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The Insane Rationalizations, Bigotry And Hypocrisy Of The Right


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  • 3 months later...

NRA elects Oliver North (exactly that guy, yes)



"Oliver North is, hands down, the absolute best choice to lead our NRA Board, to fully engage with our members, and to unflinchingly stand and fight for the great freedoms he has defended his entire life," NRA executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre said in a statement on the pick.
In his statement, LaPierre compared North favorably to Charlton Heston, the Hollywood icon who was once president of the group.
North will become president "within a few weeks," the group said, and is retiring from his position at Fox News, effective immediately.


the NRA is putting satirist out of work. I read this and just shrugged. :wacko:




I guess he knows about smuggling guns and supporting guerillas? And lying of course.

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NRA elects Oliver North (exactly that guy, yes)



"Oliver North is, hands down, the absolute best choice to lead our NRA Board, to fully engage with our members, and to unflinchingly stand and fight for the great freedoms he has defended his entire life," NRA executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre said in a statement on the pick.
In his statement, LaPierre compared North favorably to Charlton Heston, the Hollywood icon who was once president of the group.
North will become president "within a few weeks," the group said, and is retiring from his position at Fox News, effective immediately.


the NRA is putting satirist out of work. I read this and just shrugged. :wacko:




I guess he knows about smuggling guns and supporting guerillas? And lying of course.

what decade did THAT happen it?

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You know, it's better than giving guns to criminals who murder Americans HERE.

At this point with all of the hyperbolic hysteria about the NRA, I pretty much shrug my shoulders when the left starts frothing about the NRA.

Edited by rmgill
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Thankfully, TN'ers are classier than this, even when riled.


'Unfortunately, Farrow’s advocacy for Alfie Evans’ family has led to unprecedented levels of harassment. Not only have strangers sent her insults and threats over Twitter, they have published her address, phone number, and the name of her children’s school. Thanks to prank callers, her phone has been ringing off the hook. 'Last week police advised her to shut down her Twitter account for 72 hours.

' “It’s just crazy,” Farrow told LifeSiteNews from her home in England on Friday night. “It’s just hideous.”

Examples of the abuse she has received online include the following sentiments: “Farrow is f***ed, her time is coming, time is running out, Farrow is a spiteful evil b*tch who is about to get taken down, she needs to be taken to account, legally or otherwise, we are using social media to whip up hate & fury, she’ll need more than a shovel.” '

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Thankfully, TN'ers are classier than this, even when riled.


'Unfortunately, Farrow’s advocacy for Alfie Evans’ family has led to unprecedented levels of harassment. Not only have strangers sent her insults and threats over Twitter, they have published her address, phone number, and the name of her children’s school. Thanks to prank callers, her phone has been ringing off the hook. 'Last week police advised her to shut down her Twitter account for 72 hours.

' “It’s just crazy,” Farrow told LifeSiteNews from her home in England on Friday night. “It’s just hideous.”

Examples of the abuse she has received online include the following sentiments: “Farrow is f***ed, her time is coming, time is running out, Farrow is a spiteful evil b*tch who is about to get taken down, she needs to be taken to account, legally or otherwise, we are using social media to whip up hate & fury, she’ll need more than a shovel.” '

I think you may have posted this in the wrong sub, I don't think it was right wing folks who wanted the state to murder a baby.

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Mr King

I think you may have posted this in the wrong sub, I don't think it was right wing folks who wanted the state to murder a baby.

I think you are right😣 Edited by shep854
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  • 1 month later...

This belongs here


Backlash Against The Red Hen For Booting Sarah Sanders Gets Crazy

'Backlash against the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia got a little out of control, and a little gross, on Tuesday, culminating in one 51-year-old protester getting arrested after throwing "chicken poop" in the general direction of the Sarah Huckabee Sanders-persecuting restaurant.'

Edited by shep854
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The danger of wading into politics is that then you open yourself up to politics.


They decided to play stupid political games, and they are now winning the stupid prizes of politics.


No matter how you cut it, this whole affair is sad.

