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  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67655940
  2. In the case of Russia, why restart the T-80 line when you can focus on building more T-90s which are still in production? personally, I think the T-80 is the better looking tank, but the T-90 is already in production, as well as related parts. there are also upgrades for the T-90. why not focus on that.
  3. what is the rationale for restarting the T-80? and isn't Ukraine still producing T-80 variants? at least before the war.
  4. I suspect one reason is because many are probably a bit tired of talking about the M1 and Leopard 2 variants for the last 3-4 decades. the K2 is something new/different to talk about. The hope is that the Polish version of the K2, whenever that comes out, will strengthen the side armor. Supposedly more of the ammo will be moved to the bustle as well.
  5. to confirm I went to the Israeli MOD page, and indeed its MK IV Barak. Some of those news media made a mistake calling it MK V.
  6. has the PL variant been fixed yet? because it seems like every half year, Hyundai shows off a new model or mock up that looks totally different
  7. so what do you call it then? the media is referring it to as the Merkava Mark 5 Barak. In any case whatever you call it, what I want to know is if they are new builds or upgrades to the 4.
  8. no, I am referring to the 5 that was recently unveiled. again, not sure if they are modified from existing Merkavas, or are new builds. Similar to how the Challenger 3 uses the Challenger 2 chassis and only the turret is new.
  9. ok that makes sense but im not sure if Japan wants to get rid of its type 90s for type 10s. There is a huge size and weight difference between them, with the Type 10 being closer towards a lighter tank like some of the Soviet T series. My understanding is that the Type 10 is supposed to supplement the Type 90s, not replace them. The type 90s are intended for use in Hokkaido which has more flat space. But realistically, either way, I can't see Japan exporting its tanks anytime soon, even with recent export policy changes. Current tank producers seem to be limited to Japan, South Korea, China, Germany, India, Turkey, and the US as far as new builds go. the UK is basically upgrading their Challenger 2s into 3s. Not sure if the Merkava Mk5 are new builds or upgrades.
  10. Japan no longer produces the Type 95. that was more than half a century ago.
  11. wow I'm a bit surprised by the size differences. the K2 is a bit smaller than I thought it would be, specially in width.
  12. F110, the same as in the F15 and F16
  13. The problem with Japan's case is that they are unable to export "lethal weapons", which drives up the costs of their AFVs and other weapon systems. This in turn makes manufacturers reluctant to take on defense contracts. Already this is an ongoing problem in Japan as several major defense companies are trying to withdraw/avoid building military systems, so they can focus on the more profitable civilian sector. Even those that stay in the game, face problem with smaller part suppliers who feel the same way about focusing on civilian products. South Korea seems to not have such an issue, and will probably end up making products that are much more in demand.
  14. is the Leopard 2 series the only European tank with an active production line or are these upgrades/re-models? IRC, the LeClerc ended production some years ago, as did the Challenger 2. Challenger 3 seems to be new build turrets but not chassis? Not sure on the T series in Ukraine and Russia.
  15. i dont mind its visual look. that seems to be the trend now.. bulky and boxy and less slopes
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