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    Bundang, Republic of Korea

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  1. There's a rumour that Australian DoD and Hanwha defense negotiated the purchase of K21 in june this year. Also yesterday someone saw a banner with K21 and aussie flag drawn on it, at Hanwha derense booth in Daejeon Convention Centre.
  2. Received 18 of 36 AH-64E so far, and our MOD is planning to activate a battalion consist of 18 apaches next month. One in the photo is actually from USFK.
  3. Rheinmetall
  4. Crewable Marder with fully modeled interior! Now that's what I wanted
  5. AT LAST, the Mighty playable PAT( I 'o' I )TON is here! Anyway how much is an upgrade for 3.XX versions to 4.0? IIRC it was $40 for the 3.0 update.
  6. http://www.stripes.com/news/germany-wins-big-at-2016-strong-europe-tank-challenge-1.409391 Germans won the first place, followed by Danish and Poles.
  7. US : M1A2SEP Germany : Leopard 2A6 Denmark & Poland : Leopard 2A5 Slovenia : M-84 Italy : Ariete
  8. Gunner's station on K1 with Hughes Gyrostabilised Gunner's Primary Sight Gunner's station on K1 with Texas Instruments Gunner's Primary Tank Thermal Sight p.s. Anyone have idea on what this is called?
  9. OPERATORchan...
  10. It is said that SAM battery will be stationed on top of the Hyundai GBC when it's completed. Possibly KPSAM Shin-Gung.
  11. K2 fording river Apr 19 2016 Yes, AKAIK.
  12. http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/04/116_202622.html Almost nobody here expected this could actually happen. Just amazing.
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