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About Walter_Sobchak

  • Birthday 10/18/1972

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    Grand Rapids MI
  • Interests
    Civilian tank and afv enthusiast. Collects 1/72 scale replicas although terrible at building them. Particular interest in post war US tank engines.

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  1. As a resident of the Great State of Michigan, I just want to apologize to any Canadians here for the insane actions and words of our current POTUS. That so many of my countrymen have bought into the absurdity of all this is a source of shame and confusion to me. Things are going to get worse before they get better I am afraid. That is all.
  2. McNair's responsibilities extended far beyond issues pertaining to tanks.
  3. Some short B&W newsreel footage of IDF armor circa 1950s https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/66054-2/111575-2/ https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/27695-2/94193-2/ https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/27141-2/93366-2/ https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/27620-2/92331-2/ https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/61132-2/105915-2/ https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/61180-2/96917-2/ https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/27700-2/105979-2/ https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/61639-2/101997-2/ This last one I clicked on expecting some sort of motorized or mechanized cavalry, instead I got horses. I had no idea Israel had a horse cavalry unit. https://jfc.org.il/en/news_journal/27555-2/96621-2/
  4. Gotta love the swinging music that starts at the 3:10 mark.
  5. "Libtards"? What are you, twelve? Grow up.
  6. The National Interest has been posting poorly written articles about tanks for years now, but this particular piece really takes the cake. My brain almost melted reading this. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/russias-old-t-72-best-tank-earth-and-ukraine-knows-it-213349
  7. Not exactly a tank, but an example of creative recycling of AFV components.
  8. How the US Army botched a $1 billion upgrade of the Stryker armored vehicle's gun https://www.businessinsider.com/us-army-botched-1-billion-upgrade-of-stryker-armored-gun-2024-4
  9. Or perhaps the lack of "proper formations" has been determined by both sides to be the most appropriate doctrine for the conditions of the battlefield in Ukraine?
  10. Another very accurate documentary film featuring the King Tiger/M47 called "Battle of the Last Panzer." Produced by Italians and filmed in Spain, the quality is obvious. Enjoy.
  11. A careful examination of documentary films such as "Battle of the Bulge" (1965) clearly shows that the King Tiger tank was in fact an improved version of the US M26. Known in US service as the M47, this vehicle was known as the King tiger in German service.
  12. I believe this is the 105mm armed AMX-13 Mle 58. I base this on the information provided by the book "Images of War: AMX-13 Light Tank - The Complete History" by Robinson, Lau, and Gibeau. As far as I know, it is the most comprehensive volume on the AMX-13 available in English.
  13. The concept art in that article looks like it was generated by AI.
  14. That seems right to me. I would think mine clearing vehicles would be a high priority item for Ukraine right now.
  15. I saw this picture in a news story online, and I have to admit I have no idea what this vehicle is.
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