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About MiloMorai

  • Birthday June 14

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  1. The MAGA/GOP should really stop their projecting and get on with with helping the average American.
  2. If youhadn't noticed Canada is part of NATO and has an obligation to defend any other NATO country if attacked. As for the rest of your blathering, not worth the effort.
  3. More unicorn hunting. Desperation thy name is MAGA.
  4. I am pretty sure I said someplace that the war brought the world out of the depression. But you do have a habit of missing text.
  5. Glenn seems to think the military is only for show. Also our treaty obligation is just words At least Zelensky and Ukrane have the gonads to fight Russian aggresion.
  6. best economic growth: Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945, 9.3%) Roosevelt came up with the New Deal to put an end to the Depression. He came up with new agencies to provide stability to banks, raise manufacturing and boost employment. Roosevelt, however, raised taxes later to improve the budget, but this led to a recession. In percentage terms, Roosevelt also added the most debt than any other president.
  7. The surface ocean temperature around the Florida Keys soared to 101.19F (38.43C) this week, in what could be a global record as ocean heat around the state reaches unprecedented extremes. Florida ocean records ‘unprecedented’ temperatures similar to a hot tub | Florida | The Guardian
  8. But Ryan can insult. Got yah.
  9. O hg gee, Maggie, err Ryan, is babbling, again.
  10. The waters around Florida are like bath water, 100 F.
  11. Sorry, forgot the USA is the world.
  12. Poor Murph doesn't understanf 'supply and demand'. Gee Murph I got got crapped on for saying tRump. No one will come down on you for your Biden names be sure.
  13. It was ONLY a minor incursion due to the Ukraines and Russian incompetence. It doesn't since what would become the Allies let Hitler get away with what he was doing. I thought you were some sort of history buff?
  14. Resulting from Trump's abysmal covid response.
  15. WW2 pulled the world out of the depression. Why no mention of Trump getting the Obama economy? Theconomy crashed under Trump.
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