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  1. right, cause this wasn't freeze framed or anything.... https://x.com/Lyderhorn73/status/1881474007494697002
  2. color me not at all shocked that they'd like to think that and peddle that 'opinion' think i may wait for more actual info to come to light.
  3. probably, could also be the manned 'regional' bomber that has been talked about for some time. give it an air to ground/anti shipping and air to air ability. another platform to go after tankers/transports/awacs etc. potentially a link in the kill chain for targeting data for hypersonic and the df-21's? China doesn't have to worry about global power projection.
  4. Could be. Could be 'optionally' manned. Anything is possible.
  5. i'm not questioning the three engines or why, i'm questioning the comment about this being a drone. three engines and dual main gear. Large side apparatuses on each side of the nose. seems inline with a long range strike platform, i'd be surprised if it turned out to be unmanned.
  6. remains to be seen so far. three engines for a drone....
  7. busy day in china... https://www.twz.com/air/yes-china-just-flew-another-tailless-next-generation-stealth-combat-aircraft
  8. who said fighter in the traditional sense? Range, payload, stealthy and fast. Speculation being the the upper intake is for a third engine. doubt it s a drone.
  9. this thing is kinda interesting..... https://www.twz.com/air/china-stuns-with-heavy-stealth-tactical-jets-sudden-appearance
  10. Quoted by who? it doesn't matter who or why or how it happened, the main (left) stream media will always portray it the repub's fault.
  11. is it really that far fetched though..... https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/cowboys-jerry-jones-admits-to-eating-raccoon-and-squirrels-its-not-uncommon-at-all/
  12. and another.... https://www.twz.com/news-features/multiple-drone-incursions-reported-over-marine-corps-base-camp-pendleton
  13. funny how all the recent drones in jersey that are flying around like x-mass trees are getting all this attention, yet main stream media still seems to not care about this stuff.. https://www.twz.com/air/drone-incursions-closed-wright-patterson-air-force-bases-airspace-friday-night
  14. modern day crop circles......
  15. all the more reason to be energy independent and not rely on anyone, including allies
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