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No, I just used the wrong smilie. :blush:


I was TRYING to demonstrate just how absurd your post was by posting one even more absurd.


Could you explain how it is absurd? I would think a comparison of the forces I advocate, and how they would be deemed to be a police force would be a good start. Also, could you comment on why you think what will be happening in the future, regarding force structure, is a police force based upon prior planning by DOD. Could you give me some examples of realistic enemies that we would not be able to crush, if we really wanted to, with your vision of the military as a police force? I'm asking these questions as you are taking something from my post that I don't see. Maybe once you explain your thought process, I can understand what you mean. Thanks.

Could you explain how it is absurd? I would think a comparison of the forces I advocate, and how they would be deemed to be a police force would be a good start. Also, could you comment on why you think what will be happening in the future, regarding force structure, is a police force based upon prior planning by DOD. Could you give me some examples of realistic enemies that we would not be able to crush, if we really wanted to, with your vision of the military as a police force? I'm asking these questions as you are taking something from my post that I don't see. Maybe once you explain your thought process, I can understand what you mean. Thanks.

Don't waste your time, Gunguy, this is just pfcem's standard method of discourse. I think he gets some kind of cheap thrill from being needlessly obnoxious.



Could you explain how it is absurd?

The USAF is not too big. The USN is not too big. You have ABSOLUTELY no clue how war is conducted or even how it is deterred from happening in the 1st place.


Getting rid of all F-15Cs & 400 F-16s tomorrow would SIGNIFICANTLY hurt our war making capability.


Giving up ANOTHER carrier group would be a VERY BIG event.


We should be spending more on national defense (we after all at war), not taking funds away from one branch to apply to another.




I would think a comparison of the forces I advocate, and how they would be deemed to be a police force would be a good start. Also, could you comment on why you think what will be happening in the future, regarding force structure, is a police force based upon prior planning by DOD. Could you give me some examples of realistic enemies that we would not be able to crush, if we really wanted to, with your vision of the military as a police force? I'm asking these questions as you are taking something from my post that I don't see. Maybe once you explain your thought process, I can understand what you mean. Thanks.

Like I said...I was TRYING to demonstrate how absurd your post was by posting something even more absurd.

Actually it does. USA needs to be able to "reach out and touch" if they remain a global power. AF is the fastest way to do it. "Shock & Awe"...;)


Actually a USN Trident SSBN is the quickest way to do it. I believe 30 minutes or less to a target anywhere in the world.

Actually a USN Trident SSBN is the quickest way to do it. I believe 30 minutes or less to a target anywhere in the world.

Yes, but what if the trajectory used alarms, alerts and triggers the counterforce portion of the Russian [o later, Chinese?] ICBM/SLBM force? There is a

true difficulty with using these weapons, even if rearmed with conventional warheads, which has been discussed in the Wrong Washington.

Could you explain how it is absurd?


As Bill pointed out, this is par for the course for pfcem. One reason why an increasing number of us have him on our ignore list.

One reason why an increasing number of us have him on our ignore list.

Do you actually mean that there are someone who doesn't have him on ignore? :blink:

Do you actually mean that there are someone who doesn't have him on ignore? :blink:

I don't, but then I'm a masochist... ;) :)



Do you actually mean that there are someone who doesn't have him on ignore? :blink:

I do, but occasionally I dip into a post.


I have an analogy, which might not mean much to USians, but every couple of years, some time between the New Year and Easter, I eat a Cadbury's Creme Egg. I do this, essentially, to remind myself why I don't buy more of them.



I have an analogy, which might not mean much to USians, but every couple of years, some time between the New Year and Easter, I eat a Cadbury's Creme Egg. I do this, essentially, to remind myself why I don't buy more of them.




I do exactly the same thing with KFC!

I do exactly the same thing with KFC!



No, you do that because the Colonel puts a chemical in his chicken which makes you crave it fortnightly, smartass! ;)

Do you actually mean that there are someone who doesn't have him on ignore? :blink:



Well, I don't have him on my ignore list as I don't have anyone on it. I may have to have a first for my list. If someone wants to come on board and learn something, I have no problems. But continually throwing out jabs that are incredibly inaccurate does get tiresome. Oh well.....


For others who are interested in the future of the forces versus what would have been done under Rumsfeld, had no 9/11 happened I'll bring up a little history. The Navy had already given up a Carrier group and was looking at possibly putting another one on "reserve" status. The had very well thought out plans on how to use less forces to "show the flag". The Air Force also had cuts ongoing, but even with the war, they have continued with some of their planned cuts. As to the future of the Air Force, they are already planning on dropping 300 F-16s without having them replaced by F-35s. The F-15Cs im my opinon should be all retired and bump up the F-22 purchase to around 380. This would lower the overall quantity of jets the Air Force has to keep online and they could concentrate on keeping what they have in top shape. As it is now, budget wise, they have no chance of having a new medium bomber actually being built with the coming budget cuts. The Navy is in a pickle as the star of the fleet for for procurement was the LCS. Now the LCS has had major issues.


My issue is that the budget cutting brush, is going to hammer the Army hard, and they don't need it. They need a complete reset and replace all ammo stocks etc. I would figure the M1A3 to be a "must have" upgrade, but it will be expensive. That will now be on the line if the Dems sweep the Congress...... I guess we will be writing our Congressmen in support of the Army in a couple of years.

I do, but occasionally I dip into a post.


I have an analogy, which might not mean much to USians, but every couple of years, some time between the New Year and Easter, I eat a Cadbury's Creme Egg. I do this, essentially, to remind myself why I don't buy more of them.




They sell them here too. When I was, oh, 5-6, I really wanted one, and my mom decided to inflict one on me. I never wanted one again.

I don't recall the exact quote, but there's a story of FDR hearing about the Marines taking some island or other; a senator said something to the effect of expanding the Marine Corps by another couple of divisions, and Roosevelt replied that he doubted the country could find enough men suited to be Marines in order to effect such an expansion.


There were also stories (possibly a great many of them apocryphal), that the Marines was constantly jibe and bemoan that fact that when they were relieved by the Army, the Army would see fit to commit twice as many troops for mop up and occupation. "What do you mean, you need division?! Christ! We held on to this piece of real estate with a regiment!".


FDR was once Navy Secretary, so it's no surprise where his loyalties lie. :)


- John

Posted (edited)
Yes, but what if the trajectory used alarms, alerts and triggers the counterforce portion of the Russian [o later, Chinese?] ICBM/SLBM force? There is a

true difficulty with using these weapons, even if rearmed with conventional warheads, which has been discussed in the Wrong Washington.


An excellent point.


I have always suspected that if we had to drop a nuke on some Durka-Durkas tomorrow (say, if we were attacked by an NBC weapon in the CONUS), we would almost certainly use the Air Force to deliver it by bomber. There's just too much as stake for things to go horribly wrong by using ICBMs or SLBMs.


- John

Edited by Kensuke

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