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Allan W

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About Allan W

  • Birthday June 21

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    Military History and Wargaming

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  1. What was HMS Venturer famous for?
  2. Alleged account of the shoot down from the pilot of the aircraft https://x.com/TopGunOptionsHQ/status/1871930461095616691
  3. Someone messed up, big time. The Hornet crew were very lucky to get out with only minor injuries to one. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj30zk1jnmno
  4. Just another armchair admiral with a chip on his shoulder the size of Ben Nevis hiding behind a pseudonym to push his own agenda. He comes across as a whiny little man who doesn't seem to like women much and can't stand to see them in any kind of leadership role. If you're going to post videos, please post better quality ones. The video you posted from What's Going On With Shipping was excellent for example.
  5. Suggests, without providing a shred of evidence that she wasn't qualified to command and that she was appointed as the CO in the name of diversity.
  6. Suggesting that being a woman and a lesbian made her unfit for command is most certainly character assassination.
  7. Character assassination from some anonymous internet poster hardly constitute "data" Sunday. Maybe she was at fault, but how about we wait for the facts before assigning blame.
  8. Even that article refers to a male officer ignoring calls from the tanker. Gender has nothing to do with competence, so why don't we leave that out of the conversation.
  9. Sunday, none of the reports I've found allege conflicts between female bridge officers as a contributing factor in the loss of HNoMS Helge. Rather, it was inexperience and negligence on the part of the OOW (a male BTW) that caused the incident. He was subsequently charged and convicted of negligence. https://www.defensenews.com/naval/2019/11/12/safety-report-slams-the-norwegian-navy-for-training-safety-shortfalls-in-the-runup-to-frigate-sinking/ https://www.navylookout.com/learning-the-lessons-the-loss-the-norwegian-frigate-helge-ingstad/ https://apnews.com/article/norway-frigate-collision-sinking-tanker-58e263a759e25593693736adb8d51704 Not sure what relevance the unauthorized Starlink installation has to the sinking of the Manawanui.
  10. What's that got to do with anything Ken? We have no idea what happened and you are blaming the captain's gender. Grow up FFS!
  11. The RNZN survey ship HMNZS Manawanui sank off of Samoa after striking a reef. Ironically, she was engaged in surveying the reef. No fatalities, but the ship caught fire and sank. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/hmnzs-manawanui-on-fire-and-tilting-badly-after-it-ran-aground-off-the-coast-of-samoa-last-night/44PLWNBV6RBVJHLVHARNGMOUKU/
  12. Will it be Slitherfront or Battlerine? https://www.slitherine.com/news/slitherine-acquires-battlefront-elevating-the-combat-mission-series-to-new-heights
  13. What required flight gear weren't they wearing? Did they trade their helmets for cowboy hats a la Major Kong?
  14. In return for receiving federal funds, the insured would assign their right to collect on their insurance and to pursue claims against any 3rd party to the federal government. Subrogation agreements like this are quite common.
  15. We did Fort Gaines in the morning of October 14, took the ferry to Fort Morgan and did that in the afternoon. USS Alabama was a full day on October 15.
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