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  1. As well they should!
  2. Stuart seems to be an otherwise intelligent person who sees literally everything through the "Orange Man Bad" lens and who is therefore going to be wrong about virtually everything that touches (or can be twisted to touch) upon the man. There are many such cases.
  3. I wouldn't take Trump too literally on this one. He's a born carnival barker, and talking a whole lot of shit is a big part of his schtick. It's a misdirection by sheer volume of bullshit but there's also an element of why not give the tree a shake and see what falls out. While hardly infallible, it's proven surprisingly effective overall.
  4. I'm sorry what does the 5" gun have to do with the 105-armed M4?
  5. Looks like I touched a nerve in our little Terror Supporter. The guy who supports mass rape and cooking Jewish babies in ovens. You know what is really "vile" Glenn? Accessories to mass murder after the fact.
  6. These morons who feel sorry for Muslims remind me of the idiots who get caught on video trying to pet Bison at Yellowstone or jump into the tiger enclosure at the zoo expecting some kind of My Little Pony outcome. Violent animal scum can be successfully dealt with ONLY via overwhelming violence. You cannot reason with a hungry tiger, or a cancer cell for that matter. Kill or be killed. Thus it has been for well nigh 1,200 years now.
  7. Gentlemen apologies for the delay -- I have wanted to respond to this since I first saw it but I have been working working working (at work). YES! STARVE THEM ALL -- EVERY LAST GODDAMN TERRORIST PIECE OF SHIT LAST ONE OF THEM - TO DEATH AND BEYOND!!! The only good 60 IQ terrorist is a DEAD 60 IQ terrorist. Therefore, yes -- STARVE EVERY. SINGLE. LAST. GOD. DAMNED. ONE. TO. DEATH. What part of your sub three digit IQ CANNOT UNDERSTAND THIS SIMPLE CONCEPT???
  8. And? Why did you post this? What response do you want? What is this supposed to mean? Or is this like a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years -- just a totally random production someone thinks is a masterpiece??
  9. It is mind-bogging that there are adults out there, presumably some even possessing three-digit IQs, who still do not understand that the entire Reichstag Fire was a setup and entirely the brainchild and product of one Nancy Pelosi. It really is true: there as none so blind as those who will not see.
  10. Sadly, cops in the U.S. are just the other side of the same low-IQ thug coin as BLM/Antifa. Many jurisdictions actually require police to fail an intelligence test as a precondition of employment because "smart people don't make good cops." Yes, this is actually true! Nasty, brutish thugs with no respect for law and a gangster attitude -- they think habitually perjuring themselves is funny ("testilying," they call it). Just the lowest form of human garbage right up there with your average Oakland resident.
  11. J6 was planned and executed by Nancy Pelosi, who patterned the plot on the Reichstag fire. She pissed Jill off and so has not been pardoned. Anyone talking about "j6" as an "insurrection" is precisely correct -- it was a coup orchestrated by Mafialosi to cover the fact that the election had just been blatantly rigged and stolen. But justice is coming. For those of you who have not figured it out yet, Trump's not playing this time. Mafialosi will end her days in a federal prison.
  12. If you can't properly defend your borders without calling up the reserves perhaps they should not be "reserves".
  13. That makes two of us (sigh).
  14. I did not think I would live to see this. I had actually written the U.S. (my own country) off. I would have bet every last penny that this would not be allowed to happen. Now, I just hope that Trump is absolutely relentless not just in ridding the nation of this criminal alien scum, but more fundamentally in rooting out and destroying Pelosi, Garland, Brennan, Wray, et al. and ALL of their minions. The Deep State must die in prison or on the scaffold. Then, we will actually be the U.S.A. of my youth once again.
  15. I have said it before but it bears repeating: "preemptive pardons" are almost certainly unconstitutional. The issue has not been litigated before the Supreme Court - but it will be. The textual and policy case for denying a "preemptive pardon" power are extremely compelling. Ultimately, I don't think Joe did his friends any favors. In any case, it will be good to have the issue resolved once and for all. "Preemptive pardons," if fully recognized, would be very pernicious indeed.
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