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  1. Well, it's the FBI. So what? Any news? Why do American right wingers only feel that there's a problem when one of their own suffers? Where was the empathy when the FBI harassed black civil right activists? Where was the empathy when the FBI harassed Muslims? Where was the empathy when the FBI harassed HRC? Where was the empathy when the FBI harassed anti-surveillance activists? How about the DeLorean sting? This is just like when HIV/AIDS was nothing but an opportunity to blame the gays for the right wing - until Reagan learned that his buddy Hudson had died of it. Then, suddenly, HIV was an issue. Or Cheney and his lesbian daughter.
  2. ROFL, I'm not terrified. I have a track record of years of not being easily scared. Right wingers like Murph should not project their own susceptibility to scares so easily. That man violates hospitality in ways not experienced before, at least not among nominal allies. The Soviets' And Franco's ambassadors were polite and cooperative by comparison. Grenell is as if someone rounded up a village, asked it for its biggest asshole and then appointed that biggest asshole as ambassador. The idea that the lying moron cult believes in the rule of law is complete and utter bullshit. The entire "deep state" BS is all about disparaging those who try to uphold the rule of law against the flood of crooks. Murph's entire post was utter nonsense, for the lying moron's ambassador obviously wasn't discussing American domestic affairs in Germany. He was all busy being an arrogant, disrespectful prick and liar about matters in Germany and seeking to bolster the Neonazis here. That asshole should have been persona non grata'ed within weeks, but our conservatives-led government doesn't have balls and worships the god of inaction. It's overdue we get rid of the (true) conservatives who block everything, neglect or sabotage useful things, push for a police/surveillance state and get nothing done. They're so truly conservative that they abhor the idea of any real reform, and thus even prefer to deny the existence of problems to avoid facing pressure for not doing anything of use, ever.
  3. Let's file this under "things that never happened". I suppose there's a misunderstanding. You may have meant "coastal elites" less inflationary than has become common in the last few years. You may have read a much smaller group of people into that than I did.
  4. That's no "yes man". Grenell is a 150% true believer idiot. The difference matters - Grenell is capable of bullshitting and offending people and entire nations on his own.
  5. Calm down. It looks like an ill-timed joke of his.
  6. Everything you wrote above is factually incorrect or a non-sequitur or not relevant. Try again but with some sort of clarity. L2read
  7. Well, that's special special special stupid. The Federal Reserve Bank itself effectively told him that he's wrong about Federal Reserve Statistics and he just keeps pretending. I was referring to a proper statistics source, he uses a chart someone created based on info from some news source that in turn may or may not have used a proper statistics source. See, folks, JWB is a liar. He doesn't care about reality. He just keeps on bullshitting even after a 100% evidence that he's wrong. Besides, let's at least have a good laugh at his stupidity of not understanding that December can have negative growth while October and November and the quarter as a whole still can have positive growth. Oh, btw, he was at least right on one thing. I - as a non-native English speaker - accidentally wrote "contended" while I meant "disputed." That being said, he repeated that he disputes that Obama took over during a recession AND THEN PROCEEDED TO POST A GRAPHIC THAT SAYS THE SAME EVEN WITH HIS INCORRECT IDEA OF WHAT A QUARTER IS. Reality does not matter to him.
  8. That list of 27 points is ridiculous. Examples point 10 is a lie. Stone is not facing a possible 9 years for "a process crime", he was already found guilty on SEVEN counts of crimes point 13 is a mere assertion, and the supposed evidence wasn't even made available point 20 is another petty allegation point 21 shows the overt partisanship of the whole stupid list. The original open letter was about the AG's actions that violate the purpose of his office and existing standards. point 27 is a flat-out lie That crap list is really not worth a 1:1 dismembering. it's plain crap. To sumamrise: The 2,000 are concerned about the corruption of the office of the AG. The counter-letter is amateurish hyperpartisan hackery bullshit meant to impress no-one but the already zealous cultists. Additionally, the linked gatewaybullshit website flat-out lies in its title, claiming that the list of 27 points is about 27 crimes. It's no such thing. I still wonder why anyone would jump on such a bandwagon. What about dignity, what abotu honour? I wouldn't jump onto a wagon of stinking crap, even if it somehow accidentally supports an opinion of mine. Do right wingers enjoy to be fooled, to be conned, to be exploited, to be bullshitted at?
