Gang: After years of pestering, my daughter has made the acquaintance of a masterless cat living in our complex--as have several other families. However, I've noticed my wife and daughter have a relative 'blind spot' RE: this creature (IE: they are both LITERALLY p-whipped) and actually allow her into our domicile to feed and water and sometimes snooze. I am fearing for my position in this household because... the cat seems to be targeting MY spaces. She sits in my computer chair and my corner of my couch; she sleeps on my pillow and my pajamas--she even sleeps on my shoes. She catterwauls at night to be let in to eat and drink then wails to be let out, and with me being an insomniac I'm the guy who gets to deal with most of this. If this cat could drive and make pancakes, I'd probably be out the door by now. However, the cat is skittish around me because, while I have a soft spot for furry creatures, I am not afraid to take a firm hand with said feline and show her the door when I see fit (or at least when the wife and daughter aren't around to defend her) --and I have various 'terror inducing devices' that send the cat running for the exits whenever I deploy them. I wish I could post pics but my tech doesn't allow me to do so... More on this ongoing struggle later.