They don't have French borders, though I'm sure Belgium will happily close the Highways for normal traffic while the Panzers are "passing through" once again.
IIRC the RN doesn't* put women on it's subs for health reasons, presumably pregnancy risks. Is the RN overly cautious then? * The paragraph on it does seem to have vanished from the RN website.
I've been wondering for a while how capable (and useful) a up-scaled version of Oto Melara's DART ammunition in 127mm or 155mm would be. It should be able to outperform MANPADS missiles. Not sure if it would be any cheaper though.
*grammar check on* It's quelle surprise, i.e. what (a) surprise, what you typed would be translated as "that she surprise", making no sense at all. *grammar check off*
What is the recoil of an EM-2 like compared to 5.56 & 7.62? Also, wouldn't the original 7x43mm have had a rather curvy trajectory with it's low-ish speed?
Or, the subs on deployment swap their torpedoes with the subs at the pier leaving the latter with an empty torpedo room... Means less torpedoes "needed" and it's cheaper, always a good selling point to you Dutchies