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Steel Panthers MBT


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I was kind of hoping in their next patch they'd release the program so it would automatically tinker with your settings so that windows XP can run it, and then change them back when you exit...


I asked in a forum and there was a whole list of things I had to do before I could get it to play on my system...

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Can anyone explain to me the function of the Ammo carrier/ammo dump in this game? I mean don't get me wrong I thoroughly enjoy blowing up enemy MTLB ammo carriers in the middle of large troop concentrations but what appreciable value do they have on my side? Do they replenish ammo, I don't think they do. Anyone know what they do?



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Can anyone explain to me the function of the Ammo carrier/ammo dump in this game?


They actually do replenish ammo. Just place the vehicle you want replenished next to the carrier, usually for about two turns, and you'll get fresh ammo. For helicopters land them in the adjacent square.

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Guest MasterBlaster

They can indeed replenish your units. If you are running with ammo expenditure on, it is possible to run your units out of ammo, particullary indirect units. Nothing more embarrassing than locating a big glob of enemy armor and not having any MLRS to apply to it. Ammo dumps can replenish ammo carriers and units.

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Cool! Thanks alot, this will help me a great deal. Not even with the artillery, i am more concerned about my M1 units. The HEAT rounds go quick and on many occasion I have had entire platoons run dry on main gun ammo. Now if only they would fix the Marine Corps OOB and stop giving them M1A1's till 2020 when in actuality they only had them for one year life would be perfect




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So does the ammo dump replenish off map arty units as well? Also, can on map artillery units fire counter battery against enemy off map arty units? I noticed that now MLRS and HIMARS will fire counterbattery in the new version. I like this feature, 155 battery will score around 3-6 hits on average,sometimes more, sometimes less. MLRS scores 29 hits Steel Rain



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Originally posted by tankkid85:

So does the ammo dump replenish off map arty units as well?


No. Ammo-dumps, trucks, cannisters etc. can only supply those units parked next to it. Off-map artillery cannot, obviously, be moved next to an on-map ammo-dump


Claus B

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there any way to get SPWAW or SPMBT without downloading, I have a tremendously slow dialup but would like to get the latest version of SPWAW and get a chance to see SPMBT. I got SPWAW a few years back on the CD in PC gamer but I know there have been several upgrades since then.

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Originally posted by AaronW:

Is there any way to get SPWAW or SPMBT without downloading, I have a tremendously slow dialup but would like to get the latest version of SPWAW and get a chance to see SPMBT. I got SPWAW a few years back on the CD in PC gamer but I know there have been several upgrades since then.


Just for the record: SPMBT download is "only" 46Mb, AFAIK about 10% of a full SPWAW download.


May still be hell on a slow dialup line though.


Perhaps someone at the SPMBT forum live in your area and can help you out:



Can't hurt asking!


Claus B

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AaronW - for SP:WAW you might also try asking at www.matrixgames.com. Like Claus said, it doesn't hurt to ask. However, you will have to register at Matrix to post anything on their forum. IMO SPWW2 is just as good as SP:WAW and is a smaller download.

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Originally posted by Al:

AaronW - for SP:WAW you might also try asking at www.matrixgames.com. Like Claus said, it doesn't hurt to ask.  However, you will have to register at Matrix to post anything on their forum.  IMO SPWW2 is just as good as SP:WAW and is a smaller download.


I didn't realize there was a differance between SPWAW and SPWW2, I'll have to go back and look again, I thought matrix games had just changed owners or something, 46mb is much better, still alot for my connection but that might persuade me to go to something better. I take it SPWW2 is another Steel Panthers update like SPWAW?

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