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Darth Stalin

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  1. Is there any link to that report, especially in English?
  2. Already ordered, expect shipment soon... and looking forward to UK Berlin Bde volume
  3. Louie, any link for that website please? EDIT: I've found something: https://www.militaryhistories.co.uk/locations/view/83
  4. What's the cource of this map? Anyway, the directions of WarPact assaults are rather, well, estimates, based on what we know today, especially about Polish, East German and Czechoslovak plans. BTW: it's interestng, that the Polish-German border is marked as "line of Polish administration", as if the West Germany had not recognised it as n official border in 1970 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Warsaw_(1970)), as well as the East Germany in 1950 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Zgorzelec)
  5. Any source of this? And maybe explanation of the colours? (purple seems to be S-200 Vega/SA-5 Gammon, the rest, well, should be compared with other data)
  6. "dragoare" = mine clearing vessels, as I understand "Vedete Purtătoare de Rachete" - hydrofoil (?) missile boats - possibly Osa-class There were also Type 025 torpedo boats (license-built Chinese project), some of them also as hydrofoils https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_025_torpedo_boat Some interesting info: https://warsearcher.com/shipsearcher/romanian-navy-current-and-retired/romanian-navy-corvettes-and-patrol-vessels/ https://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/ships/ships-other/61655/view/nms_smeul_f-202_epitrop_class_torpedo_boat/ Here's a Wiki article in Polish: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forțele_Navale_Române And some other info abiut Romanian Navy and her ships: https://www.hazegray.org/worldnav/europe/romania.htm River Flotilla: https://www.worldnavalships.com/forums/thread.php?threadid=14909 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smârdan-class_river_monitor Official homepage in Romanian and English: https://www.navy.ro/despre/organizare/divizion_150/istoric_en.php https://www.navy.ro/despre/organizare/organizare_en.php https://www.navy.ro/despre/organizare/organizare.php
  7. BTW: if someone is looking for the Polish book Perun has mentioned above, it can be purchased by Polish portal Allegr here: https://allegro.pl/listing?string=Sztuka operacyjna marynarki wojennej There's also a preceding book of the same author, larger and more descriptive I suppose (ordered today): https://wydawnictwo.umk.pl/produkt/sztuka-operacyjna-marynarki-wojennej-analiza-wybranych-aspektow-szkolenia-operacyjnego-w-latach-1955-1990-w-swietle-dokumentow I believe You can puchase these books without any problems, and - at least in Europe - they can be delivered.
  8. Yes, I do have it. Seems interesting, but the maps are very small and hard to read, unfortunately.
  9. Why these airborne battalions were named as "výsadkový průzkumný prapor"? (i.e. "airborne recon battalion"? Were they supposed to be used as Polish 1st Assault Battalion (i.e. "spetsnaz"-like) or rather as 6th Airborne Bde? EDIT: 1) Do you know the number of that company? And why is it "counterintelligence"? Was it supposed to be deployed into battalion in wartime? 2) Were those army recon companies intended for deployment into battalions in wartime? (like similar Polish and East German units)?
  10. One technical question - what 130m guns were used by the Bulgarian coastal defense regiments? M-46 towed cannonos or maybe B-13 naval guns in fortified positions like Polish Hel Fortified Area?
  11. Pavel, I still have some questions about those units. 1) 71st Battalion seems to be an analogue to the Soviet Army-level Air Assault Independent Battalions, at the time being formed in Soviet armies both in Groups of Forces (like 901st bn in Czechoslovakia) and in most of "border" Military Districts - however being capable of both heliborne and parachute operations for Army it is attached to. (and more as an analogue for the Hungarian 5st Bn, formed in 1987 within RUBIN-reorganisation, or the GDR 40th and 4st bns, formed in wartime from peacetime 40th regiment). 2) 22nd Bde is a mystery for me, as until 1968 it was a "regular" parachute brigade, similar to Polish 6th Pomeranian Div/Bde. However, as in the 80s it had 3 x "special purpose" abn bns and only 1 x "support weapons company", and confronted with what I had read on valka.cz and other Czech forums, this unit would serve in a similar way to Polish 1st Independent Assault Battalion (from Dziwnów, later Lubliniec), i.e. "ranger"/LRRP-operations on behalf of the Front. I also read somewhere that in wartime the 3rd bn of the 22nd Bde would split in two to mobilise 1st and 4th special recon bns ("Spetsnaz"-like units), similar to GDR 3rd and 5th Spezialaufklarungs Bataillons (deployed from peacetime companies) and Polish 2nd and 3rd Bns (deployed from peacetime 56th and 62nd special companies, while 48th would remain at company level). Am I right about that?
