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World Of Warships

Max H

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3 hours ago, DB said:

But remember, according to SubOctavian, only professional software developers have the right to criticise.

The Russian aircraft carriers are hilarious, too. Well, Chkalov anyway.

Well, there are rumors something is coming in the near future that will replicate WOWS without the non-sense. 

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A bug was discovered in torpedo aiming a few months ago. If you were turning when you launched torpedoes, they would miss in the direction of the swing, rather than the going in the direction of the aiming triangle, as if they were adding in the rate of change of the angle to the launch direction.

They "fixed" this in the latest patch, but instead of going to the point of aim indicated by the white triangle, they now apparently go towards the aiming reticle. It's not entirely obvious, but apparently the reticle doesn't point in the direction of the white triangle when it's aimed close to your own ship. This can cause major angle errors, apparently even allowing firing of torpedoes outside of allowed firing arcs.


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  • 4 weeks later...
18 hours ago, DB said:


Not quite sure about that.  I've had a half dozen games this weekend that had one and sometimes two subs in them.  It may have been the sub drivers, but submarines didn't seem particularly effective.

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From the same youtuber, it seems that either you ruin everyone's day, or you do nothing at all. It may simply come down to luck, or whether you find a brawler. Being able to almost guarantee 6 citadels in a single salvo still looks broken to me.

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7 minutes ago, DB said:

From the same youtuber, it seems that either you ruin everyone's day, or you do nothing at all. It may simply come down to luck, or whether you find a brawler. Being able to almost guarantee 6 citadels in a single salvo still looks broken to me.

3 games in U-2501, Balao and the tier VIII sub, all games the same, drive to cap, cap, go after closest battleship, dive, ping, shot torps, ping again: hit, hit, hit, hit, BB loses half life... rinse, repeat. Once got surprised by a DD and got killed in seconds.

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  • 11 months later...

I'm actually starting to get back into it, partly to keep a mate company who has picked it up as therapy, but yeah from some actual mild interest myself. 3 games is about my limit until platooned,  but that is still 3 up on 0 :D


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I can't stand the continual beat of "hang on, where the heck did my team go?" moments. It's always been the case that MM could hand you a bad case of the ROFLStomp, but it seems to me that this is now the norm rather than an occasional thing.

I think I'm down to averaging about a game a week recently, in bursts of 3-5 games.

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  • 3 months later...

One of myriad reasons why I haven't played for months.

Enter player one - with seconds left on the clock, and a monstrous points lead, decides to go broadside and launch torpedoes that don't have any time to reach their target at a bow-in cruiser.

Player two - wiffs six HE shells into the water into the front of a broadside British cruiser with wafer-thin armour

Player one - never fires his guns at a 4k health cruiser.



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I am still enjoying the game, actually quite happy with my HMS Repulse, great money earner and can rack up the DPM from range quite nicely.

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2 hours ago, Colin said:

I am still enjoying the game, actually quite happy with my HMS Repulse, great money earner and can rack up the DPM from range quite nicely.

same here, it scratches a mindless itch

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  • 1 month later...

I see that Manic's old video about submarines not being planned for addition because of, well, all the reasons, has resurfaced. Everything he said about why they're a horrible idea in the game was true, is true and will continue to be true.

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4 hours ago, DB said:

I see that Manic's old video about submarines not being planned for addition because of, well, all the reasons, has resurfaced. Everything he said about why they're a horrible idea in the game was true, is true and will continue to be true.

🤣 What happened?

I haven't played this in... years.  Think I gave the carrier rework a try (it was rubbish) and shelved it again.  So how do subs actually play out?

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They've been in beta for about 4 years because they were unbalanceable.

They're in the main game now. To be able to have any influence on the battle, they're given surface and sub-surface speeds that would embarrass nuclear submarines.

They have torpedoes that home (if you ping a target, if you get two pings in the same section of hull then any torpedo hits are citadels.) You can cancel the ping as a target by using your damage control. Typically this has a cool-down period about 5 times longer than the time for their ping to recharge...

If they go below a certain depth, they're undetectable by hydroacoustic search, but can still provide spotting information.

When they ping, you get a visible surface feature for about 5 seconds that is vaguely in the direction they were pinging you from.