  9. The challenge is to do it in an economical way. Today's tractors can be de facto self-driving. Farmers can use drones or commercial imagery to detect differences within a field (the need for pesticides, fertilizer and so on is unequal and the optimum distance between individual sees is unequal as well). The planning of the input based on such imagery and subsequent accurate deployment of the inputs (the tech strives for accuracy of one sq metre) allows for a precision farming that consumes in the end less seeds, less fertilizer, less pesticides, less insecticides - for a bit more output. The challenge is to keep the costs and risks of precision farming low enough to make it profitable through the reduced material input and little increased output. I call bullshit on that assertion. That's just you hating the people from whom the prosperity of the nation really originates and who pay a lot into the social systems to prop up the mostly elderly and mostly low productivity region right wing population.
  10. That's missing the topic. JWB contended disputed that Obama was inaugurated during a recession. _________________________________________________________ About the Quarters: Final answer by the Federal Reserve Bank: https://fredhelp.stlouisfed.org/fred/data/understanding-the-data/date-format/ Now if only JWB would be capable of understanding that all the crap he threw at me for supposedly not getting the time format right actually sticks to himself.
  11. GDP stats are not government accounting. JWB should have read the rest, there was further evidence that macro statistics are not using some idiotic phase-shifted concept of quarters. "Fiscal years" are actually always mentioned as such in statistics, not just as year numbers like "2009".
  12. Sigh. Do American right wingers have ANYTHING but fear, hate and lies? ANYTHING? Like, a solution to a real world problem?
  13. LOL, IR suppressors for exhausts were mounted on bombers in WW2 already. Those German IR detectors in night fighters did actually work, initially. Modern IR missile guidance goes for the warmth of the fuselage rather than for engine heat, though. You'd need Peltier element IR camouflage for that - and even then you'd still not be able to match the background, just to rapidly change patterns..
  14. About JWD's most recent bullshitting: There got to be a bottom for stupidity. Somewhere. Macro variables do not follow whatever stupid rhythm business calendar some companies may have. Q1 in macroeconomics is January to March, period. I told you guys you cannot translate small business ideas to macroeconomics. That's what stupid does. Monthly real GDP data of 2009 if anyone wants to check that: https://www.ceicdata.com/datapage/embed/ipc_united-states_real-gdp-growth?type=area&from=2007-07-01&to=2010-06-30&lang=en&start_date_full=1948-03-01&end_date_full=2019-12-01 The idea that Q1 in macro reporting could be anything but January to March is so silly that I couldn't even find a definition to clarify. The lack of monthly GDP reporting by the Fed and government doesn't help, but I have found this for anyone who still doubts that Q 1 = January-March (and thus Q4 = Oct-Dec) in macroeconomic reporting: https://www.bea.gov/system/files/2020-01/GDPKeySource_4q19_01-31-20.xlsx Look at cells M37, O 37 and Q37. They add up perfectly to cell S37, that is October, November and December add up perfectly to the BEA's 4th Quarter figure for the item. ---------------------------------- Now I won't call that another lie of JWB because I completely trust that he's actually that ignorant and stupid AND reckless enough to make the assertion without checking it first. Particularly the latter, for anything but would be out of character to just about every right winger I've ever encountered. I actually wasted minutes on looking up evidence to counter his bullshit rather than just stating the obvious right away. Last but not least @JWB: "Wow! You are truly ignorant of economic methodology." "Get help" "The fact that you have falsely accused me of trying to redefine terminology is proof enough that you lack the intellectual capacity to absorb the proper knowledge." (Yeah, actually the latter is nonsense and just a display of his broken logic processor, but he deserves the echo.)
  15. LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. JWB IS A LIAR. First, he pretends that anyone should care if he redefines economic terminology. Yet even if he had that power, he would still lie: Quarter 1 2009 had -4.4% growth relative to preceding quarter. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A191RL1Q225SBEA and -3.3% growth relative to Q1/2008. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A191RO1Q156NBEA LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE. JWB IS A LIAR. And when he tries to claim otherwise, he just adds another lie (and talks bullshit about actual subject matter experts). ------------------ Now there are three things I don't understand: 1) Why would anyone be so inept at lying. 2) Why would anyone dare to keep the bullshit coming in front of me. 3) Why are you guys not offended by being lied at by JWB and others here? They're disrespecting you.
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