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  1. No I am not aware of it, most defensive positions seem to be placed on built-up environment. Also I don't see what it matters whether there are trees or buildings around you, if a guy is front of you hands up. I suppose one reason/excuse for Russians to shoot POWs is how dangerous it must be to transport them through the 'drone zone'. Gaza of course has little if any of that.
  2. They were shot while trying to surrender, it's obvious the case was notable only because the victims happened to be Israeli. And it's not the only case of its kind.
  3. If the deaths of three Israeli hostages in Dec 15 2023 is any indication, seems IDF relies on "not viable" line quite often...
  4. He also commissioned contract killings, but I'm sure that's no big deal. Really, Trump exceeded my expectations with his first day of office. 'Freedom Gulf', pardoning ALL the crazies who stormed Capitol, pardoning Ulbricht, leaving WHO, challenging Constitution... Trump 2016 just occasionally said silly stuff, now he is really going full batshit crazy with no stops.
  5. It's called 'evacuation' in most countries...
  6. Well, I'll take comfort in knowing that regardless of how much money Elon has, he will never achieve divine adaptation in Kharim Legions' situational warfare-ability
  7. Pretty common for celebrities to pretend they're expert players in some popular video game, which, in reality, they probably played only a bit. We have seen this before. When Musk can show us his Dwarf Fortress, I'll be impressed
  8. Asmongold is much more powerful on Twitch, Elon is a fool to challenge him there Any way, it is obvious that someone with businesses, responsibilities and passions of Musk, has no time to make himself a skilled player of complicated computer games.
  9. So, will there be a Federal bailout for the movie stars who were affected?
  10. Yama

    NASA G2

    Starship flight 7, seemed a very good catch of the booster: however Starship itself dramatically lost towards the end of burn.
  11. Plenty of evidence of Russians attacking civilian cars with drones, particularly in Kherson direction. Russians are also using civilian vehicles (many crowdfund campaigns for SUVs), and I doubt they're all properly marked as military vehicles. That Ukrainians are using unmarked civilian cars cannot be a great revelation, they have done it, especially in International Legion, almost since Day 1.
  12. Not by Europeans, though. Colonization period was also relatively short compared to most others. Japan was already very advanced country by the time of US occupation. Thailand was never colonized either. Of course, it's possible that already well developed countries were able to resist colonization better. But India was exporter of goods even before British takeover, and actually British period made it relatively much poorer (although that might have happened anyway, who knows). Congo, by contrast, was quite undeveloped. And it'll forever stay a powerful argument against colonization.
  13. It is possible they kept creating new formations as they were optimistic about the number of new recruits they would get.
  14. There might be some individual night vision equipments which are superior to what Russia has access to. For example few months back, there was linked an interview of a British volunteer, who said that new thermal equipped attack drones Ukrainians had appeared to have no counterparts on Russian side. -But of course, that might have changed since. Any way, the notion that "Russians have no thermals" is dead & buried deep in Ukrainian dirt.
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