There are two supposed countermeasures - self-deployed depth charges (i.e. over the counter), but you obviously have to be close to them for those to work, and an air drop at a distance (typically for BBs, but also some cruisers). At low tiers, the submarines can detect and torpedo you from about twice the range that your air strike drops can get out to.

I've seen a case where a u-boat took 10 depth charge hits to sink.

The only hard counter is if they're stupid enough to attack a CV, when the CV auto-terminates them with continual automated air-dropped DCs that apparently always hit even when the SSA (A is for antimatter) is nominally undetected.

On the plus side, they can't cap until they're surfaced (maybe periscope depth too, I don't care enough to find out), and when they're surfaced you can shell them, but note that even an 18" shell doesn't put a hole in them big enough to stop them safely submerging.

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2 minutes ago, DB said:


They've been in beta for about 4 years because they were unbalanceable.

They're in the main game now. To be able to have any influence on the battle, they're given surface and sub-surface speeds that would embarrass nuclear submarines.

They have torpedoes that home (if you ping a target, if you get two pings in the same section of hull then any torpedo hits are citadels.) You can cancel the ping as a target by using your damage control. Typically this has a cool-down period about 5 times longer than the time for their ping to recharge...

If they go below a certain depth, they're undetectable by hydroacoustic search, but can still provide spotting information.

When they ping, you get a visible surface feature for about 5 seconds that is vaguely in the direction they were pinging you from.

There are two supposed countermeasures - self-deployed depth charges (i.e. over the counter), but you obviously have to be close to them for those to work, and an air drop at a distance (typically for BBs, but also some cruisers). At low tiers, the submarines can detect and torpedo you from about twice the range that your air strike drops can get out to.

I've seen a case where a u-boat took 10 depth charge hits to sink.

The only hard counter is if they're stupid enough to attack a CV, when the CV auto-terminates them with continual automated air-dropped DCs that apparently always hit even when the SSA (A is for antimatter) is nominally undetected.

On the plus side, they can't cap until they're surfaced (maybe periscope depth too, I don't care enough to find out), and when they're surfaced you can shell them, but note that even an 18" shell doesn't put a hole in them big enough to stop them safely submerging.

All I gotta say is... 🤣

WG was never very good at making good 'games'.  If they just came out... I'm guessing they're hoping folks buy new premiums or premium time to level up the trees?  Give players something to do?  WoWs had far fewer options for different vehicles and leveling than WoT... maybe some last ditch effort to keep milking the whales?

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I quite liked WoWs when it came out, but I felt like the game became unfun the day they introduced carriers.  The devs never seemed to get that introducing ships that could strike from outside visual range and remain invisible when doing so was only fun for the ship doing the striking. I was pretty well on the way out when subs were announced, but they only sped up my departure. 

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3 hours ago, Harold Jones said:

I quite liked WoWs when it came out, but I felt like the game became unfun the day they introduced carriers.  The devs never seemed to get that introducing ships that could strike from outside visual range and remain invisible when doing so was only fun for the ship doing the striking. I was pretty well on the way out when subs were announced, but they only sped up my departure. 

I still enjoy it daily. Over time the IQ of the player base has dropped so much a rock would be brighter. WG is desperate to hit the magic again somehow and missing time and again. CVs are eithe death stars or wasted spaces, no middle gorund, depending on the player.

Subs, pretty much the same. As we all know, the best weapon to kill a submarine in WW2 is ASW planes based on battleships...  so the sub player does all he can to avoid the big ships and move stealthily to where he can kill something. the Stoopid go after carriers, which means they spend 10 minutes to cross the map doing nothing, run out battery within range of the CV and get killed by secondaries, if the death charges don't do them in.

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"...As we all know, the best weapon to kill a submarine in WW2 is ASW planes based on battleships...."

Perhaps you meant to say planes off of escort carriers and coastal runways?

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2 hours ago, Rick said:

"...As we all know, the best weapon to kill a submarine in WW2 is ASW planes based on battleships...."

Perhaps you meant to say planes off of escort carriers and coastal runways?

You missed the irony. In game, best ASW is performed by battleship spotting planes 🙄 I.shit.you.not

It's kind of sad because the 3D models of ships and planes are gorgeous

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