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obviously bullshit, because e=π=3 :P



but otherwise a good course in how a cult builds


Good video, but what does this have to do with hypocrisy particular to the right?




Could have posted it in the other thread, as there is no one in particular for hypocrisy in general. And this thread is starving for posts, so I dropped in here.

Edited by Panzermann
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  • 3 weeks later...

The Britisher levels his Martini Henry at the folks casting aspersions on women for their lack of decorum in their dress or some such.

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not only the right the left as well, "diversity" is kind of the wrong term, it is about the identity politics and how all this clicked together to produce the subprime crisis. And you have to endure a a qubecois accent. ;)







high points I have seen so far:

  • a certain community organizer from Chicago (didnt know how much he ahd his fingers in it)
  • GWB comes out as a closet SJW (no really)
  • jewish investment funds making their cut
  • the scale and reach and mafia legbreaking to make it was even bigger than I knew so far.
  • Republicans joining the race games
  • cannot really blame the banks loading off the smelling credits on the gullible world market
Edited by Panzermann
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The progressive mantras work for getting votes. You're promising something to people. It's older than the concepts of the DNC or the GOP. panem et circenses, ie latin for Bread and Circuses.

Joe Rogan and Matt Taibbi have a VERY good description of the root behaviors.


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I actually went to high school with this guy and remember him (we had mutual friends). From what I recall of him I can't say I'm surprised.



Rep. Paul Mosley stopped for excessive speeding 5 times since last year, records show


A state lawmaker criticized for claiming legislative immunity during a traffic stop in March has a history of speeding without consequence on Arizona roadways, documents show.



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The reason for legislative immunity was that there were previous attempts made in years past to detain legislators from getting to the state houses to stop certain votes passing. Have local law enforcement prohibited from stopping such legislators is useful to avoid that sort of dirty trick.

But obliviously, like anything it can be abused.

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The reason for legislative immunity was that there were previous attempts made in years past to detain legislators from getting to the state houses to stop certain votes passing. Have local law enforcement prohibited from stopping such legislators is useful to avoid that sort of dirty trick.


But obliviously, like anything it can be abused.

Yep, and for those reasons senior leadership in the Legislature on both sides of the aisle are apparently not in favor of pushing to have this protection removed (in this digital day and age I think said protection isn't as necessary as it once was, though). Part of the problem is that Law Enforcement, per some of the quotes played this morning on the local talk radio station, weren't entirely sure how they could handle this situation (because it never came up). If the move to get this on the ballot stalls out it sounds like LEOs will at least be briefed on how to properly handle it in the future.

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The reason for legislative immunity was that there were previous attempts made in years past to detain legislators from getting to the state houses to stop certain votes passing. Have local law enforcement prohibited from stopping such legislators is useful to avoid that sort of dirty trick.


But obliviously, like anything it can be abused.

Yep, and for those reasons senior leadership in the Legislature on both sides of the aisle are apparently not in favor of pushing to have this protection removed (in this digital day and age I think said protection isn't as necessary as it once was, though). Part of the problem is that Law Enforcement, per some of the quotes played this morning on the local talk radio station, weren't entirely sure how they could handle this situation (because it never came up). If the move to get this on the ballot stalls out it sounds like LEOs will at least be briefed on how to properly handle it in the future.



I would hope that public ridicule would be an effective deterrent.

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Yep, and for those reasons senior leadership in the Legislature on both sides of the aisle are apparently not in favor of pushing to have this protection removed (in this digital day and age I think said protection isn't as necessary as it once was, though). Part of the problem is that Law Enforcement, per some of the quotes played this morning on the local talk radio station, weren't entirely sure how they could handle this situation (because it never came up). If the move to get this on the ballot stalls out it sounds like LEOs will at least be briefed on how to properly handle it in the future.

My solution would be to expand the statute of limitations on such traffic offenses to longer than the usual legislative sessions. The bill should come up.

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At least in Germany the attorney of state can request the immunity of a member of parliament be lifted (and I don't think that request has ever been denied by parliament). So it's still the parliament to decide whether or not a member is being held accountable, but it prevents short-term bogus accusations to disrupt parliamentary procedure.

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