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As far as im concerned, Ripley and Newt killed the last Alien, and went home to Jones the Cat and lived happily ever after. I need no follow ups.

It would be nice if Hollywood would develop some new ideas and scripts, rather than reguritate ideas 40 or 50 years old. I swear they will be digging up Bing and Bob and making some more on the road films soon.

Edited by Stuart Galbraith

Been watching a few of the early Godzilla movies. Curious as to why the Japanese soldiers are seen wearing white gloves while going "into battle.'


Godzilla, Stuart.

I think the gloves protect against atomic blast breath.


im just saying they went to fight Godzilla, whilst waiting peacefully to fight the hordes of Godless Gaijin. :)

Besides, Its a well known fact that Samurai used nail varnish. They probably didnt want to chip their nails.


I stand by my theory that the gloves offer perfect immunity against Godzilla's atomic breath - for everything that they cover.


There's only so much glove material to go around. So everybody gets a little, is only fair.


From memory, there are several photos of high ranking officers, mainly naval, wearing white gloves with their dress uniforms. Could be a carry over from that.


I think y'all are neglecting to consider the criticality of traffic control during Godzilla attacks. At any place or time, everyone from privates to generals may need to jump into an intersection and restore order.


Twisters was a fun romp with some unexpected character turns.  Great visuals, didn't feel like a cgi fest.  

On 7/21/2024 at 3:47 PM, TrustMe said:

New "Alien" film comes out in August. After the crapness of the last 4 films i'm not sure if i'll see it ...



I am sure I will not see it. Some time ago 'Covenant' came from the telly, I gave it a shot and it was bad. It was slightly milder dumpster fire than 'Prometheus', but not by much.

Meanwhile, I saw  Deadpool & Wolverine. It was very over-the-top even by DP standards. All the silly gore, masturbation jokes, meta commentary etc...it was squared from earlier movies. There was so much fourth wall breaking that it was almost Gwenpool. Also, it's Multiverse...again...for like, 8th time for Marvel? They even sheepishly acknowledged it has been overdone. Any way, it was still fun, in some parts bit epic even, and there were some surprises (I saw some trailers, but otherwise steered clear from spoilers). It was certainly more spirited than DP2, which had Cable and...uh...not much else. But it's probably going to be somewhat divisive even among Marvel fans.


TBF, I saw the trailer for the new Alien film yesterday. And it looks one hell of a lot closer to the first 2, than anything that has come since. That doesnt mean its going to be good, just a chance it might be.

Im not sure what derelict ship they find, but it looks remarkably like the theoretically destroyed Nostromo...



I'll wait to see what Critical Drinker and similar YT channels have to say.


4 hours ago, Yama said:

I am sure I will not see it. Some time ago 'Covenant' came from the telly, I gave it a shot and it was bad. It was slightly milder dumpster fire than 'Prometheus', but not by much.

Meanwhile, I saw  Deadpool & Wolverine. It was very over-the-top even by DP standards. All the silly gore, masturbation jokes, meta commentary etc...it was squared from earlier movies. There was so much fourth wall breaking that it was almost Gwenpool. Also, it's Multiverse...again...for like, 8th time for Marvel? They even sheepishly acknowledged it has been overdone. Any way, it was still fun, in some parts bit epic even, and there were some surprises (I saw some trailers, but otherwise steered clear from spoilers). It was certainly more spirited than DP2, which had Cable and...uh...not much else. But it's probably going to be somewhat divisive even among Marvel fans.

Cable was better than the Chica that was the spawn of an East German woodworker dude and an NYC social worker?

On 7/21/2024 at 4:37 PM, Rick said:

Been watching a few of the early Godzilla movies. Curious as to why the Japanese soldiers are seen wearing white gloves while going "into battle.'

Anti-flash gloves? Do they show some of the troops with the relevant anti-flash hoods? 

Oh. I just did a search, seems accurate apparel. Here's a photo from the 1960s student demonstration. Police are wearing white gloves as part of their riot gear. I don't know why. Anti-flash doesn't make sense. 

Maybe it's a Shinto thing. You see white slippers and gloves in those contexts. 


Makes sense on a dress uniform...

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