Djuice Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 What are you in game usernames? Mine djuice1701 btw, So if you see me say hi ^^
Phalanx Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 Huh... I just saw a Maus in game for the first time... It took on an IS-7, IS-3 and T-44 at the same time... and won. O.o
bojan Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Huh... I just saw a Maus in game for the first time... It took on an IS-7, IS-3 and T-44 at the same time... and won. O.o Barring some unlucky hits IS-7 should eat it for breakfast. Seen 3 x IS-7 and 1 x MAus vs 2 x IS-7 and 2 x Maus. I have played T-34 and was lightest vehicle. Still got 2 arty and one tank kill... T-34 with model 1942. turret and 57mm ZiS-3, with trained loader and ammo loader fires at serious RoF.
Colin Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 What are you in game usernames? Mine djuice1701 btw, So if you see me say hi ^^ ColinP, I play on the servers the game sticks me on.
Mistral Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 (edited) Barring some unlucky hits IS-7 should eat it for breakfast. Seen 3 x IS-7 and 1 x MAus vs 2 x IS-7 and 2 x Maus. I have played T-34 and was lightest vehicle. Still got 2 arty and one tank kill... T-34 with model 1942. turret and 57mm ZiS-3, with trained loader and ammo loader fires at serious RoF. Had a game in a pzIII where i killed a Tiger, and 2 KV1s Somehow I managed to get the killing shot on each one. Edited October 4, 2010 by Mistral
Fritz Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 I love my fully upgraded Pz. III. I zip around at 60km/h, like a light, but with almost the armour and firepower of a medium (almost but enough). I bet with the premium ammo the 5cm L/60 will be surprisingly good, I just don't want to spend the gold.
Doug Kibbey Posted October 5, 2010 Posted October 5, 2010 In the 5-6 battles where the team I was on mounted (from the beginning) something resembling a coordinated defense (spontaneously) in mutually supportive positions, I had the sense that we simply could not lose. And didn't. Our attacking force would go out and essentially X number of kills and then be killed themselves. What was left of the enemy would attack our base (anywhere from 3-6) and get annihilated, giving a decent margin of victory. Short of incompetent gunnery, I don't think a good base defense with mutual support can be defeated.
Fritz Posted October 5, 2010 Posted October 5, 2010 It can be if there is sufficient artillery in the enemy camp and there is noone on your side who's doing anything about it.
Colin Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 I played arty last night, you can do significant damage, but your a sitting duck to a light or a medium.
Phalanx Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 You need a balanced approach. Ideally a couple of mediums and TDs will stay back to defend the arty while the lights and heavies advance. Usually only the first attack wave of lights has to be blunted to protect the arty, then the mediums can move up. The rest are slow enough that the arty and advancing mediums can deal with them.
Colin Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Yep, the first time I had a highly improved T34 protecting me, the 2nd time everyone scooted leaving the base defended by myself and another guy both in the MS-76 SPG. Saw the BT-2 coming and knew we were mincemeat.
Fritz Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 (edited) Yep, the first time I had a highly improved T34 protecting me, the 2nd time everyone scooted leaving the base defended by myself and another guy both in the MS-76 SPG. Saw the BT-2 coming and knew we were mincemeat. That's what I do. I wait to see if anybody else is staying, if not, I hang around waiting for the light raiders. Once they are dead I move ahead. Since I started paying more attention to teamwork I steadily get 300-500 exp per battle. The other thing I try to do is escort a heavy and scout for it. Still driving the Pz III but tonight I'll have enough exp to get the Pz III/IV, the next step towards the Pz V . What time is everybody playing? I usually play between 7 and 11pm EST. Edited October 6, 2010 by Fritz
gridley Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 That's what I do. I wait to see if anybody else is staying, if not, I hang around waiting for the light raiders. Once they are dead I move ahead. Since I started paying more attention to teamwork I steadily get 300-500 exp per battle. The other thing I try to do is escort a heavy and scout for it. Still driving the Pz III but tonight I'll have enough exp to get the Pz III/IV, the next step towards the Pz V . What time is everybody playing? I usually play between 7 and 11pm EST. Probably a dumb question, but since artillery is available... are infantry?
