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About Dark_Falcon

  • Birthday 11/10/1977

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  1. Polish-built BWP-1s sporting extensive grill armor on the sides and on top:
  2. I don't think even that would be decisive now.
  3. Some FSB torture seems to be simply about sadism. Their 'interrogators' are sick puppies. If federal agents in the US cut off someone's ear, they would themselves be imprisoned.
  4. Their terrorist seldom think strategically. They just try to kill and destabilize.
  5. Those rotters claim lists of "grievances" against Russia going back to the 19th Century. For them, any attack on Russia is "revenge".
  6. ISIS/Daesh is now claiming responsibility for the terror attack in Moscow:
  7. It depends on access to a machine shop and one's technical training. But the use of a flamethrower here is a pure terror weapon.
  8. It turns out that photo is an old one from last year, Roman. Not blaming you, it happens to all of us.
  9. It's still very fast, making reacting in time rather difficult.
  10. Not the first instance of tyrants hammered by quiet, dutiful Englishmen.
  11. Well, now its official: In the event of hostilities with NATO the Russian Baltic Fleet will swiftly join its Black Sea brethren in Davy Jones' Locker.
  12. Loves it.
  13. The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin Archived copy is here.
  14. Ukraine's constitution doesn't allow for elections while martial law is in effect. Which, IMO, was a mistake, but one they are stuck with.
  15. If he'd asked it in other contexts, I wouldn't have objected. But we were discussing the C3 upgrade and he interjected a non-sequitur about the C2 in Ukraine. His intention wasn't to ask a question; It was meant to demean and diminish the Challenger 2 and Western aid to Ukraine more generally.
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