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About Sikkiyn

  • Birthday 06/11/1966

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  1. Is a tool that is inferior on paper superior when it succeeds? Like saying ECM denies x,y,z. Understanding how it works, not what some paper says, renders that moot. It holds the same weight as the latest bloviated: game changer, war winner, insert nauseating overused troupe here. Skill, chance, and luck are the galactic force multiplier, and Murphy is in charge.
  2. Truth is oft. stranger than fiction and money is money, whether the commodity is arms, liquor, people, parts, wood, chocolate and candles... yes, chocolate and candles loaded on the back of donkeys.
  3. Now that we have the role of Davey Jones cast, who will play the part of Capt. Jack Sparrow?
  4. Look at the bright side --- see what happened there --- the butter will be melted.
  5. Got Popcorn?
  6. Curious if the IDF is going to keep what they gain, north of the wadi?
  7. The near future systems that are in a race to reduce the drone fad, is interesting.
  8. The real chance that a sustained US military response in support of Israel might also occur, due to the nature of what happened in the south?
  9. A few questions. Have you ever had to confront militant extremist, or be inserted into the larger cultural ecosystem? What is your guess as to the number of their ranks, who hold higher degrees, where money, or the process to gather whatever sums are required, isn't really an issue. Do you believe what the media tells you, or what you see on the ground, in their midst? In addition to. While thinking of the above, consider the etymology of my moniker.
  10. Curious what the future population ramifications will be due to this conflict?
  11. Curious if ERA is effective against suicide drones and their ilk? As for this war, it is useless and should have never happened. Seriously, with the Rus record of taking people out, or teaching people how to fly without a parachute, they couldn't have sneaked in a krasotka or two, (they have a population of beautiful hotties,) and given zelensky the night of his life before turning off the lights?
  12. Zeroing a radio from a vehicle you just ate a mine/ied/rocket/etc in, that may or may not turn into a crematorium, tends to focus vision on survival. Would be surprised if this is a thought—on any side—before bailing. //edited part Considering the use of dugouts and trenches, rather surprised no one is using flame weapons to clear them ... unless I have missed something?
  13. Wait, it gets worse.
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