  12. Yes, according to the unit's history website, they had plans to buy 2 more launchers in 1990 and form 3rd battallion, so in wartime there could be set 3 x firing positions, networking with Osa, Shershen and Tarantul attack boats, as well as Su-22M4 planes. I'm not sure, how the cooperation with planes worked, but IMHO that ASM-warship cooperation could work pretty well. https://www.kuestenraketen.de/ https://www.kuestenraketen.de/krr-18-2/der-3-kmdr-des-krr-18/inhalt/das-kuestenraketenregiment/ https://www.kuestenraketen.de/krr-18-2/gefechtseinsatz/ https://www.kuestenraketen.de/krr-18-2/einsatz-der-krt-im-zusammenwirken/ https://www.kuestenraketen.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Einsatzes-der-Küstenraketentruppen-bei-Kampfhandlungen.png
  13. Maybe that's because the Swedish fighters were based too far south to intercept the Soviet ai attack: https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Structure_of_the_Swedish_Armed_Forces_in_1989 There was only one air wing in the Northern area: There were other air bases, and possibly the Viggens from F21 could be also based in Kiruna or dispersed to Kalixfors, yet there were plenty of targets to defend in Sweden so as not to risk losing fighters during intercept of massive Soviet air strike package. https://www.mil-airfields.de/se/list.htm
  14. I have something like this, but need to verify some. Yet it seems to be much more attainable than Turkish OoBs... GREEK AIR FORCE (Polemiki Aeroporia) 1. 110 Pterix (Wing) [PM - Pteriga Mahis] - Lárissa, Greece: a. 337 “Fantasma” (Ghost) Fighter/Bomber Mira (Squadron): 18 (16?) F-4E b. 347 “Perseus” Attack Mira: 18 A-7H 2. 111 Pterix - Néa Anghialos, Greece: a. 341 “Velos” (Arrow) Fighter/Bomber Mira: (18?) F-5A Freedom Fighter b. 349 “Kronos” Fighter/Bomber Mira: (18?) F-5A Freedom Fighter c. 346 “Iason” (Jason) Fighter Mira: (18) F-16C/D (activated in 1990) d. 330 “Keravnos” (Thunderbolt) Fighter Mira: (18) F-16C/D (activated in 1989, operational 04.1990) 3. 113 Pterix - Thessaloniki-Mikra, Greece: a. 343 “Asteri” (Star) Fighter Mira: 23(?) F-5A Freedom Fighter 4. 114 Pterix - Tanagra, Greece: a. 342 “Sparta” All Weather Fighter Mira: 16 (14?) Mirage F-1CG b. 331 “Thisseas” (Theseus) All Weather Fighter Mira: 18 (14?) Mirage 2000EG c. 332 “Geraki” (Hawk) All Weather Fighter Mira: 18 (14?) Mirage 2000EG 5. 115 Pterix - Soúda Bay, Crete Island: a. 340 “Aleppou” (Fox) Attack Mira: 18 A-7H b. 345 “Lailaps” (Hurricane - mythic dog) Attack Mira: 18 A-7H, 5 TA-7H c. 334 “Tálōs” (Thalos, mythic giant) All Weather Fighter Fighter Mira – Heraclion, Greece (Crete): 16 (14?) Mirage F-1CG 6. 116 Pterix - Araxos, Greece: b. 335 “Tigris” (Tiger) Fighter Mira: 18 F-104G -> 1993 to 18 ex-US A-7E c. 336 “Olympos” (Olympus) Fighter Mira: 18 F-104G -> 1993 to 18 ex-US A-7E 7. 117 Pterix - Andravida, Greece: a. 338 “Aris” (Ares) Fighter/Bomber Mira: 18 (16?) F-4E b. 339 “Aias” (Ajax) Fighter/Bomber Mira: 18 (16?) F-4E 8. 350th “NIKE” Group (SAM): 4 x SAM Squadrons, with 9 x Nike-Hercules each HQ: Sedes Air Base, near Thessaloniki (short-runway airfield) - since 2005, after rename as “Guided Missile Wing” locations: (note: The March 1989 Soviet Review of Foreign Military Press says there is one battalion (350th SAM battalion) with 4 batteries of 9 launchers each) Note 1: There were also 3 x “Combat Groups”, operating Forward Air Bases on Aegean islands, ready for relocation of any units from the mainland: · 130th Combat Group, Limnos island · 133th Combat Group, Kasteli Air Base, Crete · 135th Combat Group, Skyros Air Base/Airport, Skyros Island (opened in 1984)
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