Documentary film T-80U with 6TD engine. Testing running qualities of the machine, the use of weapons, examination of new features in the form of built-in ERA.
By Resolution No. 837-249 of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers dated 02.09.85. the 478B tank was accepted for serial production under the name “T-80U with 6TD engine” and in accordance with Order No. 510 of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR of 19.09.85. In parallel with the T-64B, it was mass-produced by the Malyshev plant. Malyshev plant. In total, 715 T-80U 715 T-80UDs were produced under the USSR, most of them ended up in the Russian Federation.
The T-80UD partially corrected the failure of the development of the T-80U with VTDT-1000 gas turbine. and became the last Soviet tank. Despite adoption of the T-80U with gas turbine in '85, it went into production only in 1991.