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Found 5 results

  1. In the history section we have a topic on the Sino-Indian War Of 1962 and recently the disputes have flared up again with China moving into the territories and buildng roads: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/06/china-india-bhutan-standoff-disputed-territory India sent in soldiers in support of Bhutan and they met chinese: PRC claims the area is part of Tibet and thus since ancient times part of China: from: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/xwfw_665399/s2510_665401/2511_665403/t1473905.shtml The Kingdom of Bhutan is not amused: http://www.mfa.gov.bt/press-releases/press-release-272.html Indian press release: http://www.mea.gov.in/press-releases.htm?dtl/28572/Recent_Developments_in_Doklam_Area Island air field building now in the mountainous Spratleys...
  2. ...we'll see how 'mega' this will become But I thought that maybe a catchall thread to all Indian naval matters might work. So today, India commissioned Vikrant, its first indigenously built aircraft carrier. This also makes Indian Navy a two-carrier navy - which it has been before, but only brief periods. Now with Vikramaditya hopefully having many service years ahead, and third carrier on the drawing board, might be that the carrier arm becomes a proper, credible force, and not just a curiosity which is available if they're lucky. On that note, a satellite photo of Vikrant and Vikramaditya on same pier. Differences in configuration are obvious. Latter is around 20 metres longer, but displacement-wise, it is only slightly bigger. Not coincidentally, India also adopted a new naval ensign, to "completely dispose with the colonial past". India has been changing naval ensign like they were Pepsi, and actually "non-colonial" ensign was already adopted some 20 years ago, but it was thought a failure and they returned to the old. 2014 ensign: And the new one: Though personally, I think the new one just looks a bit weird, and graphically somewhat lazy design.
  3. .
  4. Don't know the story but came across 'em, chuckled, so postin 'em. The earlier India thread doesn't seem to have made it past the 2019 adjustment.
  5. The first thread was eating by the Oops! bug so here is a new thread. All the countries listed in the topic tag beneath the title have a common concern about China's expansion into the South China Sea and because of that have been developing defense relations with each started really taking shape in 2016 with the start of China's man-made island construction in the South China Sea in 2014 and 2015. Chinese bomber flying near Scarborough Shoal in 2016 PRC man-made island at Mischief Reef (2016) PRC man-made island at Fiery Cross Reef (2016) PRC man-made island at Subi Reef (2016) It'll be too much work to try to track down all the articles with all the pictures in general chronological order as the pictures were at least uploaded in date order. So I'll just be putting up the pictures and link some videos with brief descriptions based on what I remember. The main point is that the defense relations exist and came about to counter a growing China. Balikatan 2016 - The Philippines and USA Malabar 2016 - Japan USA and India
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