, its not easy for OPFOR.

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