Fritz Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 No. It's a world devoid of human beings. Artillery is only self-propelled, and it looks kinda weird because there are no gun crews to be seen, even though the guns are meticulously modeled with all the aiming knobs and sights etc.
Phalanx Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 According to the FAQ they do intend to implement infantry at some later time. All the tanks have modelled and functional MGs, they're just not enabled at this time. Whether or not the infantry is playable, and how it will used is another matter entirely.
Fritz Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 That's interesting. I have noticed all tanks have their MGs but I just thought they were keeping the models realistic.
EchoFiveMike Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 The ballistics thing is still killing me. If I put a 107mm up your ass@ 50m, I don't care if you're the damned Prinz Eugen, it's gonna do major damage. They need to sort that crap out, it's major league pissing me off that I can't even stratch these uber tanks piloted by 14YO dorks who are tactically stupid. S/F....Ken M
bojan Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 The ballistics thing is still killing me... Penetration is a bit unpredictable ATM, one game I could not hurt base Tiger with my KV-3 with 107mm, next game I killed Maus (from the rear but still)...
Harold Jones Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Here's what the developers have to say about the way penetration works. First the server checks if there is a ricochet. And as I mentioned before all projectiles will ricochet if the angle of the hit is lower than 10 degrees, with one exception when the thickness of the armor is 3 times lower than the caliber of the projectile. So if there is no ricochet the projectile is rotated to normalize the angle and we proceed to calculate the thickness of the armor under the given slope (thickness/cosine of the angle between armor and the projectile - not 100% correct but close enough for an arcade). After that we check the table to see what armor-penetration capability the projectile would have at a given distance. The number we get is modified by gaussian(normal) distribution limited by +/- 30%. And finally we compare it to the armor thickness we calculated in the second step. If piercing number is higher we get penetration, if lower - ding. Example: We have 100mm armor. And let's say the projectile with armor-penetration of 120mm on given distance can get through 110mm of armor. Let's say because of the impact angle the armor got "thicker" to 121mm. We roll the dice (distribution) and with some probability the penetration capability of the projectile might change to 110+/-33mm. If it changed to 121 and above - we get penetration. If below - ding. There is also a normal distribution limited by +/- 50% to damage inflicted. It is in the plans to reduce limits to 30%. Each tank has "weak spots" like visor, tracks, connection between turret and hull etc. If you hit them you get critical damage. The HE round "spreads" on impact over some area hence it's the best way to damage such weak spots. Also ammo rack, fuel tank and obviously the crew have some HP points so if you hit strong enough the spot on the tank behind which is ammo rack you can damage it or even blow up. You can kill crew member, set fuel tank on fire, etc. I don't have numbers for critical damage calculations. There is "ward-save" for modules and crew - 60%-70% chance that the tank will take on the damage instead of crew or modules. On top tanks are covered by "thin armor" Due to limitation of the game engine tanks "grow" from the ground so there is no armor on the bottom.
Harold Jones Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 Since this is the closest I've ever come to playing a first person shooter type game I have to ask. Are the people who play on public servers in those kind of games always such whiny foul mouthed little bitches? Today for example I saw a guy complaining in chat that "Artillery is for N****r f**s", in the next match I got called a Jew bastard for backing into someone by accident, and saw several variations on the theme of "you camping f**s learn to play a real tank" and the mandatory "this match is so f***ing unbalanced" at the start of almost every battle.
Fritz Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 I have never seen really bad whiners in over 150 battles. What you're seeing is probably just some kids.
bojan Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 I have never seen really bad whiners in over 150 battles... Also in ~300 battles almost no real whiners.
Fritz Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 So I got the Pz III / IV but the baseline sucks... its slow as hell, and as fragile as the Pz III. Only good thing so far is the 75mm... must upgrade asap.
Doug Kibbey Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Also in ~300 battles almost no real whiners. Seen one whiner and he was griping because of "those that nick your kills". Folks tried to tell him you get credit for damage and that it's a team game, but he didn't get it. One of those "kill count" kiddies.
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