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Camo nets

Rev governor removal

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On several occasions (usually when I was dead and looking around to see what I could learn, but sometimes "live") I've noticed a tank at close range (sometimes REAL close) that just up and disappeared. Not killed, just "vanished". Then another vehicle might appear moments later in another location.

Have these tanks just applied a camo net or "turned the shields" on?


It's not a sluggish connection or bad ping rate.

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"TankNet" channel open!


Search channel: TankNet




Soon we ll have our own TankNet tank platoon. ;)


Of course, it will be devastating when a platoon composed of combat vets and experienced tankers gets their clock cleaned by a clan of zit-faced 14 year old's with coke bottle glasses and no girlfriends.


Those upgades also depand on tank but are mostly universal.


Yes. Russians cannot get chocolate but can take the governor off. :)


...Not killed, just "vanished". Then another vehicle might appear moments later in another location...




They need to tweak the dmg/pen factor a bit, I put two 57mm HV into the side hull of a Pz IV at 50m @ 80-90 degrees and both bounced. Finally got decent gun in T28 w/ 57mm long tube. Saving for 85mm and training up crewmen. What does training up cmdr and radioman do? S/F......Ken M


...What does training up cmdr and radioman do? S/F......Ken M


With TC you are better able to spot hidden vehicles, radio improves range of radio and chance you will stay in contact.


With TC you are better able to spot hidden vehicles, radio improves range of radio and chance you will stay in contact.


Also the TC adds 10% of his ability (rounded up at x6%) to his crew so an 80% TC will add 8 to his crew's scores. For example an 80% TC's 80% crew members would perform at 88% and an 86% TC would add 9% to his crew. The three blank boxes at the far right are for expendable items, the three right after the ammo are for permanent fittings. Some can be moved tank to tank others are permanent and are destroyed if you remove them. I like the power rammer and the gun laying drive for medium and heavy vehicles and the cammo net for scouts, TDs and SPGs.


I mede a huge mistake. RTFM. I used my original MS1 crew in my T34 and did not know that its -30%.

Now I got 75% crew. Big difference.


My T34 has 57mm HV gun (APCR ammo), -43 turret, governor off and camo net. Savin my money for binos.


Got King Tiger, T44 and JSU-152 yesterday with that.


TankNet channel is active. Plenty of players there. Welcome!


If you get killed in a battle but want to see the action just right click and you center on one of the remaining tanks in your side, cycle through them by rightclicking.


Kinda bummed the US TDs won't be in at the start, but I can see them needing extra time to balance them since all the other TDs in game are not turreted.


On several occasions (usually when I was dead and looking around to see what I could learn, but sometimes "live") I've noticed a tank at close range (sometimes REAL close) that just up and disappeared. Not killed, just "vanished". Then another vehicle might appear moments later in another location.

Have these tanks just applied a camo net or "turned the shields" on?


It's not a sluggish connection or bad ping rate.


If it's at a distance, there's an issue with 'teleporting' (though this also happens while you're alive). Apparently it's a limitation of the game engine which is supposed to be fixed in the next major release. If it's nearby... could just be your 'spotting' ability being seriously diminished with a dead TC.

Posted (edited)

full murrican tree: http://downloads.worldoftanks.ru/wotru/a3jf8f/uploads/tech_trees/full_american_tree.jpg



Was there a plan for a 90mm Hellcat? It would have been a cool vehicle but I think there was never a plan for that?






also the special section in the bottom is interesting, why should anyone want to ride a Mk. VIII International rhomboid tank??? :wacko:

Edited by Panzermann

If it's at a distance, there's an issue with 'teleporting' (though this also happens while you're alive). Apparently it's a limitation of the game engine which is supposed to be fixed in the next major release. If it's nearby... could just be your 'spotting' ability being seriously diminished with a dead TC.


Increasingly, I notice it at a distance when I'm "alive". It sucks to waste shots when you've got it all lined up, and then the target reappears fifty meters from it's location when you pressed the loud button.


In other news, I managed to buy a Pz.38hsumthin-sumthin. Survivablility went way up, and penetration is pretty good with the best available round. I've managed one game with four kills, and one with three. Usually it's one or two. But my team wins more than they've lost and I survive about 40% of battles.


Most fun is a "last man standing" game, where it's 14-14 and you're taking, or defending, a base. Whole outcome is on you. Won a couple of those, one with three laps around the base with a lot of firing on the move. Like a bad western, but fun as hell.


I have a BT-2, T-34, SU-26, and Hetzer in my garage at the moment. I keep the BT-2 around mostly because it's the last low-level tier tank in my stable. Sometimes it's just fun to skirmish with a bunch of other light tanks. The T-34 is fully upgraded and is my money earner at the moment (I can take in about 10k per match after repairs and resupply), and I'm working my way up the SPG and TD chains with the other two. Really looking forward to moving up from the SU-26 (or at least getting the 122mm gun upgrade). The range on the long 76 (forget the model name) isn't great, so I have to wade into things a bit more than I'd like to be useful to the team. Just started with the Hetzer, so not much to say beyond 'Get the engine upgrades ASAP'. Slow TD is slow...


And yeah, I'm really looking forward to the teleporting issue getting fixed with v0.6.0 up.


I submitted an application for the beta... how did everyone here get in?


I submitted an application for the beta... how did everyone here get in?


I just followed the instructions in the first post... Not sure if they're still giving keys away with forum registration, though...


Trying to get to russian heavies, but I suck with T-28. Luckilly I'm decent with Su-26, one game I had 10 kills (I can hear screams "damn arty!"). Hopefully one day I'll get the KV-1...But so far I really like arty, it's a different style of game.


Do you guys all play on the TN server? I just let the game connect automatically to whatever. So far I've played maybe an hour or so and have a half-upgraded pz ii.... and one kill. <_<


Not a panzer ace for sure...


You'll get used to it with time. Engine and suspension upgrades make a huge difference for lights. Speed is your biggest asset, after all. Get in close, and never stop moving. Crew training, particularly for the gunner and commander (assuming they're not one in the same) makes a big difference, too. May not be worthwhile investing in too much training with the light tanks, though, if you intend to move up quickly.


...Hopefully one day I'll get the KV-1...


KV sucks so hard it is making vacuum until you get 76mm S-54 gun at least. With 107mm it is killer however... :)

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